MPC 1000 or 2000XL?

ZomBZomB 397 Posts
edited June 2009 in Strut Central
Sup folls.Ive skipped my rent for the last few weeks & ive finally got just enough scrilla to cop a 2nd hand MPC. Ive done a lil reading & it seems that the XL has a better design/build but the 1000 has better features.Since some of you guys have probably used both i'd like to know your opinions & which you think is best???Im also gonna try get one that already has the memory & hard drive upgrades etc. Any info/knowledge you can give me would be really appreciated. Thanks a bunch.


  • Having owned both, an MPC2000XL a back in the day and an MPC1000 currently, I would go for the 1000 with the JJ/OS installed although they both have strengths and weaknesses.
    Probably the best thing to do is to try both out and see which suits you best...

  • get the 1000 with the jjos

  • cop an xl with 8 outs
    you only get 4 wit teh 1k...

  • What's jjos? Operating system?

  • What's jjos? Operating system?
    Yeah, developed by a former employee or something. Here's the link:

    Features Chart:

  • chasechase 767 Posts
    mpc 1000 with jjos shits on the 2000xl... and with mmc on your daw you dont need 8 outs IMHO

  • lelandleland 43 Posts
    I'll preface by reminding you that the MPC 60/3000 are the ones.

    The MPC 1000 w/ JJ flat out stomps the 2k/2kxl.

    First off, the thing that matters most to me is what comes through the speakers to the listener, everything else is secondary. The two are nearly indistinguishable when playing an unprocessed wav.

    For me the real highlight of the 1000 (and newer mpcs) is that you can
    sample while the sequencer is playing. This is a major reason I love the ASR-10. This means you can play guitar, percussion, sing a chorus, mix records, etc, to the beat while sampling (JJ even lets you record audio tracks). You can eve pitch shift in real time while monitoring!! 128 megs in the 1000 vs 32 megs in the 2k makes a big difference here.

    The nondestructive chopping in JJ is also amazing now. USB/compact flash/internal HD are cracking too. The screen is bigger and better. Digital and multi-outputs are standard. Master comp/EQ. Grid mode sequencing. Auditioning sounds before you load them. The list goes on and on...

    Don't buy a blue MPC 1000 unless its had a pad upgrade. The first pad sets had a design flaw that costs a couple bills to remedy. Plus, sparkle blue and red don't belong on an MPC anyway.

    As far as build quality goes, the 2k is only slightly better than the 1000. I do prefer the size of the 2k's pads. Features most likely to break, the pads and tact switches are nearly the same in both machines. The 2k screens are prone to failure. Parts are still readily available for both machines.

    And yeah the 1000 fits in a back pack, that counts for a lot!

    Most importantly though, its the carpenter not the hammer..

    Good luck!

  • lelandleland 43 Posts
    ...and yeah, I should state for the record, that a spinning hard drive that lives under the pads is not akai's (numark's) most brilliant design move. Solid state drives all day.

  • ZomBZomB 397 Posts
    I'll preface by reminding you that the MPC 60/3000 are the ones.

    The MPC 1000 w/ JJ flat out stomps the 2k/2kxl.

    First off, the thing that matters most to me is what comes through the speakers to the listener, everything else is secondary. The two are nearly indistinguishable when playing an unprocessed wav.

    For me the real highlight of the 1000 (and newer mpcs) is that you can
    sample while the sequencer is playing. This is a major reason I love the ASR-10. This means you can play guitar, percussion, sing a chorus, mix records, etc, to the beat while sampling (JJ even lets you record audio tracks). You can eve pitch shift in real time while monitoring!! 128 megs in the 1000 vs 32 megs in the 2k makes a big difference here.

    The nondestructive chopping in JJ is also amazing now. USB/compact flash/internal HD are cracking too. The screen is bigger and better. Digital and multi-outputs are standard. Master comp/EQ. Grid mode sequencing. Auditioning sounds before you load them. The list goes on and on...

    Don't buy a blue MPC 1000 unless its had a pad upgrade. The first pad sets had a design flaw that costs a couple bills to remedy. Plus, sparkle blue and red don't belong on an MPC anyway.

