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Any of ya'll do this? Just started today with my 10 year old. Pretty fun, basically a log sheet hidden in some sort of cache like a little metal pill box that you have to find using gps coordinates. Once you find it you write your name in it and log your find on the website. My son is super stoked on it, we had a fun first day finding 3 of them all within walking distance of our house.
What kind of device are you using, just your phone?
There's an infinite amount of them to download
I can only imagine some of the cooler ones around the world. This one.. pretty next level.
There's some really fresh ones for little kids too, themed ones like Dinosaur Train and stuff. I can't wait till my 2 year old is a little older.
it's huge with kids around seattle and the northwest. I think it's cool, and I'm an old person. I'd've had all my playboys and throwing stars fully cache'd out in the woods, with only the coordinates written down...and maybe those would've been written in a code, because my parents would've had a GPS too, I just know it...
STR8 GOONIE BIZ I love it!
Edit: Daze - in the UK most caches have objects in like coins, toys, photos etc. You can tag objects and then people take them and put them in another cache and log them onine when they get home. We sent a little toy monkey off on its travels two years ago and last month it got to California via a number of caches.. Which is more than I've ever done..