Health-Care Reform Fallout



  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Yeah honestly there's plenty of these nut jobs in Upstate NY, out in NJ, shit... even outer borough NYC and Long Island.

    Texas is still fucked though.

    Yes, you watch Texas on your tv/computer...fucked to the max.

    You instead do something called living and experience it first hand...beautiful to the max.

    People need to unplug their electronics already and get back to living...because even y'all who are the smarter ones out there STAY ON THAT BULLSHIT.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    E[/b]N MASSE[/b]!



  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    E[/b]N MASSE[/b]!



    Stay off our land!

  • doisndoisn baleadas&pupuzas 303 Posts
    You instead do something called living and experience it first hand...beautiful to the max.

    People need to unplug their electronics already and get back to living...

  • From the comments section

    1. Changed his name inexplicably to Barak Hussein Obama;
    2. Full birth records are sealed and over $1M spent to prevent disclosure;
    3. College records likewise under lock and key, so no way of knowing if he truly attended Occidental, Harvard, or whereever else he wants us to believe he attended;
    4. Travelled to Pakistan during a time when Americans were not permitted to do so, subjecting him to relinquishment of passport rights;
    5. Claims to be a "Christian" but will never say exactly what makes him one;
    6. Attended a white-hating, angry, anti-American church;
    7. Studied Islam during his formative years;
    8. Bows to Arab (Islamic) royalty;
    9. Can recite Islamic prayers perfectly;
    10. Kneels in prayer in a Mosque;
    11. He lies. Frequently.
    12. Came to power in the US Senate by eliminating his opponents rather than beating them at the polls;
    13. Surrounds himself with similar ethically-challenged people and appoints immoral degenerates.

    Which of those statements are untrue?

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts

    1. Changed his name inexplicably to Barak Hussein Obama;

    Haven't you seen Coming To America? If the guy wants to be called Muhammed Ali, you should respect his wishes and call him Muhammed Ali... Rocky Marciano, pffft.

    2. Full birth records are sealed and over $1M spent to prevent disclosure;

    If I had a nation of rednecks probing into my life, birth records wouldn't be the only things sealed. The Truther shit is stale anyway.

    3. College records likewise under lock and key, so no way of knowing if he truly attended Occidental,
    Harvard, or whereever else he wants us to believe he attended;
    Sounds like Bush's Vietnam service record. Or his coke record.

    4. Travelled to Pakistan during a time when Americans were not permitted to do so, subjecting him to relinquishment of passport rights;

    So? Oooooooo -he did a naughty. LOL, leave that mentality to the kindergartens, & growthefuckup.

    5. Claims to be a "Christian" but will never say exactly what makes him one;

    Maybe he isn't - it shouldn't matter, but the rightwing fundamentalist Bible-bashing nutjobs of America have made this personal belief something to win votes with or be crucified over. Separationofchurchandstateplaseorshutthef*ckupabouttheso-calledfreedomsofAmerica.

    6. Attended a white-hating, angry, anti-American church;

    Well it's one camp or the other really, isn't it? He can ignore his family/cultural upbringing, and suck up to the 'black-hating, angry, pro-American' establishment and ignore the problems of a society riven apart by race, or he can side himself with the 'white-hating, angry, anti-American' establishment that I assume seeks to change[/b] the status quo. He can't sit on the fence with that one, as he'll be called out by either side, and yet obviously no normal person is going to 'hate' one side or the other...

    7. Studied Islam during his formative years;
    So this is illegal now?

    8. Bows to Arab (Islamic) royalty;
    I can understand why displaying manners in a foreign country might seem strange after Bush, but again, so what? I'm sure he gave some kind of vaguely deferential bow of the head in the direction of the Queen of England - doesn't mean he's kow-towing to her as HIS majesty, just showing that he's polite and cultured enough to follow local custom - when in Rome. As most of the Americans that moan about this have probably never been outside of their own state, I guess this outrage is unfortunately understandable.

    9. Can recite Islamic prayers perfectly;
    I hear he can tie his own shoe-laces too.

    10. Kneels in prayer in a Mosque;
    The horror!

    11. He lies. Frequently.
    This one is a joke, right? He's a politician ffs.

    12. Came to power in the US Senate by eliminating his opponents rather than beating them at the polls;
    WTF? How did Bush come to power again??? Really clutching at straws now.

