Lima, Peru strut

fountain16fountain16 93 Posts
edited April 2010 in Strut Central
Im going to Peru at the end of May for 10 days. flying into Lima then going to Machu Picchu for a couple of days. Anybody here ever dig there? record stores or markets i should check out? thanks in advance.F16


  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    on the corner of tacna and quilca street there are a bunch of record dudes

  • bump..

    leaving friday..pretty stoked. except im deathly afraid of flying.

    any other Lima and/or Peru record knowledge would be greatly appreciated.



  • I know it's late, but hit up Renzo on the listen recovery wordpress page. He's originally from there and I'm sure he'll hip you to a few places off the beaten track.
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