WFMU Pics & Finds

DeeRockDeeRock 1,836 Posts
edited October 2010 in Strut Central
C'mon son! Where's the pics and stories at? Show me what I missed out on and rub it in my face....


  • behemothbehemoth 2,189 Posts
    i didn't buy a single thing. i sold a lot of stuff though. never been on a Friday before and it was definitely popping but Saturday compared to last year? awful turnout. at some points it seemed quiet actually :/

    always cool hanging with the fam though. talking shop. making fun of people. t'was fun...i am shot though

  • discos_almadiscos_alma discos_alma 2,164 Posts
    behemoth said:
    i didn't buy a single thing.

    Boy, are you right in the head? Or just broke?

  • behemothbehemoth 2,189 Posts
    musica said:
    behemoth said:
    i didn't buy a single thing.

    Boy, are you right in the head? Or just broke?

    I had my eye on some stuff. traded a few things. but ultimately wasn't feeling it. started looking at stuff and was just overwhelmed by the competitive nature. I was like tired and dizzy all weekend. I'm not mad at myself. Just wasn't in the mood.

  • worst record show thread evar.

  • behemothbehemoth 2,189 Posts
    plus like i said i was really focused on selling. i had some money tied up in a recent collection acquisition so...

    a lot of people i talked to said it was the worst FMU to date though. so i can't call it!

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    I didn't buy anything, but the people I was with bought quite a bit.

    We also hit up a bunch of shops and bought some stuff.

  • Woah DOR you were in town? Damn.

    I bought hella shit. Can't call it. Prices were high. No insane scores that I could see, good stuff was getting snapped up though.

    Behemoth's boxes were type thorough...

  • last year was fun and lucrative but this year i couldn't even get over to the west side all weekend. perhaps it was poorly planned that it fell on the same weekend as CMJ, there is too much crossover in that crowd with events, DJ's etc.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    Jonny_Paycheck said:
    Woah DOR you were in town? Damn....

    Dude. I dropped by the shop. But homie said you were outta town. My boy Serious bought the PJ's off the wall haha.

    Awesome time.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    Jonny_Paycheck said:
    Woah DOR you were in town? Damn....

    Dude. I dropped by the shop. But homie said you were outta town. My boy Serious bought the PJ's off the wall haha.

    Awesome time.

  • spivyspivy 866 Posts
    went early on friday. saw some friends. drank a beer. bought some records. found some good things (nothing crazy) for cheap. always fun.

    line at 3:30 for early entry on friday

    lots of portables

    these were all pretty cheap. jo ann garrett-that little brown letter for $1, johnson, hawkins tatum & durr-you can't blame me for $10 and john roman jackson for $3. i'm happy.

  • Went Saturday, said hi to folks and bought one records and... left. The record was Darwins Theory on Lotusland. Records were plenty, prices were kind of high on a lot of items but I just didnt feel like looking through tons of records among smelly dudes yesterday.

    Was Behemoth the guy with the deep hip hop and disco crates towards the back of the room?


  • DelayDelay 4,530 Posts
    I can't deal with the vibe at wfmu any more. Love seeing all the homies and the after party's always fun, but going elbow to elbow with a bunch of dealers that flew in for the show just isn't my cup of tea. The tables are too damn expensive now too. Last year my table was 15% if my earnings.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    behemoth said:

    a lot of people i talked to said it was the worst FMU to date though. so i can't call it!


    People--including me--say this every year.

    For real, though, I thought it was pretty unimpressive; I only spent about a third of what I had allocated.

  • behemothbehemoth 2,189 Posts
    dreskieboogie said:
    Went Saturday, said hi to folks and bought one records and... left. The record was Darwins Theory on Lotusland. Records were plenty, prices were kind of high on a lot of items but I just didnt feel like looking through tons of records among smelly dudes yesterday.

    Was Behemoth the guy with the deep hip hop and disco crates towards the back of the room?


    wasn't me. I had one box of rap and disco. mostly psych and clean rock.

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    faux_rillz said:
    behemoth said:

    a lot of people i talked to said it was the worst FMU to date though. so i can't call it!


