This Sherrod / NAACP / TeaParty thing?



  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    PelvicDust said:
    edpowers said:
    My post wasn't a direct quote..and I never accused her of saying he was "not being black enough"

    Sorry, dude, it was sabada that said that. My mistake.

    dont blame me. I didn't put that into quotation marks. and I think that my paraphrasing accurately reflects what she said which is "He is not someone who has experienced what I have experienced through life, being a person of color. "

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    sabadabada said:
    PelvicDust said:
    edpowers said:
    My post wasn't a direct quote..and I never accused her of saying he was "not being black enough"

    Sorry, dude, it was sabada that said that. My mistake.

    dont blame me. I didn't put that into quotation marks. and I think that my paraphrasing accurately reflects what she said which is "He is not someone who has experienced what I have experienced through life, being a person of color. "

    No, she did not say that.

    She said something about "rural" and "from the South." There was nothing about "being a person of color" suggesting that Obama was something else.

    You're just doing Breitbart's job for him with that kind of comment. Is that really what you want to do?

  • Breitbart: 'I am public enemy No. 1???'

    An unrepentant Andrew Breitbart told POLITICO on Thursday that the Obama administration and its allies have manufactured a controversy over the video he posted of Shirley Sherrod???s speech to the NAACP as part of an orchestrated effort to take him down.

    ???I am public enemy No. 1 or 2 to the Democratic Party, the progressive movement and the Obama administration based upon the successes my journalism has had,??? Breitbart said in a telephone interview late Thursday morning as he headed to the airport for what he said was a long-planned, three-day vacation.

    Breitbart asserted that liberal media outlets are shifting the focus to the misleading excerpting in the videos he posted ??? as well as his erroneous statement about the context of the footage ??? to divert attention from what he asserts is a double standard on racist behavior exposed by the video, which he released Monday to push back against a recently passed NAACP resolution expressing concern about ???racist elements??? in the tea party movement.

    ???The desire here is to make it about me and not the Democratic establishment and the NAACP vs. the tea party,??? Breitbart said, defending the footage he posted as ???a self-contained newsworthy video that established the media standard of pointing out that the NAACP countenanced racism in its own award dinner setting. That was the point. That was the point. And the video proves it.???

    He offered no apology to Sherrod but said that she has not been held accountable for the racial overtones of what she said.

    "If anybody reads the sainted, martyred Sherrod???s entire speech, this person has not gotten past black vs. white," he said.

    Asked whether he would have more thoroughly vetted the original video if he had it to do over again, Breitbart wouldn???t say.

    ???Let me think about that,??? he said. ???You???ll have to ask me (later). I am right now about to get out of the car to go to the airport, and I???ll think about this for another time, because I???m being inundated with falsehoods left and right that are making it impossible for me to have a 40,000-feet-above-it-all perspective of what???s going on. All I???m seeing is people right now seeing blood in the water and coming after me. And the amount of half-truths and falsehoods that are out there in the pursuit of taking me down because they perceive that I???m a threat, it???s astounding.???

    He did say ???I believe that I???m held to a higher standard. If this video showed a picture of a Caucasian talking in the exact same way but talking about a black person with an audience affirming and clapping that behavior, the reporter would be getting a Pulitzer Prize right now.???

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Ahhh...race baiting. America's favorite past time.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    Breitbart seems determined to move from "annoying douchebag" to "sociopathic shitbag."

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    Obama was getting KILLED by the callers on James Mtume's KISS Sunday morning show.

  • hmm. i wonder how fox news will spin the story this week:

    so you see, the real victim in all this is fox news.
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