The Sound Library Closed...|+A+Lower+East+Side+Chronicle)
full details..
I for one stopped shopping there once Jared opened big city.. Better service, no british snobs, and the prices were a bit better.. Still it was a staple for many years..
full details..
I for one stopped shopping there once Jared opened big city.. Better service, no british snobs, and the prices were a bit better.. Still it was a staple for many years..
Big City Records
521 E. 12th St.,
New York, NY 10009
That's getting pretty close Johnny, you better get the gas can out.
I don't understand
As your attorney, I'm advising you to burn down the new record store before it gains a foothold in your neighborhood.
Cool story bro!
Jared is the homie, and Big City is not exactly new. And I moved to East 5th & Bowery over 2 years ago...
I hope everyone in this neighborhood does well. Truly the greatest concentration of ill records anywhere in the world short of maybe Tokyo. It's too bad that TSL closed... retail is still pretty inconsistent and I've been through my own share of tough times. It is what it is.
TSL was really the first downtown "boutique" shop of its kind (at least in the funk/soul/rap genre), emphasizing clean records and tidy shopping environment, as opposed to the typically cluttered spots around before.
I'm sure Saba was joking but yeah, more stores = mo' better. Everytime I hit NY, I inevitably end up spending at BOTH stores and if they weren't clustered so close, I might just choose to go to one but not the other.
You wouldn't consider the original A1 to be that store? I think it fulfills all the criteria (not these days but when it first opened).
Even back in the late 90's the spot was a bit cramped and overloaded, and the stock wasn't as managed with as much care as it's offshoot TSL (and later offshoot Big City) put into it. Which isn't to say A1 didn't kick off the whole soul/funk/rap "digger's spot" phenomenon downtown. I'm just commenting on the "boutique experience" aspect of it.
would be kind of funny if someone powerdrilled the sign off and ebayed it.
I was lucky enough to shop there in 08, But it was all but closed when i was there in March this year.
Did that strutter ever get his refund back ?
i have to disagree... just b/c A1 always kept bargain crates down low didn't make it cramped... they were def the pioneers of that whole game, TSL just refined it a little bit...
Shit, I'm down. How much you think we can get?
this is not the full story. not by any means.
No need to be snarky, she's right - other than the fact that the store is gone there isn't a single detail.
The article doesn't mention Rob at all, why the store went under or what he's doing now. As far as I can tell, the person who wrote it had never even been there.
Yeah AK! Gossiping Bitches want to know! ;)
The last time I spoke to him (about 9 months ago) he was a little down but wouldn't elaborate. I offered for him to come stay with me in Miami for a while, relax and help him with whatever was troubling him - but it never happened.
There were many rumors circulating about his 'extra-curricular' activities, of which I REALLY hope weren't true.
Just 3-4 months ago I spoke with Jared at Big City and asked him if he knew anything about Rob or what was going on, but all Jared could say was that Rob had withdrawn socially (even more than he already was). I asked him, as a favor to maybe check in on him and see if he was alright. I also did the same with Ras who used to work there.
As a close friend of mine, I was getting somewhat concerned, especially as his phone was disconnected. He did not reply to Facebook messages either.
If anyone has any info on Rob, please let me know. I am actually planning a trip to NYC later this month and one of my destinations was to go see Rob and catch up.
Not that I couldn't see the store closing coming up... last time we spoke he'd mentioned that sales were slow and I know for a fact there were many days he simply didn't even bother to open.
Now that it has closed... my concerns are growing.