    13. Surrounds himself with similar ethically-challenged people and appoints immoral degenerates.

    Guffaw, Cheney & Rumsfeld were/are ethically minded?

    Which of those statements are untrue?
    11. Definitely 11.

  • A question over the media's concern over whether republicans 'irresponsible' rhetoric is inciting and riling up the tea partiers, or tea baggers if you prefer.

    Isnt a very good way to rile up and anger a group of people to take a handful of incidents, including incidents where it is not known if the perpetrator hailed from that group or even occurred at all, and hold them up as an indictment of that group of people in its entirety? I think so

    It would appear then that if we are to take the media seriously that the media regards itself as irresponsible.

    More than that though it is idiotic which is really at the heart of the matter. The media is overwhelmingly liberal but more importantly it is even more overwhelmingly stupid. This is a social institution charged with delivering the truth and yet amongst it members has an almost complete lack of people who possess even the most basic critical tools required to discern it.

    In light of this I offer a very short guide to reasoning centering around the fact that empirical statements require empirical evidence.

    The argument that the rhetoric of republicans has played a part in the recent upswing in political violence from tea partiers rests on three empirical propositions that must be demonstrated and not simply asserted.

    What we might want to do first is establish whether there really has been an upswing in political violence and threats worth talking about. To do this we would want to know what the level of political violence and threats typically are and how much they tend to increase in the aftermath of political controversies. As obvious as this seems to be I have not seen a single example of an article actually attempt to discover whether this upswing is even an upswing. Is the media coverage really a result of something concerning and unprecedented or is it a result of democratic lawmakers attempting to marginalize the tea party movement by an increased emphasis on something that isn't particularly atypical at all? I have seen no evidence of the media attempting to even investigate this question. If the media want to shed its reputation as being liberal it must stop uncritically accepting liberal narratives

    Next we would want to discover how many of these incidents are actually related to tea partiers. A close reading of media reports will show you that many if not most of the incidents under scrutiny have been undertaken by anonymous individuals. Their relationship to the tea party movement has just been assumed based on. Is perhaps this a strategy of the far left who have a proven pedigree of violence far in excess of right wing protest movements? (If you doubt this I suggest you walk around a place after a tea party protest has occurred there and walk around a place after a G20 protest has occurred there.) Again, the question goes unanswered and assumptions that fit with a liberal narrative take the place which should belong to actual evidence

    Thirdly and finally we would want to try and work out how much of what we have found after performing the first two investigations can actually be attributed to the rhetoric of republicans. Unfortunately this question is difficult if not impossible to answer. Since we cannot know if there would have been less incidences of violence in the absence of the republican statements in question we should, supposing we care about the truth, make our criticisms of those statements subjective in nature. If the media want to accuse republicans of ugly language, stupid language ect. that is all well and good. Assertions about their causal power are absolutely unfounded and giving those assertions the form of a question, a tactic much beloved by the media, just adds dishonesty to error.

  • 1. Changed his name inexplicably to Barak Hussein Obama;

    Haven't you seen Coming To America? If the guy wants to be called Muhammed Ali, you should respect his wishes and call him Muhammed Ali... Rocky Marciano, pffft.

    2. Full birth records are sealed and over $1M spent to prevent disclosure;

    If I had a nation of rednecks probing into my life, birth records wouldn't be the only things sealed. The Truther shit is stale anyway.

    3. College records likewise under lock and key, so no way of knowing if he truly attended Occidental,
    Harvard, or whereever else he wants us to believe he attended;
    Sounds like Bush's Vietnam service record. Or his coke record.

    4. Travelled to Pakistan during a time when Americans were not permitted to do so, subjecting him to relinquishment of passport rights;

    So? Oooooooo -he did a naughty. LOL, leave that mentality to the kindergartens, & growthefuckup.

    5. Claims to be a "Christian" but will never say exactly what makes him one;

    Maybe he isn't - it shouldn't matter, but the rightwing fundamentalist Bible-bashing nutjobs of America have made this personal belief something to win votes with or be crucified over. Separationofchurchandstateplaseorshutthef*ckupabouttheso-calledfreedomsofAmerica.

    6. Attended a white-hating, angry, anti-American church;

    Well it's one camp or the other really, isn't it? He can ignore his family/cultural upbringing, and suck up to the 'black-hating, angry, pro-American' establishment and ignore the problems of a society riven apart by race, or he can side himself with the 'white-hating, angry, anti-American' establishment that I assume seeks to change[/b] the status quo. He can't sit on the fence with that one, as he'll be called out by either side, and yet obviously no normal person is going to 'hate' one side or the other...

