Ebay the good stuff in June!

lelandleland 43 Posts
edited May 2009 in Strut Central
Just got this email...We're writing with some exciting news about eBay fees. Starting June 16:Every 30 days, your first 5 Auction-style listings will have NO Insertion Fees when you list with eBay's Sell Your Item form or Simple listing form--regardless of your start price.The first 5 listings with no Insertion Fees will have a Final Value Fee of 8.75% of the sales price or $20, whichever is lower. Additional items sold during the same 30-day period will have the same Insertion Fees and Final Value Fees as they do today.If you are currently using an eBay tool or third-party listing solution, you can either list your first 5 Auction-style listings with the new pricing structure through eBay's Sell Your Item form or Simple listing form or continue with your current practices at the current pricing-whichever option works best for you.This change is part of our continued effort to lower the upfront costs of selling on eBay. The 5 listings with no Insertion Fees are especially helpful for sellers who may not sell in high volume, but offer unique and hard-to-find inventory buyers expect to find on eBay.


  • 5 listings?

    L O L

    Man ebay sure knows how to take care of its sellers.

  • That's like a buck-and-a-quarter, right?!?!?!

    I'm hoping ebay will take us to Applebee's one day. One day.

  • lelandleland 43 Posts
    I'm throwing 5 multi-thousand dollar items on fer sure. Though the last few big ones the winning bidders didn't even pay for.

    Ebay wouldn't have to give up the deals if they didn't make us leave in the first place.

  • lelandleland 43 Posts
    You know how Oprah's free KFC turned out...

  • Agent45Agent45 451 Posts
    I'm throwing 5 multi-thousand dollar items on fer sure. Though the last few big ones the winning bidders didn't even pay for.

    Ebay wouldn't have to give up the deals if they didn't make us leave in the first place.

    Like the French dude who just Paypalled me a pile of cash from an Australian account, only to have Paypal call Bullshit and open an investigation an hour later? Luckily I didn't ship the record.... Stop the madness!

  • this is pretty useful if you're going to throw on
    5 multi thousand dollar items
    free listing is good, then if each item sells for $1000, you save at least $60 in fees per item with that maximum of $20 fees. But on how
    ebay wouldn't have to give up the deals if they didn't make us leave

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    I'm throwing 5 multi-thousand dollar items on fer sure. Though the last few big ones the winning bidders didn't even pay for.

    Ebay wouldn't have to give up the deals if they didn't make us leave in the first place.

    Like the French dude who just Paypalled me a pile of cash from an Australian account, only to have Paypal call Bullshit and open an investigation an hour later? Luckily I didn't ship the record.... Stop the madness!
    Or like the french dude who high bid on a modern soul 45, didn't pay, I sent a non-paying alert & he negged me. I still have the record, but what a douche.
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