Vintage soul, funk, jazz & gospel photos

Found an amazing set of vintage photos that I've been uploading to my flickr page and thought people on here would be interested. This first set is about 100 and I'll be posting more in the future.
A sip of the juice:

A sip of the juice:

seriously! maru, where/how did you find these?
edit: and then I actually read the thread and realized there were 90 more on your flickr page! sweet!
I really like the unretouched bold B&W ones, like the Parliaments and the Blues Busters. Some of the retouched ones are really cool, too.
Looks like someone squashed a bug on Tony Silvester's forehead :D
yeah it is. but honestly i was thrilled to get them in any format.
great great stuff, thanks for sharing, strutters make the world go round