    7. Studied Islam during his formative years;

    So this is illegal now?

    8. Bows to Arab (Islamic) royalty;

    I can understand why displaying manners in a foreign country might seem strange after Bush, but again, so what? I'm sure he gave some kind of vaguely deferential bow of the head in the direction of the Queen of England - doesn't mean he's kow-towing to her as HIS majesty, just showing that he's polite and cultured enough to follow local custom - when in Rome. As most of the Americans that moan about this have probably never been outside of their own state, I guess this outrage is unfortunately understandable.

    9. Can recite Islamic prayers perfectly;

    I hear he can tie his own shoe-laces too.

    10. Kneels in prayer in a Mosque;

    The horror!

    11. He lies. Frequently.

    This one is a joke, right? He's a politician ffs.

    12. Came to power in the US Senate by eliminating his opponents rather than beating them at the polls;

    WTF? How did Bush come to power again??? Really clutching at straws now.

    13. Surrounds himself with similar ethically-challenged people and appoints immoral degenerates.

    Guffaw, Cheney & Rumsfeld were/are ethically minded?

    Which of those statements are untrue?

    11. Definitely 11.
    I asked which were untrue. Not which you consider irrelevant or the near equivalent of things done by his predecessor.

    I take your post to mean that you believe all the statements are true. It also evidences a lack of curiosity and a distressing malady of thought. The facts should shape your impression of Obama, your homo love of Obama shouldn't shape your impression of the facts.

    When you have a leftist defending someones character by noting a slew of similarities between that someone and GEORGE BUSH you know they are working very hard to defend that someone from the truth.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts

    I asked which were untrue. Not which you consider irrelevant or the near equivalent of things done by his predecessor.

    The relevance of the statements has to be questioned.
    The moral bias of the questions should be examined.
    Bringing up the previous regime in charge of America is only natural when American politics seem to be so polarised that, for example, statement 13 can be made, presumably with a straight face - were the same high standards held up against the Bush regime by the person listing these facts? Why not?

    I take your post to mean that you believe all the statements are true. It also evidences a lack of curiosity and a distressing malady of thought. The facts should shape your impression of Obama, your homo love of Obama shouldn't shape your impression of the facts.

    When you have a leftist defending someones character by noting a slew of similarities between that someone and GEORGE BUSH you know they are working very hard to defend that someone from the truth.

    Yes, there are a slew of similarities. They're both politicians.
    If all of the Tea Bag/rightwing's worst fears are true, that Obama is a secret Socialist Muslim intent on bringing about the end of the American way-of-life, maybe he's the best thing for a country with a f*cked economy, two illegal foreign invasions underway against Muslim nations, and massive levels of social inequality, obesity, crime, and mental illnesses, most of which have been exacerbated by the American-way-of-life (particularly as espoused by the previous regime)...

  • I offer a very short guide to reasoning centering around the fact that empirical statements require empirical evidence.

    since when are you (or sean hannity for that matter) concerned with "facts", "empirical evidence" and "reason"? you're the most ideological (left, right or other) person on this board by a country mile.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    Is the media coverage really a result of something concerning and unprecedented or is it a result of democratic lawmakers attempting to marginalize the tea party movement by an increased emphasis on something that isn't particularly atypical at all?

    Fair point. The media in the UK has been sensationalising paedophilia to the point that adults live in fear that their children will be abducted from the streets... while in actual fact there has been no rise in the number/rates of child abductions or murders since recording these crimes began.

    Is perhaps this a strategy of the far left who have a proven pedigree of violence far in excess of right wing protest movements? (If you doubt this I suggest you walk around a place after a tea party protest has occurred there and walk around a place after a G20 protest has occurred there.)

    Do you think that crimes against property should be compared to crimes against individuals?
    And 'false flag attacks' committed by the left against Dems? Bollocks.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    On top of all that the GOPers are trying to lie their way into a pity party, saying that they too are receiving threats. For example, Eric Cantor had a press conference yesterday at which he claimed that his office had been shot at when in fact the police in Richmond are unconvinced.

    Eric Cantor, lying sack of shit

    There are all kinds of nuts out there............

