This Oil Spill is really pissing me off

So last century. Fuck BP and their Beyond Petroleum propaganda.
BP is also planning to cap the well and capture the leaking oil, but this will take four weeks to put in place, by which stage more than 150,000 barrels could have spilled out. If the steel cap does not work, BP will have to try drilling a relief well, which would take three months. By then, the spill could total more than 300,000 barrels (47m litres), greater than the 258,000 barrels leaked by the Exxon Valdez.The Wall Street Journal reported that the well lacked a remote-control shutoff switch required by some oil producing countries, including Norway and Brazil. BP was at the forefront of recent lobbying of the US government against stronger safety controls for offshore drilling.
Seriously, where is Harvey with his Gulf Coast Conspiracy talk? This is right in his wheelhouse? And, smartass shit aside, this is totally deserving of anger and indignation. The asshole BP COO saying they aren't ultimately responsible because they followed guidelines, is a fuck dick.
He claimed not to know about the Norway/Brazil controls mentioned above... Ignorance is NO defense.
If a corporation has the same constitutional rights as a person, can we not throw it in jail and then (in the case of Briddish Petroleum) deport it?
The major environmental destruction will come with landfall. The oil will kill the plant life in the coastal wetlands. Once the plants die, the root structure that holds together the coastal soil will disintegrate, and the coastline will erode, changing the ecosystem and leaving the Gulf Coast vulnerable to flooding and greater destruction during subsequent storms. Never mind the immediate impact on the animal life in the affected areas. Shit is bad. Real bad.
when all the plant and animal life is dead, we can go full speed ahead with drilling, right? why bother with environmental regulations when the environment is a superfund site
I foresee a US Army Corp of Engineers contract in this area's future!
No lobbying, but I've seen firsthand my entire life how ugly the oil industry can be. The entire stretch between Freeport, TX to Grand Isle, LA is an environmental nightmare that many have come to calling "cancer row". The father of my college girlfriend was the environmental director at the Phillips plant in Pasadena, TX back when it blew up and killed 15 people back in like '91. So I've been knowing how destructive this shit gets. And when I consider what I can do to help the situation...the best thing I can come up with is to stop driving a gas guzzler. I did go a few years during the 90's without a car, but yeah...I'm genuinely pissed at myself now for not doing the one thing I could do to stop contributing to this problem.
i'm sure most people know this, but we use oil for so many things besides driving. that's def the largest use, but plastic production uses a shitload of oil too.
Well, it may turn-off supporters of offshore drilling in NC which is a good thing. Not that I'm trying to say this situation is at all positive, obviously.
Why aren't these mandatory everywhere?
Record collecters are complicit!!
If I understand it, there was such a shut-off valve in place, what's called a "blow out protector". The problem is: it failed.
I read that the valves used in Norway/Brazil are called, "Acoustic Switches," and they were not in place, and it was what I saw the COO of BP claim ignorance about.
Acoustic switches are not auto shut-off valves; they're remote control switches and in this case, may not have made a difference. The valve at the well head should have shut off based on the dead-man switch; the entire mechanism seems to have failed and it's doubtful if an acoustic switch would have been any more useful.
I am glad to hear you call for more government regulations.
And while mourning the coal miners in West Virginia, let's not forget the environmental destruction mining has had on West Virginia and else where.
I think that part of Texas is the most polluted area in the country, if I'm not mistaken.