
  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts

  • I am Notso Athletic from the Fantasy footy.
    Been trying to get a password reminder for here for months.

    Thanks for removing me at the end!!

    The seven to be removed from the squad imo(and hope) =

    A Johnson

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,908 Posts
    Thanks for removing me at the end!!


  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts

    So.....any of you dudes emigrating? If so, where?



    Sam Cam: you would, wouldn't you?

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts

    Sam Cam: you would, wouldn't you?

    Good lord no. Never been much of an Equine lover. Though I wouldn't turn my nose up at the money.

    Watching all this unfold last night it started to appear to me that Labour had played it absolutely brilliantly.
    After all, they made noises about wanting to go into a pact with Lib Dem without ever making it convincing enough to happen and Brown promised he would resign but not for a while thus forcing the Tories to offer far more in the deal to the Lib Dems (10& of their MPs in cabinet positions?) and also tarnish Clegg forever for his "secret" talks with them while he was negotiating with Cameron.

    As soon as it was clear Cameron had thrown the kitchen sink in there, Brown announces he's going straight away, all the Lab MPs come out and say they would never do the coalition anyway and they all head off to regroup for the next election in a year's time.

  • magpaulmagpaul 1,314 Posts
    Fucking ConDem CUNTS!!!

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,788 Posts
    Unless this all a cunning plan to sabotage every proposal the Tories put forward, I am deeply dissapointed that my vote and intentions have ended up with Cameron in power. Fucking Tory bastards, I hope this backfires spectacularly.

    Clegg, if you're reading this: I'll most likely to go back to Labour next time round.

    Why couldn't the Lib Dems have refused to form a coalition with anyone? That would've made the strongest case for reform surely?

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Because Clegg is really an evil oversized forehead swine like his brother in crime Cameron.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,908 Posts

    I remember when that notsensibles track was in the indie charts, St**e. Held back from the #1 by Toyah's "Sheepfarming In Barnet".

    Proper songs back den, innit.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Ah, the indie charts. I remenber a time you could go to the Virgin Megastore basement and be confronted by a warehouse sized floorspace full of racks of monochrome sleeved goodness talmbout mohican dudes w/ Crass leathers rubbing shoulders with Costello lookalike trendy history teachers flicking thru Basement 5 and Poison Girls 12s.

    Dammit, I'm welling up here.

    BTW Senior, you would.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,788 Posts

    Out of that squad choice, I'd like to see something like

    Johnson King Ferdinand A.Cole
    Lennon Rooney Milner A.Johnson

    We're obviously on different sides of the fence, cause that looks like my worst nightmare line-up. almost.
    There's so little midfield creativity. That squad can only play one way, down the flanks whipping crossing in and when that fails, long balls. Unless you're expecting Rooney to do everything.

    James = calamity

    Huddleston = plank of wood

    Milner is highly over rated. He couldn't even win us the U21 Euros[/b], and that was only last summer.

    I prefer Milner to Gerrard even though there is 'Me' in 'Team'. Milner has been great for Villa.

    I understand the hate for Me Me and Frank (to a lesser extent) but to not play them, when they're proven world class midfielders is just ridiculous. Lampard scored more goals this season than most strikers ffs.

    Big names often get dropped for the good of the team.

    In a congested midfield, playing at the top level, first touch is all important, and this is what separates Carrick/Barry/Lamps/Gerrard from other less prestigious names in football (or just about any top class player from abroad). In the time it takes all of those players to receive a pass...

    take another touch to control the ball (heads down all the while)...

    finally look up...

    then take another touch to tee themselves up for either a hollywood ball or a sideways pass...

    the other side has usually tackled them or covered any danger.

    Besides that, it's a complete joke that out of Carrick/Barry/Lamps/Gerrard, Gareth Barry is the most competent and dangerous dribbler of the lot! And this point is un-arguable, but the idea that Barry's going to carry the ball at the opposition and commit the world's best defenders, freeing up space for our forwards and slotting defence-splitting passes into space? I just can't see it. And you're bemoaning a lack of creativity. England have struggled in this department for a while now, and Carrick/Barry/Lamps/Gerrard have been given a LONG run and always been found wanting.

