Hey.I'm getting these 2 small RED arrows and this green flag uptop in the margin area which are messing me up. Can I get rid of these things? See the 2 small red markers and the green flag below:
I have no idea what they are and what they're doing, aside from messing me up.
the flag is a marker for quick punch in spots for recording/overdubbing
This could be your problem. Computers don't respond well to saliva.
This could be one of two things...
1. press cnrt+1 and turn pre-roll and post roll off
2. go to options/ prefrences, look for "timeline insertion follows playback" turn this option off.
I also think u can turn off timeline insertion by pressing cntrl+N,
This sounds/looks like your problem.
Apple+K is the shortcut for turning off pre/post-roll.
I know nothing abuot Protools but if this works, I will be shocked. Isn't that kind've like walking into a room full of people sitting in the dark and then asking if they tried flipping the light switchh?
Cosmo, if you didn't already try this, I will point and laugh at you.
Here's another example: You see the shaded area in the margin between the 2 cursors? It will only allow me to play the shaded area, and it always starts on the first cursor. Maybe this will clear it up.
I just don't know why because I didn't change any settings when I first created this session this morning, and it's never done this.
See if you can click on the cursor on the right and drag it over to the cursor on the left. It looks like what you've done is selected the segment between the two cursors, in which case, it's only going to play what's between the cursors.
Off, right?
It's already off.
I tried that and APPLE N (I'm on a Mac) and nothing happened.
and make sure that you have checked:
Link Timeline and Edit Selection
and make sure that you have checked:
Link Timeline and Edit Selection