
DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
edited April 2010 in Strut Central


  • Rich45sRich45s 327 Posts
    Dude's created his own Wikipedia


    R.A.E.D. is revolutionizing christian orthodox hip hop rap. He was spawned by satan and papa smurf.

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    just holding my breath hoping for him to accidentally come in on the right beat and lock in for just a second

  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,138 Posts
    Seriously, there must be people around him that know he can't keep the beat. I feel sorry for him. Fremdsch?men in action....thanks for posting this, Doc.

  • kicks79kicks79 1,353 Posts
    This is aussie right? I apologize on behalf on my nation for inflicting this on the rest of the world. We can blame Bangs however for creating this wave of shit c&*#s who think they can rhyme
    BTW He is kinda a big dude though. You want to be the one to tell him. Hey dude you aren't on time. He sounds like he's been up on drugs for three days so maybe in his head he;s on time.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    There's more.

    This is absolutely staggering.

    I think we can call off the search now; we've found the worst rapper in the world.

    Aussies - isn't Melb'n supposed to be a hub of creativity and all that?

  • Holy Shitsauce!

    dude produced his own movie called FATE LANE

    quote from wiki: "This movie has confused critics."

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    I get the impression that the Wiki mightn't be entirely serious.

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    haha runnin red lights and shit
    kind of a retarded pitbull

  • took me a couple seconds to realize that was actually english

  • drumsdrums 83 Posts
    This guy is hilarious. He not only sucks. His songs are way too long. It's like time stands still when I play his videos.

    The saddest thing is I don't think he understands that the reason he got 130.000 views is because people thinks he's a joke.

    I'm still not convinced this is real though.

  • The saddest thing is I don't think he understands that the reason he got 130.000 views is because people thinks he's a joke.

    Oh he might get it, comments are disabled for his videos. I am really hoping dude shows up on here, but I highly doubt anyone could read his writing.

  • The song sounds like he just read his lyrics aloud in the booth, hoping they somehow sync up.


    the fact that he lipsyncs it perfectly in the video means that this is exactly the cadence he was going for, consciously. thats just messed up...

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts

    he's listened to a cd of his songs all day everyday since he recorded them.

  • haha! thats probably it.

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    This video has been added to your favorites

  • haters.

  • Possible graemlin?

  • the_dLthe_dL 1,531 Posts

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    This guy is like the rap version of Superstar and Star.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,991 Posts
    He must spend all day in his own private mind garden, the self-errected walls of which are built high and topped with electrified razor-wire.

    Even Steve McQueen isn't jumping that bith.

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    He must spend all day in his own private mind garden, the self-errected walls of which are built high and topped with electrified razor-wire.

    Even Steve McQueen isn't jumping that bith.

    i remember someone posting a link to one of this genius' vids a while back. i cant believe he has more: its AWESOME. On so many levels.
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