Obama's Katrina (Fox News Again)



  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    i had no idea we made this stuff here but...


  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
    On a related note if the product you showed in the pics was used what are the ecological downsides if it doesn't get picked up after application and finds it way into a marsh or shoreline?

    That's why it has to be contained in some sort of boom or "pillow"....since it's hydrophobic it will always float and could create both pollution and food source contamination for wildlife. There are no easy answers or magic bullets for this type of thing.....yet!

    what about mycellium remediation?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    On a related note if the product you showed in the pics was used what are the ecological downsides if it doesn't get picked up after application and finds it way into a marsh or shoreline?

    That's why it has to be contained in some sort of boom or "pillow"....since it's hydrophobic it will always float and could create both pollution and food source contamination for wildlife. There are no easy answers or magic bullets for this type of thing.....yet!

    what about mycellium remediation?

    I assume you're referring to bacterialogical/microbiological remediation. This is when live bacteria are used to digest and convert hydrocarbons. It's primarily used in soil where there has been a spill but it takes a lot of maintenance and time to properly work.

    The problem with this type of remediation in water, especially salt water, is keeping the bacteria alive and giving it enough contact time for it to do it's thing. This can be done fairly easily in a lab under perfect conditions but is almost impossible to do in the ocean.

    Some people use a type of bacteria to create a "bio-surfactant" that is then used as a dispersant as I described in an earlier post. This makes the dispersant itself "green" but it still emulsifies the oil with the water(think chocolate milk) which is not a great solution.

  • Options
    On a related note if the product you showed in the pics was used what are the ecological downsides if it doesn't get picked up after application and finds it way into a marsh or shoreline?

    That's why it has to be contained in some sort of boom or "pillow"....since it's hydrophobic it will always float and could create both pollution and food source contamination for wildlife. There are no easy answers or magic bullets for this type of thing.....yet!

    Maybe a really big shamwow would help.

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    Maybe a really big shamwow would help.

    Leno joke.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts

  • Options
    Maybe a really big shamwow would help.

    Leno joke.

    Fuck, I didn't know that. I will now light myself on fire.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    1. Largest recipient of BP cash for past 10 years = Obama.

    2. BP project excused from providing detailed environmental impact survey.

    3. While Oil Slick Spread, Interior Department Chief of Staff Rafted with Wife on taxpayer funded boondoggle in Grand Canyon.

    President Obama hates nature.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    Man, you must have a career that solves lots of problems and produces lots of satisfactory efforts.

    I have found that all my jobs have been about solving problems.
    I judge success by how well those problems are solved.

    When I fall short I admit it.
    I don't go around saying nothing could have been done or blaming others.

    So what exactly is your area of expertise and what was the last problem you solved?

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Problem: How many licks does it take to get to the center of this tootsie roll pop?

    Solution: 3

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts

  • bluesnagbluesnag 1,285 Posts

    See, now this is some inspired shit. Is there anything I'm missing here as to why this would not be at least a really good cheap start to a cleanup?

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts

    Man, you must have a career that solves lots of problems and produces lots of satisfactory efforts.

    I have found that all my jobs have been about solving problems.
    I judge success by how well those problems are solved.

    When I fall short I admit it.
    I don't go around saying nothing could have been done or blaming others.

    So what exactly is your area of expertise and what was the last problem you solved?

    Sorry, my jobs don't allow me to spend all my time answering your questions.

    I don't see where my jobs have anything to do with this thread.
    I have talked about many of my jobs in past "what jobs have you had" threads.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    Man, you must have a career that solves lots of problems and produces lots of satisfactory efforts.

    I have found that all my jobs have been about solving problems.
    I judge success by how well those problems are solved.

    When I fall short I admit it.
    I don't go around saying nothing could have been done or blaming others.

    So what exactly is your area of expertise and what was the last problem you solved?

    Sorry, my jobs don't allow me to spend all my time answering your questions.

    I don't see where my jobs have anything to do with this thread.
    I have talked about many of my jobs in past "what jobs have you had" threads.

    Damn....this made Diet Dr. Pepper shoot through my nose.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    If others feel like this was handled well... I guess that's just a view point I can't understand.

    OK, I'll bite - What should they have done?

    I have no expertise.
    There has been a long chain of events.
    Best I can tell none of these events have had positive results.

    The first thing they should have done is prevent the explosion.
    The rig was not designed to explode.
    That means that somewhere along the way someone made a mistake.
    A poor weld? Smoking around fumes? Cutting corners? Or a 100 other things.
    There is supposed to be a lot of redundancy built in.
    Welds need to be inspected. Mangers need to keep people from smoking around fumes. Cutting corners should not be allowed.

    All of these indicate negligence on BP's part, not the governments.
    I agree all of these indicate negligence on BP's part.
    That does not excuse the government from their oversight responsibilities.