    And why pick Ferdinad but not Terry? When Reeooo has been gash all season.
    Because Terry is a cunt, this is my private mindgarden and I pick who I like. Joking. When fit Rio is a much better defender. Every tournament Terry has made some serious error of judgement, usually involving a high or bouncing ball, straight over his head.

    Rooney has proved this season he's one of the best strikers in the world. Sure he can play anywhere, but you need him upfront scoring the goals, as our second choice strikers are ALL second rate.

    Crouch lone striker = long balls = anti-football = fail

    The latest England game saw passes into Crouch's feet leading to two goals (Crouch has a good touch, not just 'for a big man', but better than most of the usual England squad). First touch, first touch, first touch.

    Obviously I would prefer England to have dangerous players in midfield AND up front, and Rooney looks like our best bet for scoring goals, but nobody bosses a game from the opposition's 18-yard box...

    Ahh, out of our hands anyway.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Frank Lampards' terrible first touch

    ..out of Carrick/Barry/Lamps/Gerrard, Gareth Barry is the most competent and dangerous dribbler of the lot!*[/b] And this point is un-arguable, but the idea that Barry's going to carry the ball at the opposition and commit the world's best defenders, freeing up space for our forwards and slotting defence-splitting passes into space? I just can't see it.

    Firstly, Carrick & Barry are holding, defensive midfield players. They shouldn't be carrying the ball forward.

    Second. Maybe you're blinded by your hatred for Lampard & Gerrard but that is a ridiculous thing to say. Ok neither of them are highly gifted dribblers who are going to do a million step overs, whilst pirouetting past defenders, but that's not really their job, they're not wingfowards. They're attacking central midfielders. At club level, in that position, they're both the pivotal player in their teams' offense. And when they play well, their teams win games, plus more importantly, play some great very creative attacking football. You can't say that of Gareth Barry, who for some reason you've marked as England's best attacking threat. And it's a real stretch for Milner also, who's not once proven himself in big games at the highest level.

    And Peter Crouch is a mediocre player. People seemed to blindsided by the fact that he incredibly tall, and incredible ungainly, yet somehow he manages to play football at a proficient level for a professional!
    But he's still just a mediocre player and should never be considered good enough for our starting 11. Not if you actually want a hope in hell at winning something.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    I don't know if I really want to get into this debate but I will say that if you look at the performances for England rather than club level Crouch has a far stronger argument for playing than Gerrard or Lampard, two talented players who have totally failed to transfer their skills to the international stage.
    He's adapted his game to do what is required for England, something the other two don't seem able or willing to do.

    In fact, while I'd quite like Fwank to fall off the face off the earth, think Peter's a bit embarrassing and I rate "Stevie" far higher talent wise, I'd actually probably place Gerrard in third place in international impact behind the other two.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts

    Second. Maybe you're blinded by your hatred for Lampard & Gerrard but that is a ridiculous thing to say. Ok neither of them are highly gifted dribblers who are going to do a million step overs, whilst pirouetting past defenders, but that's not really their job, they're not wingfowards. They're attacking central midfielders. At club level, in that position, they're both the pivotal player in their teams' offense. And when they play well, their teams win games, plus more importantly, play some great very creative attacking football. You can't say that of Gareth Barry, who for some reason you've marked as England's best attacking threat. And it's a real stretch for Milner also, who's not once proven himself in big games at the highest level.

    And Peter Crouch is a mediocre player. People seemed to blindsided by the fact that he incredibly tall, and incredible ungainly, yet somehow he manages to play football at a proficient level for a professional!
    But he's still just a mediocre player and should never be considered good enough for our starting 11. Not if you actually want a hope in hell at winning something.

    This has all the makings of a 'most hood public transport usage' beef. Rad!

