google auto complete

kalakala 3,361 Posts
edited September 2010 in Strut Central
is on some orwellian darpa-esque esp cia spook steez



  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Whoaaa...let me get this straight.

    Our actions on the Internets will be used against us come "Judgement Day".

    And you, the one KKKala, are worried about Google searches.

    Even to the old derelict fucker known as Oldadelic, this is comedy gold.

  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts
    We tell Google secrets that we tell no one else. Sometimes the auto complete statements take me by complete surprise in terms of what popular searches are.

    If you type in "why is my..." the first result is "why is my poop green."
    If you type in "where does..." the first result is "where does Justin Bieber live."

    I can type when/where/why statements all day. Endless amusement.

  • google auto complete is used to make your searches faster

  • leonleon 883 Posts
    Almond said:
    We tell Google secrets that we tell no one else. Sometimes the auto complete statements take me by complete surprise in terms of what popular searches are.

    If you type in "why is my..." the first result is "why is my poop green."
    If you type in "where does..." the first result is "where does Justin Bieber live."

    I can type when/where/why statements all day. Endless amusement.

    Why is my pool cloudy?

  • leonleon 883 Posts
    double and thanks for the amusement

  • Expedite the process here.

  • never gets old

  • kalakala 3,361 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    Whoaaa...let me get this straight.

    Our actions on the Internets will be used against us come "Judgement Day".

    And you, the one KKKala, are worried about Google searches.

    Even to the old derelict fucker known as Oldadelic, this is comedy gold.

    i think you are projecting daddy o

    no worries here
    you shouldda waited for a better post to stab ,your unsolicited meek reactionary "retort" came off as sophomoric for a guy with all that time on his hands and such a a high post count[s]
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