Jukeboxes in teh Home

DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
edited February 2011 in Strut Central
Anyone got one? It's not really practical for my current apartment, but in the long run, I want a jukebox I can stock with my favorite 45s and set on random so I don't have to keep flipping records.

Few questions:

Can you replace the cartridges with something raer-friendly, like White Labels?

I've seen former jukebox 45s that have what looks like a repeated scuff that I would guess comes from the mechanism that lifts and moves the 45s. Is that standard, or only on some types of jukeboxes?

Are replacement parts reasonably procurable if you wanted to refurbish one yourself?

What's the cost factor for a working machine?

Knowledge me, dudes.


  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    i would seriously love this as well
    it would be a great way to listen to 45s
    break it down $$$ wise please

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    DB_Cooper said:
    Anyone got one? It's not really practical for my current apartment, but in the long run, I want a jukebox I can stock with my favorite 45s and set on random so I don't have to keep flipping records.

    Few questions:

    Can you replace the cartridges with something raer-friendly, like White Labels?

    I've seen former jukebox 45s that have what looks like a repeated scuff that I would guess comes from the mechanism that lifts and moves the 45s. Is that standard, or only on some types of jukeboxes?

    Are replacement parts reasonably procurable if you wanted to refurbish one yourself?

    What's the cost factor for a working machine?

    Knowledge me, dudes.

    I have a Seeburg Q-160:

    My wife bought it for me for $400

    It works, but the amp needs to be recapped (which I'm told will cost $300) plus I needed to replace the lower title glass which was like $150. Replacement parts are available but they are pricey.

    My recommendation is to save a Craiglist search on Jukeboesx and buy one that's in good working order and specifically states that the amp has been rebuilt. A nice early 60s Seeburg should cost you like $800.

    When you start getting into the 40s and even 50s Seeburgs, the price is in the thousands. I would not mess with anything beyond 1963, personally, because those late 60s / 70s models get mad cheesy and start using cheap parts .

    Here is a snapshot of my juke:

    Bottom line: Don't buy a jukebox that needs work because a lot of the time the replacement parts will be too pricey to be worth it.

    Also, them shits heavy, so don't call me to move it up 6 flights of stairs.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    amazing so you load it up with cheapies or teh raers?

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Yeah, that's ill. How about cartridges???you got something nice on there? How much work was the replacement?

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    DB_Cooper said:
    Yeah, that's ill. How about cartridges???you got something nice on there? How much work was the replacement?

    Cartridges are jukebox specific. I still have the stock ones in there... which may explain the shitty sound.

    Like I said: the only real necessity was the lower title glass which was $150. To get it recapped $300... I've bought some doo-dads for it like multi-color light covers (for the moody greens and reds) anda tube went bad which was $35.... for the tube. It has the potential for face palm moments so avoid fixer uppers (unless you think it would be fun.)

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    I have yet to encounter a raer friendly juke, just load them up with reissues/cheapies.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Ugh. The whole point for me would be to enjoy my 45s, though, so I wouldn't want to restrict it to cheapies and beaters. I imagine you could replace the tonearm assembly and wiring if you really wanted. But that would require some???if not total???gutting.

  • Not with my 45s you don't...that's why I got one of these....

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    DB_Cooper said:
    Ugh. The whole point for me would be to enjoy my 45s, though, so I wouldn't want to restrict it to cheapies and beaters. I imagine you could replace the tonearm assembly and wiring if you really wanted. But that would require some???if not total???gutting.

    Yeah. I wouldn't trust my raers with any jukebox.

    Load 'em up with $5 classics and reissues from Dustygroove and Bada Bing

  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts
    We had one in my last apartment. Pretty awesome to turn on while cooking meals (had the remote and speakers in the kitchen, too).

    Only problem was that we were on the fourth floor and it took about 6 hours to get it up the stairs and about 5 guys. Sorry neighbors!

    I think it was about $400-$500, too. Craigslist find.

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    DB_Cooper said:
    Ugh. The whole point for me would be to enjoy my 45s, though, so I wouldn't want to restrict it to cheapies and beaters. I imagine you could replace the tonearm assembly and wiring if you really wanted. But that would require some???if not total???gutting.
    yeah but that's just the half of it, because of the brutality of the mechanics of a juke the way the record is selected & manhandled onto the platter, refiled etc it really isn't raer friendly. Also the tracking forces are ridiculously brutal to prevent jumping, most of your modern hi-fi styli/low tracking weights would struggle to cope.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Only likes music on records costing more than $100. Must be minty.

  • BurnsBurns 2,227 Posts
    I'll get a picture of my buddies dads' late 50's model, its so sweet, all working, chrome, you can see the arm, major viewing area.

  • i took a trip to peru almost a year ago and there were jukeboxes (45s and i saw a few that played 12"s or maybe they were 78s?) a lot in amazing condition for decent prices (50-100 usd) but shipping the damn things back to the states wouldve made it not worthwhile. wish i knew more about the value of the machines' themselves, mightve been a goldmine or two down there.

    /blog i guess? meh, cliff notes: i saw a bunch of juke boxes in peru, was excited about possibly buying one momentarily before realizing the bill to ship it would be insane.
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