Cheapish Samplers/drum machines

fishmongerfunkfishmongerfunk 4,154 Posts
edited June 2009 in Strut Central
i know we have done this one before but i can;t find that thread and the strut seems to be popping off with frivolous threads today so why not.i am looking for something under 200 (used or new)that i can sample vinyl with and sequence beats that i can play over with my guitar. i also want to be able to sample my own playing. i don;t need to record with, just for jamming purposes mostly, something with a an easy-to-use interface...years ago i had a yamaha su-10 and later a dr. sample but both were seriously lacking.please make some suggestions...


  • ensoniq eps 16 or eps 16+ or asrx

    peace, stein. . .

  • z_illaz_illa 867 Posts
    If the dr sample and the su weren't enough, then an eps is mos def gonna be too simple for you, and the asr is probably out of your range (even the eps 16).

    However, if anyone out there has an original eps, or even an emax, I have cash...

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    used MPC 2000...should be able to get one pretty damn cheap nowadays.

  • the_dLthe_dL 1,531 Posts
    what he said re mpc 2000
    Not sure how much the mpc 500 are over there but that could be an option, the recording in's are schitty but i get around that on my 1000 by recording into my sound card and dumping in onto toe mpc via usb which i think the 500 can do

  • lelandleland 43 Posts
    Just to get it straight, there is an Ensoniq EPS, and an Ensoniq EPS 16+. The 16 represents the fact that the EPS was upraded to 16 bits from 13(weird huh?), the + is for EFX and other features. It was a short lived bridge between the EPS and the ASR10.

    Ensoniq samplers are buggy, but they sound fantastic. They have mediocre sequencers and great sound engines. The EPS is gritty, doesn't have much sample time, and no EFX. I still love it.

    For $200 there aren't many options in the sampler/sequencer category, but a frequently overlooked joint is the Yamaha su700, fully capable and lots of cool features. The EFX and filters are cool, and the sequencer does things differently than an MPC, but its cool.

    Another option is a rack mount sampler and a sequencer. Not many people want the older stuff.

    $400 will get you a used MPC 2000 classic, or an ASR10 without SCSI. If it was me, I'd save up for something like that.

  • lelandleland 43 Posts
    Oh yeah, an Atari 1040st as a sequencer / rack sampler is a great option too...

    The Atari is beast and rock solid. Kinda big set-up though.
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