Peven Everett - who rides?

The man's got two new CDs out:
Heard a good handful of the songs on Dez Parkes' podcast, and they seem to continue the upbeat sound of "Power Soul" (which I love):'s another Dez Parkes P.E. mix from last year with some exclusives too:'ve been a fan since "Studio Confessions". I really dig this guy's slightly wonky DIY approach. I'm a sucker for that homegrown feeling and IMO his music is very soulful and often hypnotic. He doesn't sound like anyone else, his compositions/arrangements and singing are unmistakebly "him". He's also one of the only dudes from the "neo-soul" bag who's steadily been embracing elements of house music.I admit I haven't kept up with all of the many releases he's put out on small labels over the years, because some of it does get a little same-y. He's a prolific guy, but a bit of external quality control probably wouldn't hurt. Still, it seems weird/unfair that a talented guy like him is not on bigger label that could focus his career/push his music harder. I guess this is partly his own choice.Any other Peven Everett fans out there? Anyone seen him live? I'd like to check out his live show.

There's a lot of passion in his better tunes, when played out at the right moment/crowd it can be pretty special. Haven't heard the new stuff yet.
I agree a little external quality control could go a long way and I don't know for sure, but I think he's determined to run his own show, it's a conscious decision, maybe he's been stung by the industry before.
Saw him live at Libation last year. Dude is fucking sick.
Got You Bangin (Sting International Edit) is real ill!
the music in these podcasts is great, but damn man, lay off those ids a BIT? sheesh. i gotta hear "this is peven everett and you're listening..." every fouckin minute
Wooow, the DHP forum brings the drama. I'm on page 9 (out of 40!).
So this is what that statement over at the P.E. blog was about.
Yeah, I guess this sort of thing is one of the reasons the man hasn't blown up like he deserves.
BTW, re:the DHP thread, I'm listening to the Jamie 3:26 edit of Calender "Coming On Strong" rat now.