Sony PSP - the be all to end all? (GR)

Games, movies, MP3's, photos and after last week, wireless internet. Battery life is crazy long, it looks good and is just on some mega mega.
There's also fools finding ways to add calendars, addresses, contacts and all kinds of other craziness.
Seriously, this thing is like a Playstation 2, Ipod, DVD Player, and PDA all rolled into one.
I'm not trying to carry a million things with me and this basically consolidates alsmot everything you would want and then some into something that fits in your pocket.

Technophobes plaese beeleeve it

I must admit I have not used it for videos and mp3s as I don't have a stick with much memory I only have the 32mb I think for saves. But it certainly has some features on it.
Also seeing is believing it is about the sexiest thing ever and when you see the games actually moving on it youll go crazy and its bound to turn some heads.
Battery life is about 3-5 hours I would say which isn't really bad if you play in bursts it will last a few days or something and will most likely last whilst you watch a film.
The thing I hate about it is its sooooo fricken shiny and my hands get it dirty all the time lol.
I think it has some form of wi-fi card or whatever in it sorry I don't know much but I just presume you find a wireless hotspot or whatever if you got wireless at home then you can get on it like that. The internet pages however take some working on and you can't just browse the web on, its yet it a bit of a hack I recall hearing.
Yeah when memory is cheap and battery life is a bit better then it will take over also maybe make it a lil cheaper too.
I am just going to play it now Ridge Racers has the best music all cd quality sound oh yay.
But one thing I must say is the DS is still a wonderful piece of kit.
Oh yeah one more thing did anyone see the PSP episode of South Park? that was good lol.
but I've seen ads on tv for the new movie out where it says "available on DVD and PSP"... what's the format for PSP???
So if I want to watch a movie on the PSP, it's a seperate format? (I mean, can you actually watch a movie on that screen??)... I have to buy two formats - DVD and PSP?? dumb.
how's the internet feature on that? - blurtooth?
*off to do research on PSP*
to do all that.
SD cards are now 2 gigs. He plays DVD quality movies off it. MP3's, etc.
Full Internet browser.
This voice feature he just put on a while back is crazy.
Just say "Play RUN DMC" and 2 seconds l8r it answers "Which song" and you reply "It's Tricky" and you get a "Playing RUN DMC It's Tricky" back.
The voice feature also works with your phone contacts and your Calander.
Can play emulation games off it. And a whole bunch more.
And the quality of the Cell is really nice.
I wanna buy one. Wish I had some extra cash laying around.
Gentlemen, I believe we already have had this around for a while.
I'm not knocking the PSP but if you're going to define the "Walkman of the 21st Century," you need to first bow the fuck down to the iPod and then push reset on the conversation. Not like the iPod is perfect but considering that it still runs 80% of the MP3 player game and that folks are getting robbed and killed over them, the PSP is still some shit that only gamer geeks are getting hot for.
No offence, but I think this is Sony reclaiming the portable gadget title... at least I hope so.
I like the iPod as much as the next guy (wait, no one here likes it, right?)... but if apple doesn't step up their game, the iPod will be nothing more than a portable harddrive that plays music.
That PSP is pretty lethal man,
- fucking DVD quality movies??... iPod can show still photos - big whoop.
-wireless internet??... I'm lucky if I can synch my address book with iPod.
-playstation titles???... yeah, I'd rather play Apple solitaire than GTA
Sony invented the Walkman back in the day, and iPod is the great grandchild of it... the PSP is the genetically engineered sister clone... HOT.
Sony lost a step with the portable music player a few years back, mainly because they did not support MP3, and only used their own format... Don't forget thay still hold the title for smallest portable player.
Sony's not bowing down to nothing... they steamrollin' right over that iPod!!
(Apple and Sony are actually in partnership, so I don't think there's really any bad blood between them. Hopefully the PSP evolution will eventually carry through to the iPod).
White hot!!!!
Believe, me, I would never shit on Sony in terms of their ability to innovate. I do agree though, they did completely miss the MP3 player market and I doubt they'll ever gain a foothold at this point but I get the next gen of the PSP is going to destroy whatever Nintendo and anyone else puts out there in terms of handheld gaming.
HOWEVER, a lot of folks in the tech industry and banking on the idea that what consumers really want is product integration but this is far from conventional wisdom yet. This is why the iPod is genius: it's not (just) about the tech specs, it's about a product and branding and sure, nothing lasts forever but can I just reiterate the numbers: EIGHTY PERCENT OF THE MARKET. That's insane considering that, technically speaking, the iPod isn't necessarily the best or the biggest or the smallest MP3 player out there but it's sexy in a way that appeals to consumers that has very, very little to do with its capabilities. I'm sure Malcolm Gladwell or the Freakanomic dudes could wax rhapsodic on what the deal is but bottomline, defeating the iPod requires more than simply designing a more thorough handheld device.
