Steve Wiebe reclaims Donkey Kong world championship

nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts
edited September 2010 in Strut Central
King of Kong, fuck yeah!

9/20/2010 Press Release: Steve Wiebe Regains Donkey Kong World Record
Twin Galaxies International Announces Teacher as New Champ
Steve Wiebe regains Donkey Kong World Record from Billy Mitchell

Twin Galaxies International confirms Washington state school teacher as new champion

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Press Release) ??? Sep 20, 2010 ??? Official video game scorekeeping organization Twin Galaxies has announced that the World Record on the classic arcade game Donkey Kong has changed hands for the third time this year as former champion Steve Wiebe climbs back into the top spot with a score of 1,064,500 points.

Wiebe last held the Donkey Kong record in spring of 2007, only to be bested by his movie rival Billy Mitchell months later. Mitchell's score fell to New York's Hank Chien in March of this year, but the Florida hot sauce distributor regained the title on July 31 with a score of 1,062,800 points.

Wiebe, who has attempted regaining the record at numerous live events over the years, recorded his championship game on August 30 for submission to Twin Galaxies, who verified and announced the score on Monday, September 20 as the new World Record.


  • rad!

  • YES!!!!!!

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    How ironic would it be if the cure for cancer is somehow embedded in a dna code within the Donkey Kong programming.....and these dudes spend their entire life trying to get high score.

  • rock, in case you didn't know, "billy mitchell always has a plan".

  • ^HA!^

    Awesome, go steve

  • Options
    I still need to see that movie.

  • crabmongerfunk said:

  • how awesome would it be if the cure for cancer was found in the runout groove of a raer psych 45, and these guys dedicated their whole life to collecting records.


    does not wash.

  • noznoz 3,625 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    How ironic would it be if the cure for cancer is somehow embedded in a dna code within the Donkey Kong programming.....and these dudes spend their entire life trying to get high score.


  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    noz said:
    Rockadelic said:
    How ironic would it be if the cure for cancer is somehow embedded in a dna code within the Donkey Kong programming.....and these dudes spend their entire life trying to get high score.


    Shinebox related

  • Billy mitchell is an american flag tie/mullet rockin champ

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    I wonder how these records work out for scoring chicks.

    I've been using this method, but I'm betting I do far better being the master of starcraft or ms pac man.

  • yes! well done steve

    although how did he do it? kill screen - r.

  • DOR said:
    I wonder how these records work out for scoring chicks.

    weirdly enough both steve and billy have supportive life partners

    can't understand how a woman would allow her man to forgo changing nappies in the name of classic arcade game mastery but i guess thats love.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    DOR said:
    I wonder how these records work out for scoring chicks.

    Just ask Mr Awesome.

    Ladies swoon at his Missile Command.

    So pleased for Steve right now.

  • MjukisMjukis 1,675 Posts
    DOR said:
    I wonder how these records work out for scoring chicks.

    Love that quote from the movie, when Walter says something along the lines of "I wanted the girls to come up and say - hey, I see you're good at centipede".

    ("Hey - I see you've got a lot of raer funk 45s!")

  • speakmumbles said:
    Billy mitchell is an american flag tie/mullet rockin champ
    Werd, Billy Mitchell is one of life's winners. Steve Wiebe isn't.

    crabmongerfunk said:
    "billy mitchell always has a plan".

  • LokoOneLokoOne 1,823 Posts
    djwaxon said:
    speakmumbles said:
    Billy mitchell is an american flag tie/mullet rockin champ
    Werd, Billy Mitchell is one of life's winners. Steve Wiebe isn't.

    crabmongerfunk said:
    "billy mitchell always has a plan".

    Cmon you cant sriously like the dude. hes a creepy manipulative lying shit who seems to control the many small inded idots he has riding his dick. Plus he looks like a 'rock spider' IMO.

    Steve seems like hes on the other hand is a stand up guy, honest and down to earth.... good to see he's back on top.

    BTW- That doco is.....RAD!!! (for those hwo havent seen it)

    Sidenote: I used to work with an old due thats a mirror image physically and personality wise to the fella that runs the Twin Galaxy site. Hes the star of the doco IMO.... forgot his name but he deserves a record release ...maybe a spoke word jazzy thing with him reciting the top scores for all the top games....

