Anyone Use Maschine?

behemothbehemoth 2,189 Posts
edited December 2010 in Strut Central

i have been told by several people it is superior to an MPC. I have been using a 2000 XL with a built in zip since 2000. the freezing. no flash. no 8 is beginning to piss me off...

i hear MAschine is durable. just as good in functionality. smaller. AND with tons of effects and filters....



  • dj_cityboydj_cityboy 1,491 Posts
    i havent used it but i was looking into it before i bought my MPC recently, it was too close to x-mas and i couldnt really fork out the exrta loot to "upgrade" i was just on the NI site and came across a bunch of dope videos...check it

  • behemothbehemoth 2,189 Posts
    I was under the assumption Maschine was about $600. Fully upgraded.

  • dj_cityboydj_cityboy 1,491 Posts
    prolly for you's folks in the US, runs about $660 here in canada which was about $300 more then what i paid for my MPC, Maschine looks pretty wicked though, not sure if its sumthin that i would be looking for as i am not into triggering midi from my PC, i like the MPC and the ability to load the samples on it without having it attached to anything its the main reason i didnt get an MPD, i do wish it was a bit more user friendly like Maschine is as far as simplicity goes. the lighted pads are pretty ill as well...

    from most of the interviews/videos that i have seen its basically the next best thing to an MPC just like you mentioned above, with crap loads of bells and whistles if you currently trigger shiz from yer PC/Mac VIA a MIDI controller and are using an MPC now, this would be the best logical step for sure!

  • im sold on it.....bout to get one... you can use it as straight up hardware...without the software aspect.

    it can slice each point in a wave and assign to the pads instantly.

    dude here is really informative...and explains in a mpc beatmaking way, the dude in the native instrument tutorials ... is a bit annoying.
    midi out...triggering seems just fine to me.

    flippin beats so quick on this thing.

  • another one

  • behemothbehemoth 2,189 Posts
    dj_cityboy said:
    prolly for you's folks in the US, runs about $660 here in canada which was about $300 more then what i paid for my MPC, Maschine looks pretty wicked though, not sure if its sumthin that i would be looking for as i am not into triggering midi from my PC, i like the MPC and the ability to load the samples on it without having it attached to anything its the main reason i didnt get an MPD, i do wish it was a bit more user friendly like Maschine is as far as simplicity goes. the lighted pads are pretty ill as well...

    from most of the interviews/videos that i have seen its basically the next best thing to an MPC just like you mentioned above, with crap loads of bells and whistles if you currently trigger shiz from yer PC/Mac VIA a MIDI controller and are using an MPC now, this would be the best logical step for sure!

    the more people tell me about this it seems like it is basically an MPC with added features. the program that comes with it basically cuts a step out and saves what you're doing on the pads to a Pro Tools type application. you can still sample and use it exactly like an MPC. i already have an MPC but with a zip disk and its bulkiness i feel like taking it out on the road might limit me a little bit...

    i know the MPC like the back of my hand but i know for a fact Maschine has no sub menus etc which makes using it a little easier. just a different layout that needs to take a few getting used to...

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    You can compare it to an MPC but MPCs still have a bunch of functionality that Maschine lacks. The good thing is Native Instruments seems to be supporting it real well so they should get to whatever with software updates. I would watch as many videos as you can find and try to demo it in person. To me, workflow is the #1 factor for drum machines/sequencers and something can have all the functionality in the world but you just can't get around to using it well for some reason.

  • I would love to get one, but.............

    Q: Can MASCHINE be used without a computer?
    A: No, the MASCHINE application runs on the computer and the hardware is used to control its functions. The controller is not a self-contained instrument in itself.

    taken from native instruments website.

  • my buddy has one - huge prroblem with the face plate - it's just poorly designed and comes loose/off. NI will fix it for free as they're aware of the problem but it means you gotta ship it to em etc etc.

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    They're $499 at Guitar Center now. Day has one and he digs it and he said the sounds it comes with are surprisingly dope. I'm getting one soon.

  • z_illaz_illa 867 Posts
    Not impressed. But I have spent countless hours in ableton getting controllers set up the way I want them. Maschine seems way too limited. And the package does not appeal to me. Is it a midi controller? Is it a vst? No, it's both! I want my controllers and software separate and universal.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    i think the one musica uses this

  • finelikewinefinelikewine "ONCE UPON A TIME, I HAD A VINYL." 1,416 Posts
    I`ve bought it because i thought it would enhance my workflow and boost my creativity.
    Unfortunatly it didn`t. I can work 100% more efficiently in ableton and the lack of timestretching is a true pain in the ass.
    You can have mine for 450$, it`s brandnew and has still guarantee

  • behemothbehemoth 2,189 Posts
    finelikewine said:
    I`ve bought it because i thought it would enhance my workflow and boost my creativity.
    Unfortunatly it didn`t. I can work 100% more efficiently in ableton and the lack of timestretching is a true pain in the ass.
    You can have mine for 450$, it`s brandnew and has still guarantee

    the main reason i wanted it is because i have to go on the road and play samples for someone. my MPC is 10 yrs old. it still has a zip drive. i need to load samples from this guy onto my MPC. so it feels like it will be a problem...

    where are you located. PM me if you can..

  • finelikewinefinelikewine "ONCE UPON A TIME, I HAD A VINYL." 1,416 Posts
    Check your pms

  • C, step up to a scsi zip drive! It's faster and no scary zip disks. A pain to track one down.