    As far as build quality goes, the 2k is only slightly better than the 1000. I do prefer the size of the 2k's pads. Features most likely to break, the pads and tact switches are nearly the same in both machines. The 2k screens are prone to failure. Parts are still readily available for both machines.

    And yeah the 1000 fits in a back pack, that counts for a lot!

    Most importantly though, its the carpenter not the hammer..

    Good luck!


    Thanks for all the responses. Hopefully i can find a black 1000 for decent price.

    Real talk about the blue 1000 cuz had to pay for a whole new set of pads recently.

    For the record my carpentry skills aint too shabby...i just want to stop making shelves & move on to some heavy duty drawers & cupboards.

  • I'm just sitting on my 3000. It's not collecting dust. I have a cover.

  • BTW, if you're buying a mpc1000, don't pay any extra for RAM. You can get it super cheap and install yourself. I just bought one of the black 1000's off craigslist for $500 and paid $8 for RAM. I saw plenty of listing for $650 and up for MPC's with expanded memory. Here's a video that tells you what to get and how to install....

  • lelandleland 43 Posts
    Taza, did you move on to something else? Do you have Rohan Mansell's Vailixi OS 3.50 for the 3000?

    Shameless plug for my dude! under the "litmus" section and you'll see one of the more obscure reasons the 3k still rules.

    Home of Dave's sync-shift II box, can't wait to get one.

  • Taza, did you move on to something else? Do you have Rohan Mansell's Vailixi OS 3.50 for the 3000?

    Shameless plug for my dude! under the "litmus" section and you'll see one of the more obscure reasons the 3k still rules.

    Home of Dave's sync-shift II box, can't wait to get one.

    Nah, I haven't moved on, just too much on my plate. Working on visual media right now, but ideas have been marinating. Bout to fire it up.

    I've been interested in this os. Isn't it a mod chip or something? Is it really worth it?

  • lelandleland 43 Posts
    Word! Only so much hi-tech time in a day anyway.

    I definitely think Rohan's OS is worth the dough, but I make beats on mine everyday. It adds some amazing functionality to an already near perfect OS.

    It does a lot, but my favs are:

    Editing samples while the sequencer is playing, which means you can tighten up (or loosen up) loops and chops more easily and experiment with different sample lengths/tunings.

    You can Copy ZONE->SOUND, which makes chopping way easier. No more copying a sound 8 times and chopping each piece.

    You can process sounds in real time.

    There are more timing resolutions including selectable versions of the higher resolutions.

    Better SCSI implementation, the list goes on and on...

    It made a big difference in the way I use the 3000. Installation is easy. The OS lives on two Eproms in the 3000, Rohan mails you new ones and you switch 'em out. It doesn't hurt the machine at all, and you can always switch back.

  • TheMackTheMack 3,414 Posts
    2000xl no question

  • RaystarRaystar 1,106 Posts
    pay your rent

  • ZomBZomB 397 Posts
    I got the black 1000 off ebay. Already has the ram maxed, JJOS & 100g HD. I asked for the code for the JJOS as well & he emailed it to me...does that mean its the full retail version of the JJOS?

    Anyways thanks for all the info. Cant wait to get going on it. Ive been making some kits on bluebox so i can jump straight into when it finally arrives.

    Only bad thing is that i wont get it till weekend!

  • dukeofdelridgedukeofdelridge urgent.monkey.mice 2,453 Posts
    I asked for the code for the JJOS as well & he emailed it to me...does that mean its the full retail version of the JJOS?

    I think so. There are two versions. Just make sure you have the final v.1 or the latest v.2, whichever it is...

  • catalistcatalist 1,373 Posts
    2000xl no question

    I'm glad you were able to back this up with some reasons why.

  • ReedReed 97 Posts
    pay your rent
    Yep. Just illegally download Logic Pro and get one of these babies

    50$ and the pads are very similiar to an MPC's and work great. Get something to rip vinyl to your computer and there you have it, all the basic functions of an MPC plus a million others for half the price. Unless of course you're just into collecting hardware

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    pay your rent
    Yep. Just illegally download Logic Pro and get one of these babies

    50$ and the pads are very similiar to an MPC's and work great[/b]. Get something to rip vinyl to your computer and there you have it, all the basic functions of an MPC[/b] plus a million others for half the price. Unless of course you're just into collecting hardware

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