Are 16 year old girls and 45 year old businessmen going to equally want an integrated game/phone/MP3/video device? I personally don't see it. All this "we're going to integrate cell phones and MP3 players" sounds great in concept but as this Wired article suggets, it's not at all certain that consumers actually want to mix the two, despite how obvious it might sound on paper.
The standard battery life is 3 to 5 hrs but you can upgrade to 3 times that with new external batteries that have come out.
Granted, it's a little bulky, but even in a case it still fits in your back pocket.
The full internet isn't available in the U.S. yet.
The update to version 2.0 just came out in Japan a few days ago and they recommend NOT to update your U.S. version with it. But...[/b] I did anyway and so have a lot of other people with no problems. The update is region free and everything is in English so it's good to go.
You can read more about it (as well as download it for those that already have a PSP) h e r e
The PSP has built in 802.11b (Wi-Fi) USB 2.0 so USB transfers to and from the computer are decent and the internet speed is pretty much the same as the source you get it from.
Obviously, you have to be in either a wi fi hot spot or at home on your own wireless network for the internet (which I hear Ness has going nuts).
The amount of MP3s it can hold all depends on the size of your memory card (Memory Stick Duo). They have em up to a gig I think (but they're probably a grip of $).
This isn't an Ipod so MP3's aren't in the forefront of what it's all about. It sounds just as good as an Ipod in the headphones though.
As far as monthly access fees go, there are none if you're at home with wireless or in a free hotspot.
But some public places like Starbucks and Barnes & Nobles that have wi-fi charge something through T-Mobile. It's same charge as if you used a cell phone or laptop to go online from one of those spots.
You still need to buy movies and games on Sony's proprietary UMD format. Most people think it's to hinder copying and downloading, which I'm sure some folls will find a way around soon enough. It can play MPEG4 movies too so, just like MP3s, whatever you can fit on your memory card you can watch. There's people selling DVDs on ebay with a bunch of movies all encoded to MPEG4 so in theory you can just erase and keep reusing the same card over and over to store a movie on.
You can also get PSP Video 9 and covert movies yourself.
What is that thing??
While I hear your points and agree that nothing is probably going to take out the Ipod for quite some time, the Ipod is still JUST an MP3 player and/or a hardrive.
Sure you can play
Ipod Tetris and look at tiny pictures on it, but in the end it still basically just plays music.
I'm not saying either is greater than or less, I am saying the PSP is greater than.
It really all comes down to what you, as a consumer want in portable entertainment. If it costs roughly what an Ipod costs and can do what an Ipod can, plus play entire movies, playstation 2 games, and surf the web, plus Portable TV (in Japan only so far), the choice is pretty obvious to me.
It has it's downside too. It's easy to get fingerprints on, it's fragile so you need to buy a good case etc. but what some of these super geek dudes have been doing with it is pretty incredible.
I guess you can hack them so people have been using it for everything from a household remote control to a PDA. Not to mention the earlier version 1.5 and below can play Nintendo, Sega, Arcade etc. emulators.
Since my kids basically hijacked my Playstation, it's cool for me to have something like this.
Damn I geeked out in this thread.
Edub, are you in the UK?
Newer white one's are all version 2.0 which (for now) eliminates "homebrew" apps and emulators. Once you upgrade on it you can't downgrade so a lot of people who have hacked theirs using 1.5 have been reluctant to upgrade.
BUT, there's already a hack in the works to downgrade your 2.0 so you can do all the stuff I mentioned above. Look around online and you'll find all kinds of stuff people have done with theirs. I'm cool with what 2.0 has, personally.
As far as regions go, you'd have to look into that cause I'm not too sure outside of region 00 being universal.
no, I'm in the US... just saw that the white ones are coming out in Japan first (sept 15... no dates for US).
yeah, so i guess there's regions for movies as well as games... hmmm
you know sony has created the newest portable video game craze when you come home and your 60 year old dad is drag racing on his psp listening to 'Lean Back'. maybe this is just a rare case, but it seems to be a nice toy nonetheless.
Microsoft is currently at work on a device which will do all that for you.
yup, i was playing super mario 3 and dr. mario over the weekend on a friends psp, shit is ill....