Does anybody here NOT curse?



  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    I have often heard the argument that people curse for three reasons:

    1) Because they do not have the vocabulary to properly express themselves.
    2) As an explosive vocalization of pain, anger, surprise, etc (I.e. slamming one's finger in a door)
    3) To emphasize a point.

    Number two is the most acceptable to the lexical police, but personally, I say f*ck it and do whatever you want.

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    I curse a lot, probably because I don't really give a shit.

    Hermie curses a LOT though, we need to help this dude out, it's kind of like a sickness with him. like when he's annoyed it's just straight up "what the F*ck do you f*cking want?" and stuff like that. I tell him every day he curses too much but he just trails off in a flurry of expletives that would make Eddie Murphy blush. it's sad really. I don't think he got a proper education or maybe that's just how it is in Tucson, I don't really know a lot about third world cities.

  • Lucious_FoxLucious_Fox 2,479 Posts
    how does this matter in 09?

    How does anything matter to anybody in any given year?

    I just think it's unattractive, unnecessary and pretty much a cop out in everyday conversation and lately I wish I could keep myself from using them 'cause I'm too lazy to find a more appropriate word. Now when emotions are running high (anger, frustration, love, etc), well....that's different. At that point it's sometimes necessary and sometimes uncontrollable. I mean, it's just tradition really. It's on its' way to becoming socially acceptable but it's not even like there have been new words invented to replace the classics (not to my knowledge). And I am well aware that the more common they become, the less impact they will have. Eventually. But still, to me, an F-bomb will always be an F-bomb and I intend to smack the mouth of any child I may have when I catch him saying it.

    Keep in mind, I'm not on some Stop The Insanity campaign. I just want some pointers from folks who know where I'm coming from. If you have to ask "how does this matter in 09?" then it's obvious you don't and there's nothing wrong with that whatsoever.

    If Curse words were magically banished from language, would the world be a better place?

    I had an English teacher in the Eighth Grade who was adamant that we refrain from using Curse words.
    She said that if you check the "meanings" and the roots of some the words u'd be appalled by its origin.

    Its a bunch of bullshit to me. Curse words can be used eloquently and be misused/abused.


    Are slurs curse words?

  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
    I seem to only curse when describing the events of my day..."then this f*cking asshole cuts me off.." etc. One of my jobs is with kids, so I dont curse then, I have 2 radio shows Ive been doing for a couple years and I have seemed to reprogrammed myself slightly having to watch my language on air, and that has seeped into my everyday word choice. Getting too erudite however for substituting the f-bomb or other harsh curse words can make you look like a pretentious jack off.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts

  • Lucious_FoxLucious_Fox 2,479 Posts
    Getting too erudite however for substituting the f-bomb or other harsh curse words can make you look like a pretentious jack off.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Why deny yourself some swear words? That's cutting down your available vocabulary for sure.

    I will, however, support the supression of the mf word.

    That's some foul word right there.

  • Lucious_FoxLucious_Fox 2,479 Posts
    Why deny yourself some swear words? That's cutting down your available vocabulary for sure.

    I will, however, support the supression of the mf word.

    That's some foul word right there.

    Can u explain the level of foul compared to Shit and the rest?

    And are u in the UK?

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    I will, however, support the supression of the mf word.

    That's some foul word right there.

    On this side of the pond, "cunt" is considered much more offensive than motherf*cker.

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    yeah, cunt is like one of the worst ones out there (in the u.s.) It even makes me blush!

    the other day this woman was speeding through the parking lot, swerved right next to me and I was holding my baby so I yelled "SLOW THE F*ck DOWN, BITCH!!!!" as loud as I could. There are no other words besides curse words that would have been appropriate in that situation.

    My mom teaches college nursing. She said "I find saying the word 'F*ck' to be very cathartic. My students don't like it though. Your sisters don't like it very much either. But I like it! F*ck F*ck F*ck F*ck!"


  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Cursing loud enough in public for small children and innocent bystanders who may find it offensive to hear is a sure sign of self centered dickheadedness.

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    Thats weird.... I curse loud enough in public for small children and innocent bystanders who may find it offensive to hear all the time....!

  • CousinLarryCousinLarry 4,618 Posts
    yeah, cunt is like one of the worst ones out there (in the u.s.) It even makes me blush!

    This is the only word that makes my wife mad. Though she used to laugh when I called her old supervisor Cuntsty instead of Kristy. She made me stop because she said she almost called her that to her face.

  • Lucious_FoxLucious_Fox 2,479 Posts
    Cursing loud enough in public for small children and innocent bystanders who may find it offensive to hear is a sure sign of self centered dickheadedness.

    Il agree w/ you there, but if i got hit by a car - im gonna curse.

    If i get splashed by the bus......

    If i missed my train when im super-late for something important......

    If i unwrap my sammich and dude used American instead of Muenster.......

    Now if two teenaager as talkin loud in the street and every other word is a curse, well....nah.

  • hogginthefogghogginthefogg 6,098 Posts
    Horses for courses, as my Britons would say. I'll sully up my speech like a sailor in certain situations, but keep it clean in others. Like playing different records for different crowds.

    Which brings me to another question, Herm: you gonna stick to only "clean versions" when you spin?

    And will you drop "Ayo!" along with the f-word?

  • CousinLarryCousinLarry 4,618 Posts

    Now if two teenaager as talkin loud in the street and every other word is a curse, well....nah.

    This is funny because in an attempt to seem grown, teens who do this only succeed in looking like dumb teenagers.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    I curse a lot, probably because I don't really give a shit.

