tenacious local 7,783 Posts
Hi,I'm looking for around 10 diverse web surfers to beta test the new site. I need a few people who use Internet Explorer 7+, Safari, Firefox, and maybe some Google Chromers?Holler at me via PM and I will give you instructions.All participating beta testers will get a free month long premium membership in the new Strut.Thanks!-- RAJ
I'm afraid of what SS10 is going to do to my free time.
I've set up this little number to take care of cutting the grass to add strut time.
I suggest all users upgrade to latest browser.
I recommend Chrome.
Yes. While it is usable in "older" browsers. It uses a lot of cutting edge CSS and jquery not fit for grumpy old men like IE7.
No. My plan is to let people play around until May 20th.
I recommend putting these in
"No disassemble Number Five!"[/b]