


  • Why are you guys saying that he has gone crazy? The man has been crazy. The man is a scourge upon Africa. Regarding the origins of his mercenaries I would put my money on some Chadians being in the mix. I'm sure he still has plenty of connections in Chad.

  • dude is a monster who should be tried and convicted for crimes on humanity.......

    but he DOES know how to roll..........

    [from wiki]

    "The Amazonian Guard is an elite group of 30-40 (reports differ) virginal women who are tasked with protecting the leader of Libya, Muammar al-Gaddafi.[1]
    Candidates for the Amazonian Guard undergo extensive firearms and martial arts training at a special academy and must be hand picked by Gaddafi himself. Members of this elite group are allowed privileges not deemed acceptable in the Muslim world, such as dressing in Western-style fatigues and wearing makeup, or displaying Western hair styles and high heels.
    The existence of this elite group has created controversy as it challenges the role of women in the Muslim world.[2][3]"

  • p_gunnp_gunn 2,284 Posts

    he also looks pretty cinematic w/ this umbrella and hat...

    like a:

    james bond villian
    jacques tati character
    wes anderson bit player

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    Frank said:

    On the other hand it'd be interesting to see where they'd go to.

    Maybe Saudi Arabia. I could see the Saudi govt. giving Ghadaffi amnesty in Saudi to keep peace and stability in the region. Sounds crazy, but remember that this is what the Saudi govt. did for Idi Amin.

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    dude is a monster who should be tried and convicted for crimes on humanity.......

    but he DOES know how to roll..........

    [from wiki]

    "The Amazonian Guard is an elite group of 30-40 (reports differ) virginal women who are tasked with protecting the leader of Libya, Muammar al-Gaddafi.[1]
    Candidates for the Amazonian Guard undergo extensive firearms and martial arts training at a special academy and must be hand picked by Gaddafi himself. Members of this elite group are allowed privileges not deemed acceptable in the Muslim world, such as dressing in Western-style fatigues and wearing makeup, or displaying Western hair styles and high heels.
    The existence of this elite group has created controversy as it challenges the role of women in the Muslim world.[2][3]"

    Ghadaffi and some of his female guards wearing all sorts of random uniforms...........

  • You know the minute anyone gets close to kicking his ass, he's going to run and hide in a wheelie bin somewhere.

    They always do.

  • On a semi-related note (using live ammo on protesters related), a Wisconsin AG tweeted that they should use live ammo on the protestors in Madison. Send him to Libya to be with the colonel.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    pcmr said:
    His live speech is insane

    ''I am not the president if I was i would resign but it have no official position, all i have is my rifle''

    I haven't watched the full footage of the garbled speech yet but think the above is both a chilling warning and a statement of fact. Gaddafi is not an elected politician or figure head, he's a military leader and will therefore respond to this situation in a military fashion by killing people and declaring war - something that seems to have been lost in the "Ho ho he's got stupid facial hair and has a harem of virgins to protect him" western media coverage over the past ten years or so.

  • Taxis of Al Jadeeda


    I'm looking forward to seeing Gaddafi's head on a pike.

  • on the run son

  • Options
    And yet in the US the day's big story is about that shithead Charlie Sheen.

  • FrankFrank 2,370 Posts
    BobDesperado said:
    And yet in the US the day's big story is about that shithead Charlie Sheen.

    There are still a lot of US citizens in Lybia and there has been speculation that this was reason for Obama treading more carefully than expected and the media holding back a bit... there also have been threats by the regime to treat journalists as enemy terrorists.

    There are reports of the Italian army about to go in to rescue some of their ex-pats.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    Frank said:

    There are reports of the Italian army about to go in to rescue some of their ex-pats.

    berlusconi v gaddaffi

    he would make gaddafi's prediction come true, while getting brownie points
    they should be uprising against berlusconi back home

  • edulus said:

    Only a country starved of real news for 40 years would chant CNN.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    pcmr said:
    Frank said:

    There are reports of the Italian army about to go in to rescue some of their ex-pats.

    berlusconi v gaddaffi

    he would make gaddafi's prediction come true, while getting brownie points
    they should be uprising against berlusconi back home
    The dream scenario. If any place in Europe is prime for major unrest, I'd say Italy.

