UGGGHH..f*cking scumbags!!(News R)

ageage 1,131 Posts
edited May 2009 in Strut Central


  • karlophonekarlophone 1,700 Posts
    just the worst. how does anyone derive pleasure out of hurting the defenseless?

  • That video is beyond disturbing. Texas: If we ain't executing them we just make em kick the shit out of each other... Shit's disgusting.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Just saw this. What a horrible story. I would love to take a baseball bat to the face of everyone one involved.

    Much of the blame also lies with the lack of funding from the state to let pieces of shit like these be in a position to take care of the disabled.

    Among the findings in the employee personnel records:

    ???Three of the 11 employees had never held a job for more than a year when they applied to work at the Corpus Christi facility.

    ???Just four had any direct-care experience; most had worked as fast-food busboys, forklift operators or housekeepers.

    ???All had base salaries under $22,000, and none had more education than a high school diploma or GED.

    Of the four employees with direct-care experience, one had been fired from a private sector residential care facility. Another had already been terminated from the Corpus Christi State School over allegations of mistreatment

    Gabriel Barrera was terminated from the state school in mid-2008 when he witnessed one resident punch another in the eye but didn't report the injury. Though the injury occurred in the middle of the night ??? around the same month and time that fight clubs were taking place at the Corpus Christi State School ??? it's unclear whether the incident was related to organized fighting.

    Six months after being fired, Barrera reapplied for work at the state school but was not hired.

    Maria Puebla, a former Sonic employee and housekeeper who had six months of home health care experience before coming to work for the Corpus Christi State School, was suspended for three days in August for verbally abusing a resident.

    And Timothy Dixon, the 31-year-old former state school employee accused of filming the late-night fight clubs on his cellphone camera, was hired at the Corpus Christi facility despite being fired from previous jobs at Wendy's and a community care facility for people with disabilities.

    An executive with the Corpus Christi Human Development Center said Dixon was fired in 2006 for absenteeism. But in 2000, he was suspended from the center over allegations of rough horseplay and teasing.

    He came back to work after state investigators couldn't determine whether the allegations constituted abuse. Officials with the Human Development Center said no one from the state called to check Dixon's references before hiring him at the Corpus Christi State School.

    Those who face criminal charges are Dixon, Jesse Salazar, Guadalupe De La Rosa, Vincent Johnson, D'Angelo Riley and Stephanie Garza. The others were either fired or no longer worked for the agency at the time the scandal was revealed.

    Advocates for moving people with disabilities from institutions into community care say that unqualified people are caring for residents throughout the state school system, and efforts to solve the problem have repeatedly fallen flat.

    "The question has to be asked, 'Can this system be fixed?' " Horton said. "The millions that have been poured into the system over the past two years haven't ended the abuse and exploitation."

    And why is it always Texas or Florida with these fucked up stories? Succeed? Be my guest.

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    Just saw this. What a horrible story. I would love to take a baseball bat to the face of everyone one involved.

    On one hand this seems like some side sketch on family guy...

    but for real... that's disgusting. I mean, seriously. That's just into a whole other level of sickening. If you think about it I'm guessing a lot of those folks have mental ages of 12 or under.


    Just f*cking sick.

    It's one of the very few occasions where some medieval type shit would be completely justified.

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    I have a very hard time processing things like this. My emotions block everything.

    this is so f*cking disgusting, so horrific, to place yourself in the shoes of one of the victims who must have lived in constant fear, dreading every night... i cannot fathom a sick enough punishment for these motherfuckers.

    Do not get it twisted: THIS IS TORTURE, both mental AND physical.

    i am so f*cking sickened by this.

  • I would love to take a baseball bat to the face of everyone one involved.

    hope they all get jailtime.
    also hope all those residents find themselves in situations where they get a lot of love and care.

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    I would love to take a baseball bat to the face of everyone one involved.

    hope they all get jailtime.
    also hope all those residents find themselves in situations where they get a lot of love and care.

    x 1,000,000,000

    that shit just made me sick to my stomach. Hearing that dude cry at the end, and the look on that poor dudes face when they slapped his hand for showing the blood on his lip....ugh, I hope those dudes get it all back and then some.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts

    And why is it always Texas or Florida with these fucked up stories? Succeed? Be my guest.

    Yeah, nothing fucked up ever happens anywhere but Texas and Florida...and especially not California.

  • Options

    that shit just made me sick to my stomach. Hearing that dude cry at the end, and the look on that poor dudes face when they slapped his hand for showing the blood on his lip....ugh, I hope those dudes get it all back and then some.

    I read the story first then took a second on whether or not I should play the vid.
    I wish I hadn't watched this.

    My first reaction: I hope those fuckers get gang raped nightly in prison for a few years.

    AFter calming down though, I have to go with Day on the idea that funding priorities create these types of situations. It's the same thing with elder abuse, child care facilities, etc.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts

    And why is it always Texas or Florida with these fucked up stories?

    Right to work states.
    Guarantee that you will not get trained or skilled workers in these types of jobs.

    On the real though horrific abuses of the vulnerable can happen most anywhere.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Google Willowbrook, New Jersey.....Was what got Geraldo's career off the ground......this stuff happens everywhere......and those who do it need to be prosecuted to the fullest.

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts

    And why is it always Texas or Florida with these fucked up stories? Succeed? Be my guest.

    Yeah, nothing fucked up ever happens anywhere but Texas and Florida...and especially not California.

    yeah but mostly in Texas
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