KPM Style 50's Incidental Music

Mr_Lee_PHDMr_Lee_PHD 2,042 Posts
edited April 2010 in Strut Central
This one is for any fans of the KPM Archive music i.e. the kinda stuff used in Ren & Stimpy etc..I'm trying and trying and trying to find a really classic (40's/50's) piece of early instrumental TV stock library music used in loads and LOADS of TV Shows... normally for its novelty value. Generally any show that wants a sprightly light-hearted song to put to some domestic kinda activity. Everyone has heard it at one time or another, its that common.To set the tone, it it from the same genre of music as these...Cedric King-Palmer - Hackney Carriage Laurie Johnson - Animal MagicI have no sound clips.. I can only describe how it goes (fitting it to the style of the other two). The tempo is more like the first example (Hackney Carriage).There are strings and flutes... The flutes play three high notes (all the same note) and one low note.... i.e> (- - - _)Time signature is a 4/4Tweet Tweet Tweet Doop (- - - _)Tweet Tweet Tweet DoopDoodle-Doop Doop DoopDoop Doop DoooooooooooTweet Tweet Tweet DoopTweet Tweet Tweet DoopDoodle-Doop Doop Doop DoooooooooooooooooooooThen the strings come in in a high to low kind of melody for the chorus part.Any ideas ??


  • Can't help you on the track id but there is a kpm lp called "drama" (kpm1168) that has a lot of ren & stimpy music and there is a compilation of all the ren & stimpy music floating around the blogs.

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
    You might want to try the Music for TV Dinners compilations. They're a good source for exactly what you're describing.

  • Try Raymond Scott...

  • That Ren and Stimpy compilation is great. I remember I was playing one of the CDs in my car while driving one day. Just some great driving music. Raymond Scott is amazing. You should also try Heinz Kiesslng. His music is used in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia if you want an idea of how it sounds.

  • You might want to try the Music for TV Dinners compilations. They're a good source for exactly what you're describing.

    "Shopping Spree"!

  • Heinz Kiesslng. His music is used in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia if you want an idea of how it sounds.

    this one has the theme song for that show.

  • there's also a homemade comp circulating called The Joy of Modern Living

  • Mr_Lee_PHDMr_Lee_PHD 2,042 Posts
    Thanks for the suggestions dudes. Still on the hunt.

    I found this lil beauty while I was at it.. One of those songs everyone can hum, but nobody knows the name of.

  • Tweet Tweet Tweet Doop (- - - _)
    Tweet Tweet Tweet Doop
    Doodle-Doop Doop Doop
    Doop Doop Dooooooooooo

    Tweet Tweet Tweet Doop
    Tweet Tweet Tweet Doop
    Doodle-Doop Doop Doop

    Got to be Puffin' Billy?

  • Mr_Lee_PHDMr_Lee_PHD 2,042 Posts
    Tweet Tweet Tweet Doop (- - - _)
    Tweet Tweet Tweet Doop
    Doodle-Doop Doop Doop
    Doop Doop Dooooooooooo

    Tweet Tweet Tweet Doop
    Tweet Tweet Tweet Doop
    Doodle-Doop Doop Doop

    Got to be Puffin' Billy?

    Bingo!!! Man.. you have supplied the end to an entire week of hunting!

    Its amazing how many people know this tune but have no idea wtf its called (including me).


  • As soon as I read 'Tweet Tweet Tweet Doop' it was in my head! Quintessentially english home counties 50's BW film music.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    It could equally have been Beethoven's 5th.
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