What do you think about this artwork?

Yesterday an artist from my town postet one of his pieces on a local messageboard and asked for some opinion about it. His work was quite pulled to pieces and I seem to be the only one who likes it.I absolutly can't understand why they reject it because I think it's quite outstanding for someone who is not a professional artist. Maybe their opinion is coloured by personal antpathy against him, I don't know...Or am I just suffering from a lapse of taste?I'm interested in impartial opinions about it and the strut seems to be the right place to ask as nobody knows the artist and I guess that there are a few people with a decent taste in art.What do you think?

It's a colourful doodle.
Guy is also sexually frustrated.
God I hate that film.
For my taste it's heading to much in a 80s Haring/Rizzi lollipopness direction.
now I see it in a different light...
I've totaly overlooked the bodily fluids. Laps of taste revealed.
you lap up the bodily fluid and like the taste?
You're hole grammer Nazi shit is tired.
grammar nazi? i only wrote too posts.
You're not the only one, I likes it too.
Ha, I liked that one.
'Laps of taste' is a fantastic grammatical mistake, maybe it's an allegory, or some form of free form poetry, man.
I just wanted an excuse to use your wrong.
reminds me of that curly haired mustache man who draws the aliens. he's bomb.
some college kid intern at work has a pee-chee. I looked at it, and he's drawn wieners on all the dudes, and the skier girl is pooping.
everything is everything.
and so it goes.
this phrase needs to be promoted.
I don't get what's so funny about that spelling mistake. Can someone explain it please?
This groin's got flavor!
"Laps of taste" sounds to me like a description of the clientele at an upscale gentlemen's club.
"She was simply paying her dues at Deja Vu, working hard so that soon she might be able to twirl and dance for the laps of taste in the Uptown clubs."
shit would be perfect for me.
looks sick, very creative
I'd name it "Lorax's Laps"
It's yours. Go ahead!
Nevertheless it would still be great if someone could explain to me non native english speaker what's so funny about it.