    Man arrested for threatening Rep. Eric Cantor[/b]

    Mon Mar 29, 2010 4:36pm EDT House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) in Washington,

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. authorities have arrested and charged a man with threatening to kill the No. 2 Republican in the House of Representatives, Eric Cantor, and his family, according to court documents filed on Monday.

    Barack Obama

    Norman Leboon, 38, was accused of making the threat in a video on YouTube in which he said, "You receive my bullets in your office, remember they will be placed in your heads," according to an FBI affidavit accompanying the charge.

    A bullet was fired through a window at Cantor's Richmond, Virginia, campaign office last week, but police said it had been shot into the air and struck the window in a downward direction, suggesting it was a stray bullet.

    Republicans and Democrats in the U.S. Congress have been trading accusations that each side was encouraging threats that have been made against lawmakers in the wake of the new healthcare law that Congress passed and President Barack Obama signed last week.

    Authorities tracked Leboon to an address in Philadelphia where there was a state warrant pending in connection with other threats, according to an affidavit filed by an FBI agent with the two-count complaint.

    Leboon was arrested on Saturday and during an interview with the FBI, he said he had made the video with his cell phone and submitted it to YouTube, the FBI affidavit said. Leboon said he had made more than 2,000 videos with threats, it said.

    Describing himself as the "son of the god of Enoch," Leboon called Cantor as "pure evil" and that the lawmaker's family was "suffering because of his father's wrath," the affidavit said.

    The Virginia lawmaker, who serves as chief Republican vote counter in the House of Representatives, was told of the threat over the weekend and subsequently of the arrest, his spokesman, Brad Dayspring, said in a statement.

    If convicted, Leboon could face up to 15 years in prison and a $500,000 fine.

  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts
    Cmon Rock, this tit-for-tat shit is so tired. You're way too smart to actually think one nutball somehow balances what's been going on.

    Have you even watched this guys youtube videos? If the democrats were out there saying "well maybe we really should consider pulling the movie Babe off the shelves, they forced this on us, and that can make people do crazy things!". No one is justifying this guy's actions, no one is trying to use him to gain a political advantage (other than some Republicans, and I guess you).

    Honestly, wtf does this dude have to do with anything? Should I trawl the streets to find my own crazy person to make a counter argument? This tea party shit is going to be remembered as a shameful episode, and the republicans are complicit, trying to ride the tiger to an electoral victory. If anyone still wants to talk about healthcare you'll remember this bill is comprised of mostly republican ideas. What a pointless post Rock.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Cmon Rock, this tit-for-tat shit is so tired. You're way too smart to actually think one nutball somehow balances what's been going on.

    Have you even watched this guys youtube videos? If the democrats were out there saying "well maybe we really should consider pulling the movie Babe off the shelves, they forced this on us, and that can make people do crazy things!". No one is justifying this guy's actions, no one is trying to use him to gain a political advantage (other than some Republicans, and I guess you).

    Honestly, wtf does this dude have to do with anything? Should I trawl the streets to find my own crazy person to make a counter argument? This tea party shit is going to be remembered as a shameful episode, and the republicans are complicit, trying to ride the tiger to an electoral victory. If anyone still wants to talk about healthcare you'll remember this bill is comprised of mostly republican ideas. What a pointless post Rock.

    DrWu called Cantor a lying sack of this particular case he wasn't.....the police have indeed confirmed that a bullet was shot through his office window.....the bias here is so one-sided it's pitiful.

    My goal here is always to balance out that bias. If that means pointing out that BOTH sides have lunatics & nuts, and you take that as "tit for tat", so be it.

    Some folks here feel comfortable and safe in a one-sided bias gang-bang of politics......some so much so that they will leave if it's anything but that...I don't roll that way.

    It takes two to play your game of "tit for tat".

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    And the FTL thread a non-US strutter wanted to know why only the Right in this country threaten death and violence....obviously this is the impression they are getting from either the media or reading political threads here.

    I suggested they google "Kill Bush".

  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts
    Yes, partisanship is bad, sure. I'm here, supporting a bill that's WAY more conservative than I would like, because I think it's a step in the right direction. Ideologically, this bill is largely based on ideas proposed by conservatives. And yet now, they refer to it as "Armageddon" and blame democrats for the violent rhetoric. That's the definition of partisanship, but you claim the current atmosphere of insanity is bi-partisan.