    It is my stance that the government has a responsibility to make sure this type of thing does not happen.
    From granting the lease to decommissioning the well it is the government's responsibility, in my view, to keep workers, the public, and wildlife safe.

    I gather, from what you have written, that you believe it is the sole responsibility of private industry.

    We differ, that is fine.

    I gather, from what roc has written, that he thinks this is no different than a natural disaster like a lightning strike or an earthquake and that what ever response the feds decide on is sufficient.

    We differ, that is fine.

    I think the scope of this disaster is proof that deep sea drilling leases have been granted by the government with out adequate safety and disaster planning.

    I choose to hold my government responsible for that.

    BTW, after the explosion on April 20th the Obama administration approved a lease in the Gulf for a well at 9,000 feet.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    I gather, from what roc has written, that he thinks this is no different than a natural disaster like a lightning strike or an earthquake and that what ever response the feds decide on is sufficient.

    We differ, that is fine.

    I can't hold it in any longer.....you're either just not a very bright guy or delusional.

    PLEASE cut and paste one word/sentence where ANYTHING I wrote here even suggests that "this is no different than a natural disaster"

    You just make this shit up in your own private mind garden and spew it as if it's fact.

    Plus you have the time to type this delusional gibberish but can't tell us what your "expertise" is or what the last problem you solved was.

    My bet is because your expertise is in selling records and the last problem you solved involved cleaning said records.

    Tootsie Roll Pop Indeed.

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    I agree all of these indicate negligence on BP's part.
    That does not excuse the government from their oversight responsibilities.

    It is my stance that the government has a responsibility to make sure this type of thing does not happen.
    From granting the lease to decommissioning the well it is the government's responsibility, in my view, to keep workers, the public, and wildlife safe.

    I gather, from what you have written, that you believe it is the sole responsibility of private industry.

    A) Incorrect. As I have already stated in this thread, I think that there should have been more extensive safety regulations required by law.

    B) Now you're changing the subject. I was responding to your assertion that the government response was inadequate. Now you're saying the regulations were inadequate.

    It's the governments job to have the proper safety requirements mandated by law.

    It's private industry's responsibility to abide by these laws and to pay the price when something goes wrong.

    It's impossible for the government to have a response crew and equipment on standby for every conceivable private industry mishap. How many trillions would that cost?

    The government failed to regulate, BP failed to respond.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    Take this to PM if the two of you insist in turning this into a series of tit-for-tat ad hominem jabs.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts

    I gather, from what roc has written, that he thinks this is no different than a natural disaster like a lightning strike or an earthquake and that what ever response the feds decide on is sufficient.

    We differ, that is fine.

    I can't hold it in any longer.....you're either just not a very bright guy or delusional.

    PLEASE cut and paste one word/sentence where ANYTHING I wrote here even suggests that "this is no different than a natural disaster"

    You just make this shit up in your own private mind garden and spew it as if it's fact.

    Plus you have the time to type this delusional gibberish but can't tell us what your "expertise" is or what the last problem you solved was.

    My bet is because your expertise is in selling records and the last problem you solved involved cleaning said records.

    Tootsie Roll Pop Indeed.

    I will have to agree with you, you never said "this is no different than a natural disaster".

    You did seem to take offense with my opinion that the feds did not do enough to prevent this accident or to mitigate the effects of the accident.

    You have made clear that you have expertise on oil spill clean up.

    What is happening in the Gulf today suggests to me that all of yours, and BP's,and the Federal governments expertise is inadequate to cope with this problem.

    That's my opinion.

    If you disagree please explain why the accident could not have been prevented and why the clean up efforts are adequate.

    As spewing things as fact, I clearly wrote; "I gather, from what roc has written,". Not fact, my opinion based on your writing.

    I am not sure what my expertise has to do with my opinion on the governments actions.

    I told you about a recently solved problem already.
    I have had many jobs including:
    carpet cleaner, tractor operator, Christmas tree harvesting, shoe repair, volunteer coordinator and yes, cleaning and selling records. All those jobs involved identifying problems and solving them.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Take this to PM if the two of you insist in turning this into a series of tit-for-tat ad hominem jabs.

    I hear ya....but you and I(and many others) have managed to have in depth, and sometimes contentious discussions without just making shit up and attributing it to the other person and acting like it's fact(ODub says all Hip-Hop sucks)...taking a discussion to PM's with someone who does this is probably just as futile as doing it here.

    I'll do you one better, I'll ignore the dude from here on out and hope he can manage to do the same by just not responding to me.....people here can judge for themselves....and I know they will.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts

    I'll do you one better, I'll ignore the dude from here on out and hope he can manage to do the same by just not responding to me.

    A good idea. Wish people did this more (but then, where would the fun be?)
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