    Hermie curses a LOT though, we need to help this dude out, it's kind of like a sickness with him. like when he's annoyed it's just straight up "what the F*ck do you f*cking want?" and stuff like that. I tell him every day he curses too much but he just trails off in a flurry of expletives that would make Eddie Murphy blush. it's sad really. I don't think he got a proper education or maybe that's just how it is in Tucson, I don't really know a lot about third world cities.


    I mean dork.

  • Lucious_FoxLucious_Fox 2,479 Posts

    Now if two teenaager as talkin loud in the street and every other word is a curse, well....nah.

    This is funny because in an attempt to seem grown, teens who do this only succeed in looking like dumb teenagers.

    Ive seen enuff teens do it and most of the time its not an act or attempt to be grown, but just straight up bad parenting,lack of education, and clueless of the space/folks around them.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Why deny yourself some swear words? That's cutting down your available vocabulary for sure.

    I will, however, support the supression of the mf word.

    That's some foul word right there.

    Can u explain the level of foul compared to Shit and the rest?

    And are u in the UK?

    It raises the idea of effing my mother and that's not a pretty thought, whichever way it's viewed.

    And yes I am in the UK. Next time you're over, stop by, I'll stand you five pints of snakebite and a kebab.

    The c-word however, is a serious taboo here too, but all the more potent for that.
    It's the nuclear option.
    Johnny Lydon used the word on live TV at just after 9pm last year. The TV station took a massive beating for that.

    Usage is widespread among the young male poulation here, and has become a term of endearment.

    "I met your mate John last night. He's a right nice c***, innee?"

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    I swear a lot and it folks think it makes me sound stupid, so be it.

    On the streetcar this weekend, I saw something for the first time ??? the driver got on the speaker and said to the crowd in the back and that he didn???t mind them being loud and having a good time, but that they needed to stop the cursing. They stopped for a bit and started back up again so the driver got back on and said that it was the last warning; more profanity and they???d be kicked off. When I got off about 15 minutes later, they still had kept it PG.

  • hogginthefogghogginthefogg 6,098 Posts

    Now if two teenaager as talkin loud in the street and every other word is a curse, well....nah.

    This is funny because in an attempt to seem grown, teens who do this only succeed in looking like dumb teenagers.

    Ive seen enuff teens do it and most of the time its not an act or attempt to be grown, but just straight up bad parenting,lack of education, and clueless of the space/folks around them.

    File under "that's what teenagers do." They act like jackasses because they're teenagers and they need to figure all that shit out then. Don't tell me you weren't trying out new stuff at that time in your life.

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    I curse way more now than i did as a teen. i work for the navy. its ok to curse liek a sailor.

  • Lucious_FoxLucious_Fox 2,479 Posts

    Now if two teenaager as talkin loud in the street and every other word is a curse, well....nah.

    This is funny because in an attempt to seem grown, teens who do this only succeed in looking like dumb teenagers.

    Ive seen enuff teens do it and most of the time its not an act or attempt to be grown, but just straight up bad parenting,lack of education, and clueless of the space/folks around them.

    File under "that's what teenagers do." They act like jackasses because they're teenagers and they need to figure all that shit out then. Don't tell me you weren't trying out new stuff at that time in your life.

    Im still a dumb teenager, but I can usually tell if teens are mad and are using curses to explain vs str8 up talkin loud about nuthin and lacing every sentence w/ a curse.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    i work for the navy. its ok to curse liek a sailor.

    Man, if I worked for the navy, I would f*cking be swearing ALL THE F*CKING time, and be saying shit like "avast!" and "yar!" and shit. Then I'd get a bunch of costumed gay dudes together and write a disco song about it. And it would be f*cking awesome.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    Now if two teenaager as talkin loud in the street and every other word is a curse, well....nah.

    This is funny because in an attempt to seem grown, teens who do this only succeed in looking like dumb teenagers.

    Ive seen enuff teens do it and most of the time its not an act or attempt to be grown, but just straight up bad parenting,lack of education, and clueless of the space/folks around them.

    File under "that's what teenagers do." They act like jackasses because they're teenagers and they need to figure all that shit out then. Don't tell me you weren't trying out new stuff at that time in your life.

    I's the supposed grown assed men & women I'm talking about.

    Too many damn people walk around like they're the stars of their own secret mind garden movie and the rest of us are bit players.

  • Lucious_FoxLucious_Fox 2,479 Posts
    "yar!" and shit.


  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    I have an extremely foul mouth but very rarely use swear words in an aggressive manner.

    I tend to use F*ck instead of very to underline some thing's importance and will happily call my friends c*nts as a term of affection. I would not, however, call a woman it and am reasonably successful at toning down my language depending on the company and location.

    I'm educated to a respectable level and consider myself to have a reasonably wide vocabulary but think that swear words trip off the tongue so delightfully I'd miss them if they weren't there.

    However I did grow up in Essex.

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts

    Too many damn people walk around like they're the stars of their own secret mind garden movie and the rest of us are bit players.

    On so many levels.

    I swear too much, but im a bloody kiwi and its bred into us.

  • hogginthefogghogginthefogg 6,098 Posts
    However I did grow up in Essex.

    Owright, then, Geezah.

  • markus71markus71 937 Posts
    I do it a lot as well, especially when I'm frustrated or stressed out about something. Thing is I have a kid now, and she's going to copy me someday if I continue to use improper language.

    I'd really like to stop cursing but I just don't know how to do it. Everytime I do it, I immediately think "I shouldn't have said that".

    What would be a good way to get rid off this behaviour?? I mean this seriously.
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