    The fact is that there are always violent crazies on the margins, but for all those years of "Bush Derangement Syndrome" I never saw any prominent Democrats endorse this kind of rhetoric the way Republicans have. The last time conservatives got this angry about the federal government, we had Oklahoma City. I'll let you google the liberal equivalent, I must've missed it.

    Look, you obviously enjoy being contrarian and stirring shit up. Yes, there are crazy people on both sides, of course. But if a single stray bullet and the dude railing against Babe is your proof that both sides are encouraging the crazies, I think its fair to say "Rock, honestly. WTF are you talking about?"

    This election year is going to be incredibly ugly, and the actual health insurance reforms passed have nothing to do with it.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    But was it actually partisanship that made the bill more moderate? Didn't it wind up that still no Republicans voted for it?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Yes, partisanship is bad, sure. I'm here, supporting a bill that's WAY more conservative than I would like, because I think it's a step in the right direction. Ideologically, this bill is largely based on ideas proposed by conservatives. And yet now, they refer to it as "Armageddon" and blame democrats for the violent rhetoric. That's the definition of partisanship, but you claim the current atmosphere of insanity is bi-partisan.

    The fact is that there are always violent crazies on the margins, but for all those years of "Bush Derangement Syndrome" I never saw any prominent Democrats endorse this kind of rhetoric the way Republicans have. The last time conservatives got this angry about the federal government, we had Oklahoma City. I'll let you google the liberal equivalent, I must've missed it.

    Look, you obviously enjoy being contrarian and stirring shit up. Yes, there are crazy people on both sides, of course. But if a single stray bullet and the dude railing against Babe is your proof that both sides are encouraging the crazies, I think its fair to say "Rock, honestly. WTF are you talking about?"

    This election year is going to be incredibly ugly, and the actual health insurance reforms passed have nothing to do with it.

    The fact that you call insane anti-government militia lunatics "Conservatives" pretty much sums up why we won't agree on much.

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    The idea that the backlash against the Health Care Bill is somehow 'unprecedented' is complete media BS, and so is the 'wave of death threats', which don't actually exist. It's sad to see so many people here and across the country lap it up without any scrutiny.

    I was listening to NPR the day before yesterday and the host (don't know who it was) had several journalists on and was blasting one of them who had written an article on the death threats being received by politicians. He got him to admit that not a single one of these was actually a death threat, and there were only a couple that could be construed that way and that they could just as easily be construed as something else.

    The fact is, that until Cantor was threatened, not a single death threat had been received by any senator or representative.

    But now it is already taken as fact that there has been a plague of death threats to politicians because of this bill, even though that is 100% false.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Mismanaging donated aid to Haitian earthquake survivors is a death threat.

  • barjesusbarjesus 872 Posts
    The article you quoted said the bullet had a downward trajectory and was most likely a stray bullet. They arrested the guy in Philly for Christ sakes.

    What about homeboy who's brothers gas line got cut after some nut job posted his address online?

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    The article you quoted said the bullet had a downward trajectory and was most likely a stray bullet. They arrested the guy in Philly for Christ sakes.

    What about homeboy who's brothers gas line got cut after some nut job posted his address online?

    It was the gas line from a propane tank to his grill, not his house.

  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts
    Oh in that case, totally justified. SMH..

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    Oh in that case, totally justified. SMH..

    Not at all, but calling it a 'death threat' as many media outlets have done is absurd.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Oh in that case, totally justified. SMH..

    Go to a website where the loony Right hangs'll see the exact, but opposite tripe that we see here.

    Stepping back and recognizing this can be a mind freeing revelation.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Mismanaging donated aid to Haitian earthquake survivors is a death threat.

    Or worse.

  • barjesusbarjesus 872 Posts
    The article you quoted said the bullet had a downward trajectory and was most likely a stray bullet. They arrested the guy in Philly for Christ sakes.

    What about homeboy who's brothers gas line got cut after some nut job posted his address online?

    It was the gas line from a propane tank to his grill, not his house.

    So not the smartest would-be assassin...

    There's plenty of people on both sides getting red in the face over shit that ultimately they are powerless to change. I try not to get all worked up about this shit because even though I'm broke, jobless, etc. I still have my health, a roof over my head and friends & family.

    I will note, however, that I'm happy that the federal government is subsidizing 65% of my COBRA healthcare. Thanks, Barry.
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