    People--including me--say this every year.

    For real. If you score a record you were looking for cheap the fair was awesome, if you don't it sucked.

    Same with the dealers - at one table they will say it was the best in years and two tables over they'll say that there's nobody spending money etc etc.

    Apparently it's all things to all people.

    This was the first time in almost ten years that I didn't have a table and it was a relief. I just talked to people I don't get to see, put some faces to the identities here and on Waxidermy and bought two records that weren't cheap but still a good deal.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Horseleech said:

    put some faces to the identities here and on Waxidermy

    At the shop Saturday night I was looking around wondering who the hell everybody was. Apparently they were Waxidermists.

    DOR ??? you need to let dudes know when you're in town. I won't let you touch it, but you can look. PASUE.

  • Picked up the orchestra baobab lp with Kelen Ati Len, Renaldo Domino - Let Me Come Within, John Shaka - Bad Town, Benny Gordon - Give A Damn, and Bobby Williams - Funky Superfly on 45 to name a few.??Not bad for showing up on Sunday afternoon! Also got to meet and trade some stories with the God Frank.

  • selperfugeselperfuge 1,165 Posts
    no deals as expected but the usual suspects had the goods.

    got to pull the same copy of a way too overpriced pierre henry record i've been half-heartedly after and put it back for the fifth year in a row. fooled for half a decade!

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    DB_Cooper said:

    DOR ??? you need to let dudes know when you're in town. I won't let you touch it, but you can look. PASUE.


    Hitting NYC was last minute for me. We were so busy visiting friends and hitting up shops.

    Stayed in Bed-Stuy. Ate some really good food and some how ended up in princeton this morning. Just got back.

    Don't worry, next time I'm in the city I'll make you an offer on your locks that you won't be able to refuse.

  • tuneuptuneup 586 Posts
    sold some cheap and high priced items. found some good low end and some "eyes bugged out" pieces too for reasonable $. Great show.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    The_Hook_Up said:
    worst record show thread evar.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    This thread is like talkin to a friend who spends two months of vacation in China, they come back, you ask em how it went and they say "good."

  • The show was fun - no steals but there were a ton of good records for fair prices on Friday that got vacuumed up early. Some dudes were hitting it hard during dealer admission. Saturday after 10 am was a little slow. Glad I shelled out for the dealer pass. Sold some stuff and turned around and put it right back into more records. Got to see a lot of people I otherwise don't get to see much. Hung tough with some old strutters that don't post here much anymore.


    two dudes shoving each other over a Beatles record, seconds away from from full blows.

    got accused of stealing a "Barely Breaking Even" 12" by the dude from Beautiful World, had to get my friend Sampo over to his table and sort it out. He apologized, I told him to go to hell.

    50ish dude sitting on floor looking through a box of LPs under a tabler with one hand and scarfing a bagel with the other

    bought a lot of solid $50-$100 records, knocked a few things off my want list

    a shit ton of twisted record dealers at Johnny's shop on Saturday night letting loose

    All in all a way fun trip, records about equal to social fun. I won't post pics but will say I had to throw some clothes out in NYC to make room for records, so I guess that makes it a good show.


  • DelayDelay 4,530 Posts

  • Possum Tom said:


    i love buddy's taken aback expression that the hot girl is taking too long to flip through those records...

  • kemskems 120 Posts
    I was in NYC this past weekend too and decided to skip as well. Did hit up some shops including Good Records and scooped some goodness there. Asked the dude at the counter if he was Paycheck and he was like "no, my name is Simon". Felt awkward and left with my goodies.

    On a side note. I walked so much in the 4 day span, when I got home a toenail fell off.

  • kems said:
    "no, my name is Simon"

    Rape Donkeys!!!
    mythical raer!!!

  • I only went Sunday and as always I was very happy with what I found! For what I collect (disco 12"s) it's a Tenderness "Gotta Keep On Trying" for $10 that was the highlight for me!

  • kemskems 120 Posts
    tripledouble said:
    kems said:
    "no, my name is Simon"

    Rape Donkeys!!!
    mythical raer!!!

    You can make fun of me, I don't care. Let me in on it though.
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