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    This has all the makings of a 'most hood public transport usage' beef. Rad!

    There's no beef. Well not on my part, AT ALL.

    Disagreement and debate about the National side at World Cup time is as much what football is about as the actual game.

    ps. I'll take that sandwich though. no mayo

  • Look, I think we can agree that Gerrard, Lampard and Barry are all shit.

    You should get yourselves an Aaron Ramsey or Joe Ledley. Maybe even a Simon Davies.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Which group are Wales in again?
    I must have missed that part of the draw.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Meh, not too interested in Ledley or Davies, wouldn't mind Ramsey but feel like we've got options on damaged young Arsenal talents should we desire.

    I'd take Gareth Bale though.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Which group are Wales in again?
    I must have missed that part of the draw.

  • Giggs too, of course.

    I can't wait for the Euro qualifiers next year.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    No, nor can I.

    You're going to get fucking hammered.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,788 Posts

    Well... none of us is going to see our personally favoured England squad appear anywhere but on the Playstation.
    Capello has picked Crouch, who, for some reason, has a good goal scoring record for England. I'm not his biggest fan, and I'd love for England to have more options up front, but at least the guy can play a bit of football, and his goal celebrations are worth the price of entry.
    Lampard & Gerrard not only don't play as well for their country as they do for their club, but when they're on the same team they become so inept that Capello has been forced to find a formation that keeps the two as far apart from each other as possible. Gerrard is playing too high up the field (and often on the left) to really be effective, and Lampard sits too deep (presumably to 'stay out of Gerrard's way') to do what he does best either. The two do not work on the same team. It's on this well documented basis that I'd drop both from the starting line-up and experiment with different players who don't have a problem shedding their egos. Milner can run with the ball. He's not the world's best, but having watched Gerrard + Lampard saunter through games for the last X number of years without breaking a sweat, a bit of urgency in the middle of the park would be welcomed.

    To me, the fact that England hasn't had a player in the middle who can run at defenders (or at least threaten to do so) is what reduces our attack to being predictable wing play with hit'n'hope crossing. It works against some teams, but always gets found out against organised opposition.

    Damn, we haven't had a hope of winning a tournament for as long as I can remember, but I'll still be rooting for them. Even Wank Lampard & Stevie Me.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Giggs too, of course.

    Nah, Giggs made his choice and has to live with it.

    I can't wait for the Euro qualifiers next year.

    Me neither, it's been ages since we've had the chance to cement our superiority.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    I think it was the Euros 2004 (?) Lampard was our top scorer and named in team of the tournament. Surely that shows he can, and has delivered, for his Country in big games.
    I don't know what's happened since to stop that form, but you can probably blame Gerrard. The dude seems to be an almighty buttmunch, did you see him nearly start a fight with one of his own fans at the last game on the season.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,908 Posts
    There isn't a formation that allows BIGFAT and Stevie to simultaneously use their talents. They do the same job*. Capello should rotate them per match and they should deal. Other than that, I trust him to put the best side out, dependent on the given opposition.

    *If he had the borlz he could play Stevie G as a striker and let BIGFAT do his thang.

  • magpaulmagpaul 1,314 Posts
    I would say Barry is awful, I'd happily see Carrick play instead and he has been shit for United, at least he might attempt some progressive passing. Neither of them are gonna add the required grit to the midfield after all.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,788 Posts
    Definitely have more faith in Capello than Sven or SCS who both seemed beholden to reputations rather than performances.

    Still can't believe Maradona has dropped Zanetti & Cambiasso. Zanetti pwned Messi in the Champs League, and Cambiasso is a beast - Mascherano would have to be on top form to get the nod.

  • magpaulmagpaul 1,314 Posts
    Take that shit to the World Cup thread. THIS IS ENGLAND ETC.

  • In other news it looks like Chelsea's Brave John Terry might miss the World Cup with some injury...

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,788 Posts
    Well fuck it, nobody seems to have noticed this

    Incoming at 12 o'clock..

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