"Dont rime for the sake of riddlin'" PE bio

LokoOneLokoOne 1,823 Posts
edited May 2010 in Strut Central
Just picked this book up the other day. Im half way thru but its killer... Im loving the inside info and candid intergviews by all the PE camp...a few WTF moments like when they say that Flav replayed the funky drummer beat on a drum machine in real time on "Rebel without a pause" and Eddie Murphy rolling with them bitd and being a local MC/DJ.... awesome...If anyone hasnt read it and wants a good book (thats not too deep or complicated, its not an analysis but like an extended interview) then I recommend grabbing it.One question whidch hasnt been answered so far. Who the fuck is Carl Ryder?Oh and the book provides great insight into the inner workings of the Bomb Squad, who made what tracks, who got shafted on credits etc... Seriously its time someone made a bio/doco film on PE....they got a great tale.BTW- anyone own any of their pre PE 12's (Lies etc) that they did uynder the Spectrum name? I wonder what they would be worth...you can read some of it hear... I dont rime for the sake of riddlin


  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    Carl Ryder was a pseudonym for Chuck D (I only just found this out a few months ago myself) - his govt. name, Carlton Ridenhour, contracted down to "Carl Ryder".

  • Sounds great, i'll keep an eye out for it.

  • asstroasstro 1,754 Posts
    Along the same lines, this was a great read:
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