
Tips to ease the nerves...

edited August 2010 in Strut Central
Sometimes I get nervous before I take off and Dj live or travel on airplanes.

I have the check-in and get situated part down...no problem.

But, the take off, turbulence, and landing sometimes make me a little uneasy. So I am going to write what I am thinking on here as I do some other stuff, too.

Before take-off I familiarize myself with the place I am in. I carefully stow my carry-on records, buckle-up, smell the smells, and look around to see my position. Then, I have a little sweet snack and start to meditate. I like butter-rum lifesavers. I push my stomach out and check to see if my muscles are all relaxed, and take a deep breath through my nose. Pause, and then exhale slowly.

Once we are up and running I start talking to all the people and see if any of the people sitting next to me have something to say. After we get acquainted I see if they want to play games. Soduko is something I only have ever done on planes, so I ask them if they know how to play, and see if they want to race. It is really hard, but takes my mind off of the time.

I have never finished first, so afterward I eat my snack (a granola bar and some grapes) and offer to share some of the grapes.

Hopefully by that time the in-flight service starts.

what else...


  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Master your bation!

  • dayday 9,611 Posts

  • cookbookcookbook 783 Posts
    Herm said:
    Master your bation!

    Step 1. Ask flight attendant for blanket.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Both great suggestions.

    There's also herbal relaxation pills that do a pretty good job, if you don't want to go the hardcore chemical route.

  • Propranolol (Beta Blockers) is often used by musicians and other performers to prevent stage fright.


  • covecove 1,566 Posts
    Okem said:
    the hardcore chemical route.

  • Options
    lol, thanks for sharing

    Another good relaxation technique is to draw a few pictures and then day dream. Sometimes, I do this and fall asleep for a little while. Make sure to request a pillow.

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    lilmonstu said:
    I start talking to all the people and see if any of the people sitting next to me have something to say. After we get acquainted I see if they want to play games. Soduko is something I only have ever done on planes, so I ask them if they know how to play, and see if they want to race. It is really hard, but takes my mind off of the time.

    please just let me read my book.

  • jaymack said:
    lilmonstu said:
    I start talking to all the people and see if any of the people sitting next to me have something to say. After we get acquainted I see if they want to play games. Soduko is something I only have ever done on planes, so I ask them if they know how to play, and see if they want to race. It is really hard, but takes my mind off of the time.

    please just let me read my book.

    yeah, wow. sorry, but i would hate to sit next to you.

    you should just get drunk. pre-game before the airport, have a drink or two at the airport bar (a much more appropriate venue for sudoku races), and another 1 or 2 once you're in your seat. pass out and wake up still drunk at your destination.

  • Options
    I agree with you reading, but would not want to miss the opportunity to hear the story behind your face.

    With learning how to write comes responsibility...to not write badly.

  • selperfugeselperfuge 1,165 Posts
    one thing that might help is to understand that when the plane starts to shake when it hits turbulence IT'S SUPPOSED TO DO THAT. planes are not built in a flimsy shit way, the wings are intentionally built to move and flap around to shake off drag and friction from unequal densities of water vapor.

  • every opportunity, i get absolutely rinsed in the airport bar before boarding.

  • parallaxparallax no-style-having mf'er 1,266 Posts
    lilmonstu said:
    Sometimes I get nervous before I take off and Dj live or travel on airplanes.

    I have the check-in and get situated part down...no problem.

    But, the take off, turbulence, and landing sometimes make me a little uneasy.

    Hello friend,

    I also get nervous during take-off/landing, and especially during turbulence.

    I grip the armrests during heavy turbulence, get light headed and break out in a sweat sometimes. My wife thinks it's hilarious.

    On a flight back from vacation, I boarded the plane and informed the stewardess that my stomach was a little queasy (on account of the heavy drinking and fatty food at the resort). She hooked me up with Gravol, which is a mild sedative, and put me to sleep.

    At some point during the flight, there was heavy turbulence, so much so that my wife squeezed my arm and had a panic in her eyes. I also heard a few collective gasps from others on the plane.

    I looked at her and pat her on the arm in that "it's gonna be okay" kind of way, and then I rollled over and went back to sleep.

    Gravol is your friend


  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    It trips me out how quick people are to just pop something like Xanax, Gravol, Percoset, etc. I don't know...guess I'm kind of a shook one when it comes to that. I usually just sweat it out.

    That said, the only pill I take is Excedrin Migraine. It's saved my life so many times that now I keep a bottle on hand in my office, bedroom and car at all times.

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    Oh here is a good tip that I used recently on a southwest flight.

    Flight attendant asked me, "peanuts or pretzels?"

    I look at them and honestly replied, "2 of each."

    Got em! Everyone was so impressed and I felt great getting in to that 2nd pretzel bag once back at home.


  • Options
    A good game is the best medicine...

    ... doctors get a clue, will ya?!!

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    lilmonstu = EUROMAN or just messing with us?

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts

  • Herm said:
    lilmonstu = EUROMAN or just messing with us?

    euroman who fly southwest?

  • DJBombjackDJBombjack Miami 1,665 Posts
    Better living through chemistry I say

  • Options
    ^^? don't know what you mean, but; there is nothing in chemistry that says living through chemistry is better.


  • inVrsinVrs 687 Posts
    I dont know why, but now that i fly 4-10 times a month, it became uneasy for me.
    I have been travelling as a dj for years (but more like once a month) and never had even the slightest fears, always laughed about those getting sweaty with every turbulence. But now i start too get uneasy with flights too, starts/landings and turbulences ( especially in those smaller turboprop planes, can be a nightmare).. I just try to read, play games, talk to some folks or whatever to get rid of it, but maybe a little mental routine would do me some good as well.
    One thing i know for sure: having to change flights when you are deadly hangovered or still under the influence is NOT funny at all .
    Hell, i recently even went through all wikipedia entries of aeroplanes to check how many accidents ever happened with them. Now thats f*cked up! (A318/9 and the 777 have a zero rate, which means no people killed at all in those - yet the bad feelings wont always go away)
    Whatever. Looking forward to fly to SF on Thursday. In a 777 of course.

  • DJBombjackDJBombjack Miami 1,665 Posts
    lilmonstu said:
    ^^? don't know what you mean, but; there is nothing in chemistry that says living through chemistry is better.


    If you don't know, then you er... hmm... don't know

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts

  • Options
    DJBombjack said:
    lilmonstu said:
    ^^? don't know what you mean, but; there is nothing in chemistry that says living through chemistry is better.


    If you don't know, then you er... hmm... don't know

    I agree. Just because something takes place in a lab twice it is true? There is no reason to believe that. If there is lemme know. If there isn't, "then you er...hmm"...late for your lab chemistry class.

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    That bare foot picture reminds me of Hymie's in St. Paul/Minneapolis.

    Went there between flights, it started raining, feet got soaked, had to take off my stinky socks on the plane and put them in the doggy bag...to be curtious.

    Good time.
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