
Cooking Classes at the Co-Op

edited September 2010 in Strut Central
A good gift idea or not? I would have fun cooking and learning some nutrition, but is it a good idea as a gift?


  • Why not, just be careful that you don't send out the wrong message ("Lilmonstu thinks I can't cook!" or "Lilmonstu thinks a woman's place is in the kitchen!").

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    Lol, I love this person and that is the only message.

  • El PrezEl Prez NE Ohio 1,141 Posts
    If you are thinking of giving this "gift" to someone you are dating/ or married to..... DON'T DO IT!. I have been married for ten years and believe me you don't want to take the risk.

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    Well I try to give three types of gifts:

    1:) A fun gift just for her. An example is a chocolate truffle. She eats it, enjoys it, and goes on.

    2:) A fun gift that is for us to share together. An example is going out to eat, or to a movie, or on a trip.

    3:) A gift that is for her to show for the relationship is productive. An example is stock on the side, records, or stickers. Also, enhancing something is a good one IMO.

    That is why I think a cooking class is a good one. It could qualify in all the three types! Does that seem alright?

    Also, out of the money I set aside for a relationship only 1/3 of it goes as gifts to her...sssshhhhhh.

  • lilmonstu said:

    3:) A gift that is for her to show for the relationship is productive. An example is stock on the side, records, or stickers. Also, enhancing something is a good one IMO.

    Stock and stickers? I got some He-man stickers on my milk crates from when I was a kid, but I really don't see them as productive? If she's cool with those, go ahead with the cooking class, just make sure it's not of the "how to cook an egg" variety.

  • I would like a cooking class gift. But then, I like cooking a lot. So, it'd be appropriate.

    Does she like cooking?

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    Yeah, she likes cooking. We haven't talked in a little while but back in the day we cooked and listened to music together. She gave me a wooden spoon and spatula that I love.

    The classes at the Co-Op are just for fun I think, like gluten-free cooking, veggie cooking, cheeses, or dishes from like Italy or somewhere.

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    Stickers are a productive gift because, like I said, they show that at least the relationship generated something that is not too bad.
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