My Kid Pulled This At ARC

RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
edited March 2010 in Strut Central
We weren't in the ARC Show 5 minutes when my daughter bought this record for a dollar.....I'm ready to retire.


  • haha Rich that is awesome.


  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts
    ^This is an example of successful Strutter parenting.

  • BreezBreez 1,706 Posts
    I really feel you on this one. My 6 yr old daughter does this alot! She makes some of $5-$10 pulls look silly compared to her $1 pulls & don't get me started on the freebies she gets.

  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts
    Baby Strutters, FTW!

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Baby Strutters, FTW!

    Mine's 23.

  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts

  • DongerDonger 854 Posts
    Baby Strutters, FTW!

    Mine's 23.

    She's still yo baby!

    I'm 22 and my parents still think I'm 15 and refuse to believe that I can pick out my own socks in the morning. The other day I was like, "Mom, that's enough, I can make my own decisions." She said, "no you cannot." But that's another thread...

  • FrankFrank 2,385 Posts
    That's awesome, congrats!

  • That's whats up! I can't wait to take my daughter to ARC... She's only 2 1/2 months, but she love's soul music. I'm crossin my fingers!

  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts
    Got to start them young!

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    I'll give $10 for that LP. Holler.

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    I'll give $10 for that LP. Holler.

    $12 !!!

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    Holy shit. That is gold.

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    Why is it that there are a grip of LPs out of Texas made by prisoners but relatively few from most other states? Purely based on size or was this a popular trend within Texas for quite some time?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Why is it that there are a grip of LPs out of Texas made by prisoners but relatively few from most other states? Purely based on size or was this a popular trend within Texas for quite some time?

    One reason may be the visits by Alan Lomax to various Texas prisons for the purpose of recording blues artists back in the day.

  • the "Parchamn Farm" prison in Mississippi has a series of LPs from the 70s...some good soul and funk on them....most of the LPs have a R&B side and a country the black prisoners got to record a side and the white prisoners got to record a side....

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Not sure if I ever told this story here but it?s worth repeating in this thread. Some years back I was working on a LP release of the Texas band Seompi. They had a few 45 releases in the 60?s and were known as the heaviest band in Tejas? one time their line-up was 2 bass players and a drummer with one bass player playing lead through a fuzzbox. Anyway, I got my hands on some tapes they had recorded but there were no song titles listed. I finally located the main band member, Dave, in a prison here in Texas and he was in for a very long time(drug deal gone bad/murder related). I sent him a letter and he called me back collect. I explained that I had the tapes which blew his mind as he was certain they had been destroyed years earlier. He suggested I send him a tape of the cuts and he would give me the titles. I sent a tape off the next day.

    A couple of months went by and I didn?t hear back from him. He finally called me collect again and explained that he was not allowed to receive the tape as the Prison had deemed it ?contraband? and that it was on it?s way back to me. He then suggested that I send it to the Prison Chaplain and that he would play the songs for Dave and then he would send me a track listing. Again months went by and I didn?t hear anything back until Dave called me one Saturday and apologized profusely. He said that the prison authorities had again deemed it contraband and he didn?t get to hear it. He then explained that the reason he had not contacted me sooner was that he was in lock down for possessing drugs!!! I couldn?t get this guy a damn cassette tape, yet he was able to get drugs?..amazing.

    I finally decided to have him call me and I played the songs over the phone for him to identify. I probably should have done it that way from the beginning. When the LP finally came out I included a photo of Dave?s current prison band, Free Wine, and their equipment which was better than what most struggling touring bands have!!!

  • I was actually gonna ask you about seompi...I just heard this for the first time last week and was blown away...

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    I was actually gonna ask you about seompi...I just heard this for the first time last week and was blown away...

    From the first time I heard their "Summer's Comin' On Heavy" 45 I had wanted to find out if they had recorded enough material for an LP. After years of searching I found that Willie Nelson's current sound man had hours of tapes of the band. It took me 2 years to get the tapes and I was not disappointed. They had been referred to as "The Black Sabbath Of Texas" but I don't think that's a fair or accurate description. Glad you dug it.

  • I was actually gonna ask you about seompi...I just heard this for the first time last week and was blown away...

    From the first time I heard their "Summer's Comin' On Heavy" 45 I had wanted to find out if they had recorded enough material for an LP. After years of searching I found that Willie Nelson's current sound man had hours of tapes of the band. It took me 2 years to get the tapes and I was not disappointed. They had been referred to as "The Black Sabbath Of Texas" but I don't think that's a fair or accurate description. Glad you dug it.

    yeah, more like "The Jesus Lizard of Texas"....25 years ahead of the time

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    yeah, more like "The Jesus Lizard of Texas"....25 years ahead of the time

    E....your PM box is full....send me your mailing address and I'll send you a copy of the SEOMPI LP.

  • thanks!

  • ladydayladyday 623 Posts
    I was actually gonna ask you about seompi...I just heard this for the first time last week and was blown away...

    From the first time I heard their "Summer's Comin' On Heavy" 45 I had wanted to find out if they had recorded enough material for an LP. After years of searching I found that Willie Nelson's current sound man had hours of tapes of the band. It took me 2 years to get the tapes and I was not disappointed. They had been referred to as "The Black Sabbath Of Texas" but I don't think that's a fair or accurate description. Glad you dug it.

  • Baby Strutters, FTW!

    Mine's 23.

    post pics or youre soft!!!

  • jus kidding...
    thats great that she's got the record bug, rock

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Baby Strutters, FTW!

    Mine's 23.

    post pics or youre soft!!!

  • that your son?
    did he catch any records?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    that your son?
    did he catch any records?

    I just looked it up and he is 6 months younger than me.

    Sonic Elderly

  • ladydayladyday 623 Posts
    Proof that rock keeps you young.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Proof that rock keeps you young.

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