


  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    Marriage in title = piece of paper

  • shooteralishooterali 1,591 Posts
    Marriage in title = piece of paper

    My GF has been hinting to me that one day it will happen. Not in my plans but maybe some time later.

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts

    I love marriage and what it represents to me, a sacred vow before God of my lifelong commitment to my wife. We had a small wedding at the church where I attended (in Akron, Ohio at the time), and invited only close family members and friends. I went into marriage very cautiously, taking my time to truly get to know the lady (i.e., 3 years of dating). We also did not romanticize the idea of getting married, as if it was some magical thing in and of itself. A good marriage takes two people who are in love and committed to making the marriage work. Thus, the marriage does not proceed smoothly on auto-pilot, but instead, must be worked at day-to-day. Too many people view marriage via romanticizing the wedding concept and its associated pageantry as seen on TV; however, marriage is more like a "blue work-suit with a name patch and toolbelt" kind of affair, that often times, is far from glamorous.

    It's about love, intimacy, friendship, compromise, minor or major spats, etc., but through it all, you love your spouse dearly and work through the rough patches. I think marriage is a great institution and I was blessed to marry a wonderful, beautiful, sexy, intelligent, spiritual, witty, intriguing, caring, hard-working, challenging, and compassionate woman.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • matamaticmatamatic 488 Posts
    Marrige? Not for me! For now at least. After a 4 year relationship disintegrated right before my eyes(with someone who I thought I would marry), I'm on some F*ck bitches, get money shit. Well get a little money. But F*ck a bitch. (for now). For the ones that have the right spouse big ups to you guys. But man the hardest part is knowing who's right for you and who's not gonna flip all of a sudden when there's a downturn in a relationship. How do you know?

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts

  • funky16cornersfunky16corners 7,175 Posts

    I love marriage and what it represents to me, a sacred vow before God of my lifelong commitment to my wife. We had a small wedding at the church where I attended (in Akron, Ohio at the time), and invited only close family members and friends. I went into marriage very cautiously, taking my time to truly get to know the lady (i.e., 3 years of dating). We also did not romanticize the idea of getting married, as if it was some magical thing in and of itself. A good marriage takes two people who are in love and committed to making the marriage work. Thus, the marriage does not proceed smoothly on auto-pilot, but instead, must be worked at day-to-day. Too many people view marriage via romanticizing the wedding concept and its associated pageantry as seen on TV; however, marriage is more like a "blue work-suit with a named patch and toolbelt" kind of affair, that often times, is far from glamorous.

    It's about love, intimacy, friendship, compromise, minor or major spats, etc., but through it all, you love your spouse dearly and work through the rough patches. I think marriage is a great institution and I was blessed to marry a wonderful, beautiful, sexy, intelligent, spiritual, witty, intriguing, caring, hard-working, challenging, and compassionate woman.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

    VERY well said Stacks.

  • kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts

    I prefer juvenile for this, "rant."

  • matamaticmatamatic 488 Posts
    uh huh! I'll agree. Do I have to say it again?

  • SelinaKyle83SelinaKyle83 1,042 Posts
    I've always liked the romantic notion of marriage but i'm a little cynical when it comes down to it. probably didn't help having a pa who cheated at pretty much every opp he got!! But that's more of a relationship thing than a marriage one.

    On the plus side, hearing how seriously you guys take your marriages is very lovely and uplifting!! Thanks!!

  • the_dLthe_dL 1,531 Posts
    i think the whole notion of marriage is so different these days than what it was for the generations before us. my parents were married fairly early (my dads parents were very strict catholic) and really went into it with very little life experience, and separated once all of us kids had finished school. as a result i had become quite skeptical and thought i would never get married, but i have been with my now wife for nearly 13 years and we have been married for 5, we were very lucky to have family that never pressured us into getting married, but were elated and extremely supportive that we chose to make that move. I think marriage is like any thing in life in that the basics are the same, but the intricate differences really mean different things to each individual/couple, it is also another of the classic examples of getting out what you put in, like bigstacks said, its about many things and compromise is definately one of those things.

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts

    I love marriage and what it represents to me, a sacred vow before God of my lifelong commitment to my wife. We had a small wedding at the church where I attended (in Akron, Ohio at the time), and invited only close family members and friends. I went into marriage very cautiously, taking my time to truly get to know the lady (i.e., 3 years of dating). We also did not romanticize the idea of getting married, as if it was some magical thing in and of itself. A good marriage takes two people who are in love and committed to making the marriage work. Thus, the marriage does not proceed smoothly on auto-pilot, but instead, must be worked at day-to-day. Too many people view marriage via romanticizing the wedding concept and its associated pageantry as seen on TV; however, marriage is more like a "blue work-suit with a named patch and toolbelt" kind of affair, that often times, is far from glamorous.

    It's about love, intimacy, friendship, compromise, minor or major spats, etc., but through it all, you love your spouse dearly and work through the rough patches. I think marriage is a great institution and I was blessed to marry a wonderful, beautiful, sexy, intelligent, spiritual, witty, intriguing, caring, hard-working, challenging, and compassionate woman.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

    VERY well said Stacks.

    Thanks L****!!! Wifey and I just fell in love and decided to get married. Neither of us had such intentions when we met, hell I was tryin' to get some ass! But, she was a different breed so I had to delve deeper. Thirteen years later (10 married + 3 dating), she still fascinates me!!!


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,091 Posts
    I don't buy into that misogynist, "marriage is a tool to enslave men" conspiracy crap, but the idea of marriage seems sketchy to me. I don't even have a girlfriend, but if I did, I probably wouldn't even fancy the idea. It seems like all legal garbage to me.

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts



    Its hard, it is trying, it can be so damn tough, but i married the right woman and we are a solid team. i certainly aint for everyone, but i am so happy in my role of Husband and Father.

    Some great stories in this thread,

    i dont know who said it above, but never a truer word was spoken when these where said: The wedding ceremony means a lot more to the Mothers than it does to the couple.
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