Squirells...is your hood lousy with 'em?

The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
edited May 2009 in Strut Central
I swear Ive seen an increase in the number of these rats with good PR...I counted NINE in the backyard this AM...they are eating the basil, digging up bulbs...just f*ckin shit up. One of my cats loves to catch and kill 'em, but he cant keep up...what to do? My girlfriend wont let me shoot 'em, so Im all out of ideas.


  • funky16cornersfunky16corners 7,175 Posts
    Dude....I have squirrel stories that'd melt your brain. I'm not typing up the whole deal right now, but never forget that they are filthy, pestilent, nasty little shits that satan himself gave a veneer of cuteness so that people would overlook their many shortcomings.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

    Black Squirells =

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Do the lil bastards get up between the siding and the overhang of our front walkway like it's their own little hotel? Yes, they do.

    One time in Eugene, Oregon, my wife and I were tending the garden in our backyard and suddenly there was this squirrel walking along the fenceline with a giant dead rat in its mouth. We both did a double-take and then stood there watching it with our jaws by our feet. Didn't even realize that squirrels were carnivores.

  • DustedDonDustedDon 830 Posts
    couple months back my girl was leaving the apt with a trash bag in one hand and cup of tea in the other. she walks up to the dumpster and hears some rustling, she tosses the trash bag in the dumpster and all of sudden a squirrel comes flying out and bounds off her shoulder pushing her back and splashing the tea in her face. she thought it was pretty funny although it kinda freaked her out.

    classic gangsta squirrel moves???.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts

  • over here in the UK grey squirrels are classed as vermin so if you catch one you can kill it, if you don't want to kill it you have to apply for a license to release it back into the wild again....crazy!

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts

    Great Randy's cut for the soundtrack!

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    you gotta give it to them though, they are crafty as hell.

  • Options

    Black Squirells =

  • i work with this old coon ass dude who shoots every squirrel he catches in his backyard. and he'll cook them if his dog doesn't get to them before he does.

    i hate to admit it, but those cute little bastards taste pretty damn good simmered in their own gravy. seriously.

    that said, i just don't have the heart to shoot and/or skin one...

  • dwyhajlodwyhajlo 420 Posts
    We spotted a nest that a bunch of squirrels had built in one of the air ducts on our neighbor's house the other day. It's a good thing that we did, because there were tons of them in there. Managed to get rid of them before they did any real damage, though.

    My aunt wasn't so lucky, though. A few years ago they got into her attic, chewed through a bunch of wires and caused a minor fire in her house.

  • prof_rockwellprof_rockwell 2,867 Posts
    i work with this old coon ass dude who shoots every squirrel he catches in his backyard. and he'll cook them if his dog doesn't get to them before he does.

    i hate to admit it, but those cute little bastards taste pretty damn good simmered in their own gravy. seriously.

    any other culinary gems you want to unload on us? possum? rat? badger?

  • jammyjammy remixing bongo rock... 813 Posts

    plaese explain?

  • i work with this old coon ass dude who shoots every squirrel he catches in his backyard. and he'll cook them if his dog doesn't get to them before he does.

    i hate to admit it, but those cute little bastards taste pretty damn good simmered in their own gravy. seriously.

    that said, i just don't have the heart to shoot and/or skin one...

    In parts of appalachia squirrel chili is a given at a get together.

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    I swear Ive seen an increase in the number of these rats with good PR...I counted NINE in the backyard this AM...they are eating the basil, digging up bulbs...just f*ckin shit up. One of my cats loves to catch and kill 'em, but he cant keep up...what to do? My girlfriend wont let me shoot 'em, so Im all out of ideas.

    There are a posse of them on my block. Sometimes I see 4 or 5 of them hanging out in my backyard in the morning. They don't seem to pay me too much attention unless I get w/in 5-6 feet or so.

    And yes I see where they've dug up shit everywhere. Don't know what they're eating though.

    I like when they occasionally crawl across my skylight and look in at me.

    I thought they were getting on my roof via overhanging tree branches (and subsequently into my ceiling) until I saw them climb the side of my house vertically and flip onto the roof. And my house/roof are not short.

    I think you're kind of fucked for getting rid of them outside. I mean, that's where squirrels live.

    Although a family member of mine swore up and down a concoction of piss and hot sauce around the perimeter of the yard would do it.

  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
    I think you're kind of fucked for getting rid of them outside. I mean, that's where squirrels live.

    Although a family member of mine swore up and down a concoction of piss and hot sauce around the perimeter of the yard would do it.

    they can stay outside, I just dont want them fuggin up the bulbs and herbs...poppa needs his caprese.

    funny, all these squirells and I still have yet to see one take a shit...has anyone ever seen a squirell take a dookey? Ever seen a squirell terd (NRR)?

  • RerogRerog 569 Posts
    ...poppa needs his caprese.

  • Respect to those of you struggling w/ local fauna. When I lived in NY we grappled w/ some monster squirrels.

    Here in California the 2009 battles have been against slugs & snails over our gardens. I'm not joking, but out here in the redwoods, they grow six inches and bigger.

    We started kind of hippie dazzled until they ate a dozen baby broccoli plants. Then we got into tossing them -- the hope is that stunned they won't fight back against birds.

    Not even close. So we wrapped all the pots with copper tape. Built some beer traps. Got some iron pellets. Still losing plants. Four basil plants gobbled in one night, sunflowers mangled, tomato babies devoured, peas sliced off at the roots.

    So now it is hand & fist. Dusk finds us crouched over plants w/ the headlamps and a bucket of soapy water. Necessary since I saw a five inch slug *climb out* of a can of beer! (It was light beer admittedly) We've also moved a tomato plant to be fully hanging.

    Drastic ish.

    Just to keep it record related I'll mention raccoons. Our suburban, garbage strewn streets with wide ungrated drains have created colonies of bad-ass raccoons. Cuz they are nocturnal, people think that humans run the town. Nuh uh.

    I bicycled downtown to buy records. Filled up the backpack & then met some friends for food, which turned into drinks, then to the clubs. 2am rolls around when I realize I've still got pounds of records to bicycle home.

    Then I met the raccoons. Every street, whole families - I rode like ten blocks out of the way to escape those hairy monsters. They sauntered around, standing up on their back legs like meer cats. I swear they wanted the lounge records in my sack.

    Has anyone ever disturbed a critter when digging into a musty crate of records?

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    Not even close. So we wrapped all the pots with copper tape. Built some beer traps. Got some iron pellets. Still losing plants. Four basil plants gobbled in one night, sunflowers mangled, tomato babies devoured, peas sliced off at the roots.

    So now it is hand & fist. Dusk finds us crouched over plants w/ the headlamps and a bucket of soapy water. Necessary since I saw a five inch slug *climb out* of a can of beer! (It was light beer admittedly) We've also moved a tomato plant to be fully hanging.

    Seems like coating the outside of your pots in salt would do the trick.

  • Grafwritah, this is not a Margarita.

    These monsters are serious. This is the inside lid of my compost bin. Approximately 2 feet across for scale.

    They will clean off thrift store records as well if not better than a VPI.
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