The Human Centipede

GaryGary 3,982 Posts
edited April 2010 in Strut Central
Who else has heard about this movie (its easily google-able if not)?Anybody seen it? Plan on it?As much as I love horror movies and weirdo movies this one seems to cross a line to me. And I usually go for movies that push the boundaries in taste - especially when its done for a laugh, but I think I'll pass on the Human Centipede.Just curious if this was on anybody else's radar.


  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    Yeah, I heard about it a couple weeks undecided on whether or not I want to watch it. I like shitty horror movies a lot, but this one just seems strange.

  • dwyhajlodwyhajlo 420 Posts
    Looks horrible. Degradation for the sake of degradation.

  • some genius decided to combine the mad-doctor stereotype with group anilingus. it's about fucking time!

  • BreezBreez 1,706 Posts

  • JimsterJimster 6,934 Posts
    I was picturing something like this (mushroom-R):

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    "100% medically accurate"

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    this is too fucked up

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    The doctor is played by a dude named Dieter Laser.

    I wish my name was Dieter Laser.

  • BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts
    this movie reminds me of the Guru thread

  • BreezBreez 1,706 Posts
    This looks very intense in a very perverted way. I'M SEEING IT!!!

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    The doctor is played by a dude named Dieter Laser.

    I wish my name was Dieter Laser.

    I had a meeting this week with a guy named Sterling Deal. It was his real name. I asked.

  • BreezBreez 1,706 Posts
    The doctor is played by a dude named Dieter Laser.

    I wish my name was Dieter Laser.

    I had a meeting this week with a guy named Sterling Deal. It was his real name. I asked.

    There was a dude in my high school named Happy Hill . Imagine having that curse!

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    I knew a dude in the army named Bill Dollar.

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    The captain of the sailing team where I went to school was named Skipper Helm (real name, but he came from a sailing family).

    The football coach was Jack Daniels.

  • BreezBreez 1,706 Posts

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts
    Now i like a good ass tonguing as much as the next guy but this trailer left a bad taste in my mouth.

  • BreezBreez 1,706 Posts
    Finally got a chance to see the movie. Me & the fam was in Wal-mart and there was one (un-rated) copy staring me in my face as soon as I hit the movie section. The wife & I watched it last night. Well, I watched it, she didn't make it past the surgery prep scene (which is around 35 mins into it). For those that haven't seen it, definitely check it out. If you're on some "I-can't-even-make-it-through-the-Exorcist" type shit, don't even attempt to watch this. I always thought death was my ultimate fear, IT'S NOT ANY MORE.

  • It was a decent B-horror movie, quite disturbing. I prefer "Teeth". Both need to be taken with a grain of salt.

    Btw I had a music teacher named Stafford Horne and a phys ed teacher named Jim Sok. I also know a Grant Harm.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    I met a dude once named Colt Cannon. That's the greatest name ever bestowed upon any man in the history of humanity.

  • Options
    Cosmo said:
    I met a dude once named Colt Cannon. That's the greatest name ever bestowed upon any man in the history of humanity.

    I guess it would be if you wanted a name that made people think "gay porn star."

    Otherwise not so much.

  • parallaxparallax no-style-having mf'er 1,266 Posts
    Cosmo said:
    I met a dude once named Colt Cannon. That's the greatest name ever bestowed upon any man in the history of humanity.

    Completely lateral, but this reminds me of an MLB player named Covelli Crisp. He goes by the name Coco Crisp, which sounds like a delicious breakfast cereal.


  • BreezBreez 1,706 Posts
    Otis_Funkmeyer said:
    I prefer "Teeth". Both need to be taken with a grain of salt.

    "In Soviet Russia, pussy eats you!"

  • i quite liked human centipede but it wasn't that scary.. too ridiculous to be scary

    A Serbian Film on the other hand.. has anyone seen it? jesus f. christ. i had to switch off. read about it and try it if you dare.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    I've posted this here before, but one of the Selectmen in my home town was named Dick Bangs.

  • Oh I also know an Eiman Alian.

  • DelayDelay 4,530 Posts
    I had a supervisor named Dick Butsavage when i worked designing junk mail for Capital One in 99-2000. I figured he was french. One day in a meeting i called him mr. "boosavaj" He ask me to stay after and he told me he appreciated me trying, but his name was "Butsavage" and he was cool with it. I was devastated
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