  • Walter Day...

    Steve's just a bit wet, got a loser vibe. And he really should wipe his kid's ass instead of playing donkey kong.

    Everything Billy does is pure excellence!

    In all seriousness though, about a year after seeing the film i found the Picturehouse/King Of Kong message boards and read more or less everything on them. The guys who made the doc went to grade school with Steve, and they were very biased in how they painted the 2 of them to be(although this is what makes it so entertaining). Robert Mruzack (the head referee guy) contributed loads to the message board, and brought some interesting stuff to light about when they visited Steve's house while he wasn't there and such.

    I actually asked the guy if he'd do me a shoutout for a mixtape but he was too paranoid about his voice being manipulated/abused unfortunately.

    No doubt Billy would be a prize dickhead, but i can't help preferring him to Steve.

    You seen Chasing Ghosts?

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Yeah I ended up looking up a bit more of the back history of the movie after watching it and, while it wasn't in the least bit surprising, have to say that the amount of the story controlled by select editing did take a little of the shine off.

    Also, I was rooting for Steve all the way but the guy is undoubtedly a "victim" in life even from the way he's portrayed in the movie. I'd happily watch another whole documentary just about Billy though and his adventures with Mr Awesome and the like.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts

  • JimsterJimster 6,938 Posts
    Robotron : 2084 is a man's game.

    All others are rendered worthless.

    Apart from Xevious with the invisible towers.

  • nah, eswat or your just soft.

  • djwaxon said:
    speakmumbles said:
    Billy mitchell is an american flag tie/mullet rockin champ
    Werd, Billy Mitchell is one of life's winners. Steve Wiebe isn't.

    crabmongerfunk said:
    "billy mitchell always has a plan".

    This guy is sixteen varieties of flaccid wang.

  • you're just jealous that you can't sport or maintain that mullet/beard/clothing combo.

  • LokoOneLokoOne 1,823 Posts
    djwaxon said:
    Walter Day...

    Steve's just a bit wet, got a loser vibe. And he really should wipe his kid's ass instead of playing donkey kong.

    Everything Billy does is pure excellence!

    In all seriousness though, about a year after seeing the film i found the Picturehouse/King Of Kong message boards and read more or less everything on them. The guys who made the doc went to grade school with Steve, and they were very biased in how they painted the 2 of them to be(although this is what makes it so entertaining). Robert Mruzack (the head referee guy) contributed loads to the message board, and brought some interesting stuff to light about when they visited Steve's house while he wasn't there and such.

    I actually asked the guy if he'd do me a shoutout for a mixtape but he was too paranoid about his voice being manipulated/abused unfortunately.

    No doubt Billy would be a prize dickhead, but i can't help preferring him to Steve.

    You seen Chasing Ghosts?

    Interesting...cheers for the extra info... whats the address for theses boards....would be cool to read some of that shit...

  • LokoOneLokoOne 1,823 Posts
    djwaxon said:
    Walter Day...

    Steve's just a bit wet, got a loser vibe. And he really should wipe his kid's ass instead of playing donkey kong.

    Everything Billy does is pure excellence!

    In all seriousness though, about a year after seeing the film i found the Picturehouse/King Of Kong message boards and read more or less everything on them. The guys who made the doc went to grade school with Steve, and they were very biased in how they painted the 2 of them to be(although this is what makes it so entertaining). Robert Mruzack (the head referee guy) contributed loads to the message board, and brought some interesting stuff to light about when they visited Steve's house while he wasn't there and such.

    I actually asked the guy if he'd do me a shoutout for a mixtape but he was too paranoid about his voice being manipulated/abused unfortunately.

    No doubt Billy would be a prize dickhead, but i can't help preferring him to Steve.

    You seen Chasing Ghosts?

    Interesting...cheers for the extra info... whats the address for theses boards....would be cool to read some of that shit...

  • it was on the Picturehouse website, but i can't find them know as the messageboard link fucks up. i've got a feeling they shut the KoK one down anyway around the time i read it.

    You should watch Chasting Ghosts:Beyond The Arcade if you haven't seen it - it's all about the gamers in the Life magazine 1982 photoshoot - its a good watch, although in a different way to KoK

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    This Billy Mitchell dude looks a lot like Angels pitcher Dan Haren.
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