Random question: San Francisco hostels?
I have a friend coming to SF for about 10 days to do some cooking in town (she is on leave from The Fat Duck over in the UK). I'm recommending a hostel because cheapness is a priority.Anybody know which ones are the cheapest/cleanest/safest?
Snail Porridge?
anyway.. tons of white kids wearing tshirts, shorts and flipflops speaking their native tongues there so i assume this is a good spot.
French Laundry, then off to Chi-town for Trotter's and Alinea, then to some spots in NYC.
if she needs a homecooked meal have her come to my house. ill buy all the food and she can cook. haha!
That's where we stayed.
Private room, private bath. Free toast and coffee, and sometimes a little more in the morning. As safe as any place else. Around the corner from the Saigon Sandwich.
There is another hostel a few blocks away, on a less seedy block.
There is one in a state park [or federal park?] on the water. You have to book way ahead of time to get a private room there.
stayed there for a week a few years ago
very cheap, private room, free breakfast stuff
clean as heck too