  • p_gunnp_gunn 2,284 Posts
    pcmr said:
    Frank said:

    There are reports of the Italian army about to go in to rescue some of their ex-pats.

    berlusconi v gaddaffi

    he would make gaddafi's prediction come true, while getting brownie points
    they should be uprising against berlusconi back home

    burlusconi and gaddafi are boys.... Which sorta makes sense...

  • Apparently the reports were wrong, it's just a small group of terrorists which the Gaddafi family are currently negotiating with. Apparently it will all be cool tomorrow and they are, at this moment, laughing.

    Storm in a teacup, thread closed.

  • FrankFrank 2,370 Posts
    One of the more disturbing aspects of what's going on are reports about security forces and mercenaries going into hospitals, executing the wounded and taking the bodies with them. Bodies are then being loaded onto military planes to be dropped off over remote desert areas. There were similar reports of things like these happening in Guinea following the football stadium massacre when bodies were ditched from freight helicopters over remote and inaccessible forest areas. This way the true extend of what's going on right now will be difficult to find out once it's over.

    Now El Pais is reporting that Gaddafi has about 10 tons of mustard gas stored away in a (German built) chemical factory...

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    What's with the Boscoe flag?

    Anyways, as far as Colonels go,

    Gadaffi >>>>>>>>> Sanders

  • Frank said:
    There are still a lot of US citizens in Lybia and there has been speculation that this was reason for Obama treading more carefully than expected and the media holding back a bit... there also have been threats by the regime to treat journalists as enemy terrorists.

    Now that all U.S. citizens are out Obama is calling for Gadhafi to go. Of course if he had done this initially he'd be criticized for imperialist meddling, so you can't win in the court of knee-jerk public opinion.

    BTW Frank, what is your avatar? A novelty 45 player a la the Vinyl Killer? I want one.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    Horseleech said:
    Frank said:
    There are still a lot of US citizens in Lybia and there has been speculation that this was reason for Obama treading more carefully than expected and the media holding back a bit... there also have been threats by the regime to treat journalists as enemy terrorists.

    BTW Frank, what is your avatar? A novelty 45 player a la the Vinyl Killer? I want one.

    Mmmm, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say it's a dead mouse on a record.
    RE: Gadhafi, I'm having a HUGE problem with the tactic of targeting funeral processions. BIG. I guess the thinking here is to take out like-minded individuals and members of rival tribes. And I'm wondering of tribal divisions at play here that the media isn't picking up on, i.e. East vs. West.

  • The_Non said:
    Horseleech said:
    BTW Frank, what is your avatar? A novelty 45 player a la the Vinyl Killer? I want one.

    Mmmm, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say it's a dead mouse on a record.

    I guess I'll use a jokey graemlin next time.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    Sorry! Ha, it coulda been one of those VW van vinyl destroyer players.

  • The_Non said:
    Sorry! Ha, it coulda been one of those VW van vinyl destroyer players.

    I'd love to have a mouse version with life-like scurrying leg action.

  • dukeofdelridgedukeofdelridge urgent.monkey.mice 2,453 Posts
    If I were ghadafi I would've up graded myself from colonel long ago.

  • JimsterJimster 6,909 Posts
    dukeofdelridge said:
    If I were ghadafi I would've up graded myself from colonel long ago.

    Like in GORF?

  • dukeofdelridgedukeofdelridge urgent.monkey.mice 2,453 Posts
    J i m s t e r said:
    dukeofdelridge said:
    If I were ghadafi I would've up graded myself from colonel long ago.

    Like in GORF?

    Was achieving Space General not based on merit? Obama said Quagakadaffi has lost legitimacy--not one among us would claim the same of a Space General.

    You fool.

  • Ghadafi has successfully unified Lybia. They all hate him.

  • FrankFrank 2,370 Posts
    Horseleech said:
    The_Non said:
    Sorry! Ha, it coulda been one of those VW van vinyl destroyer players.

    I'd love to have a mouse version with life-like scurrying leg action.

    And a diamond tipped front tooth...
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