who knew? i mean really.. THE NEW MODER
2,037 Posts
just got this email in repsonse to an ad. someone fucking around, maybe? hilarious, yes!"Hi, I've got the Janet Jackson Control record... I'll part with it for $50. Let me know!"[/b] ahahaha. NASTY!
What did you write back?
nothing too ignorant in case it was real, but seriously, the video for 'nasty' was cool and all...
'Cause you don't know what you got 'til it's gone.
Though I guess, technically, that's really Joni, not Janet.
let's wait awhile
"Listen, Joni, I've got a blinding new lyric that I don't mind giving you. It's about the tragedy of our generation's loss of innocence. It goes something like "'you better hop on that son!!!'"