Please, please help me ID this old 70's song
16 Posts
I've been trying to track down the title and artist of this song for at least 10 years. The only place I ever heard it was at the Glenwood skating rink just south of Chicago. I'd place the song as being made sometime during the 70's (or maybe 80's). From what I can remember the lyrics for the bridge went something like this "games, games... everybody's playing games". Then at one point in the song towards the end the singer goes "why is everyone always trying to take advantage of me, why is everyone playing gaaammmmes". The singer is male and more than likely black, there is some female background singing as well. That's about all I can remember, I never knew the name of the song or the artist which has made it nearly impossible to find at record stores.
I'd be eternally grateful if anyone could help me figure out who made this song.
I'd be eternally grateful if anyone could help me figure out who made this song.
hopefully before I die I'll find that song again lol
arrggghh I wish I could remember more details