Fives. Nah...SEVENS.



  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts
    sabadabada said:
    edith head said:

    you said "Tender-Nob".

    yuk yuk yuk %-P

  • In 1991, I lived on Hyde and Ellis in a big studio apartment with Sheilagh-Wheela. The Ben Hur.

  • 1. got my dream production setup.
    2. not homeless
    3. have access to weed
    4. nobody wants to kill me
    5. weather's nice
    6. I'm not alone
    7. not always depressed

  • 1. My daughter. She's 17 months now and cracks us up consistently. Her two new words are "foot" and "house," but she pronounces them "butt" and "ass," respectively. My wife was listening to the radio in the car yesterday with our daughter in the back. As the Chris Brown song was ending, our daughter shouted "Deuces!"

    2. Seeing my family at Thanksgiving. It was the first time in 15 years that we'd all done Thanksgiving at my parents' house, and it was really great to catch up, especially with my nephews and nieces. My 14-year-old nephew, as it turns out, is a budding photographer. He snapped this pic of our daughter:

    3. My wife. Still unbeatable on all fronts.

    4. My new job. I've been here a month now--so far, so great. People are smart, hardworking, and appreciative. I can't ask for more than that.

    5. Christmas. I've been kinda anti for the past 20 years or so, but now that our daughter's old enough to enjoy Christmas trees and making decorations, I've had a change of heart. I still don't want any gifts for myself, but it's fun to make a fuss for her.

    6. The Strut. I've been busy as hell lately, but I still try to check this place out daily. A lot has changed, but this place still delivers.

    7. Having the time to type up this list.

  • hogginthefogg said:

    5. Christmas. I've been kinda anti for the past 20 years or so, but now that our daughter's old enough to enjoy Christmas trees and making decorations, I've had a change of heart. I still don't want any gifts for myself, but it's fun to make a fuss for her.

  • Yes, Saba. A lot like that.

    Congrats on your healthy and cute little guy, by the way!

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    sabadabada said:
    Son born in February, 2 months early and only 2 lbs. 13 oz. is now almost 20 lbs, almost walking, almost talking, always smiling.
    Nothing else matters.

    A couple I know had a similar story - little girl born early, weak as a kitten and barely heavier than a bag of sugar. For a long, long time, it really was touch and go whether she'd make it, but seven years later - it was her birthday just a few days ago - she's still here and has grown into a beautiful, happy, bundle of energy. Sounds like your little man might be headed in that direction

  • My wife was fine until she developed hypertension and went into the hospital at 30 weeks, and they basically told her, she wasn't leaving until she had the baby and that could be anytime. It could be that night, it could be in two months. They gave her steroids to help his lungs grow and, thank God, at 32 weeks he came out crying and didn't need any oxygen. He spent a month and a half at the NYU NICU but never had any issues other than that he was a peanut. At 4 1/2 lbs they sent him home. We were so lucky, not everyone gets to leave with a healthy baby.

    But he was really, really little.
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