  • behemothbehemoth 2,189 Posts
    Controller_7 said:
    C, step up to a scsi zip drive! It's faster and no scary zip disks. A pain to track one down.

    can i borrow yours for a month?

  • Controller_7 said:
    a scsi zip drive! no scary zip disks.

    How does this work?

    A CF card reader is my recommendation.

  • Oops, that was supposed to be a scsi flash drive. Zips are already scsi.

    I'd loan you the flash drive, but it was really hard to get in the first place and I'm not 100% sure it would travel well. It's some thing a dude made, not a manufactured iomega type joint

  • you should get this instead:

  • What do people think of this now? Yay or nay?

    I'm considering buying one. I usually use a MPC2000XL+SP1200 combo, but both of the samplers have started to get problems that distrupts my work flow heavily. Instead of repairing them I'm considering buying a maschine instead. It will be cheaper, and maybe even better? I already use Ableton a bit.

    Like most of you, I'm only sampling from my records. I have no need for any "sample packs". When you buy the maschine what do you pay for? A well built intuitive sampler/drum machine, like a MPC connected to a computer, or for a lot of "samples packs" I will never use anyway?

  • Strings said:
    What do people think of this now? Yay or nay?

    I'm considering buying one. I usually use a MPC2000XL+SP1200 combo, but both of the samplers have started to get problems that distrupts my work flow heavily. Instead of repairing them I'm considering buying a maschine instead. It will be cheaper, and maybe even better? I already use Ableton a bit.

    Like most of you, I'm only sampling from my records. I have no need for any "sample packs". When you buy the maschine what do you pay for? A well built intuitive sampler/drum machine, like a MPC connected to a computer, or for a lot of "samples packs" I will never use anyway?

    well yes you get a gazillion sample packs included, some of them are quite usuable, its the typical thing, loads of percussion and drum sounds, leads and pads, the works. Maschine is an integrated hardware / software solution where you can sequence very quickly from the bespoke controller to whats on screen. generally i'd say its an incredibly fast workflow once you've got all your samples in there, swing and groove-quantise wise there are all sort of options, its incredibly flexible and fluid. its that "on the go" philosophy where you can experiment with groove templates and programming ideas whilst the sequencer is turning.

    however, i don't think the sonic character will compete with the punch of your old samplers, theres no grit to speak of if you know what i mean. maybe get that, and get your sp fixed, midi it up and off you go

  • magpaulmagpaul 1,314 Posts
    ^^ what he said..

    Definitely co-sign that it is very flexible, after you get to grips with the basic functionality, there is a variety of ways you can integrate it into your 'workflow'.

    The presets are very decent, I could be mistaken but I'm starting to feel like I've heard them a shit load lately across different genres.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    Paul, I didn't know you dabbled. Any beats?

  • magpaulmagpaul 1,314 Posts
    Yeah, dabbling about sums it up, I'll put some bits and pieces on Soundcloud over the weekend or something.

  • Ulysses31nicholas said:
    Generally i'd say its an incredibly fast workflow once you've got all your samples in there, swing and groove-quantise wise there are all sort of options, its incredibly flexible and fluid. its that "on the go" philosophy where you can experiment with groove templates and programming ideas whilst the sequencer is turning.

    The past year I've wanted to take my beats to the next level by making them more complex with more samples and variations. Alas, this has been hampered alot with the errors my MPC and SP shows with increasing frequency. I guess the Maschine is superior to the MPC when it comes to browsing through large sample libraries trying to find that one sample that fits with the rest of the beat? I've built a huge sample library for my MPC (with a card reader), but I'm tired of all the loading times and the clumsy organisation of samples that you get with the MPC (+ of course all the errors I get).

    I imagine that the Maschine is a great scetchpad for managing and trying out different combinations of samples? Chopping them quickly and test different things? I love the simplicity of the SP1200 when it comes to creating a solid groove that can act as a foundation for a more complex compostion, but for managing a wast amount of samples its not that efficient. Maybe instead of repairing/buying a new MPC I should buy the Maschine?

  • spcspc 534 Posts
    Maschine doesn't have a sound, so you get what you put in.
    I have only spent a few hours with it yet, but the workflow for me is far superior to everything I'v had before.

  • imagine that the Maschine is a great scetchpad for managing and trying out different combinations of samples? Chopping them quickly and test different things? I love the simplicity of the SP1200 when it comes to creating a solid groove that can act as a foundation for a more complex compostion, but for managing a wast amount of samples its not that efficient. Maybe instead of repairing/buying a new MPC I should buy the Maschine?

    yeah its perfect for that, you have the browser on your left, drag and drop stuff on to the pads and play around. for pitching, filtering, effecting the samples you have a huge range of options, so for basic things that neither sp nor mpc do well (pitching things correctly) you'll be in heaven

    i can't live without the sp tbh but thats just me, so much grit and punch. anyway, you'll probably find its a waste of time once you have maschine.

  • Buy one an break a neck...

  • I have the maschine the menus and navigation are torture. You have to hold the pad mode key and then navigate the 8 buttons at the very top of the maschine to get to a sub category and then navigate that category just to find the velocity/oneshot/gate functions. It's too much work. The best feature on it is one button track dump into pro tools.. and even then it doesn't sync or line up properly you have to do all that yourself. It's dope and it's torture at the same time.
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