All I see is blinking lights

Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
edited May 2009 in Strut Central
So my wife and I had a beautiful chandelier installed in the living room a while back. Now I don't know what it was like before but now when the upstairs tenants walk around the lights flicker and I am not with it.Anyone good with electrical know if there's a clean fix? Is it because I live in a broke down building that the owners could care less about? Is it because the yugo dude that installed the schitt did a hack job? Soulstut handymen, knowledge me...(pause)


  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    Thread title of the year.

  • billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,923 Posts
    It is probably just a loose connection. Typically the + - and ground are all connected with twist on connectors. One is probably loose and that should be easy enough to fix. Shut down the main breaker, test to see if it is actually off with a volt meter, untwist the connectors, re-twist the wires back together tight, then twist back on the connector over it. Turn the breaker back on and see if that fixed it.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    yea, I thought this was about a head injury (I'm glad it's not)

  • yea, I thought this was about a head injury (I'm glad it's not)

    I actually did injure my head the other day! I am still getting migraines... I will save that for another thread though.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Seizures at dinner n shit

  • It is probably just a loose connection. Typically the + - and ground are all connected with twist on connectors. One is probably loose and that should be easy enough to fix. Shut down the main breaker, test to see if it is actually off with a volt meter, untwist the connectors, re-twist the wires back together tight, then twist back on the connector over it. Turn the breaker back on and see if that fixed it.

    Hmmm, that sounds like some tricky business for me to pull off without messing up, but I'll holler at said yugo dude and see if I can trade him some beers for a quick check-up.

  • billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,923 Posts
    Also, is it only the one light on the circuit blinking? If so, then it is probably like I said before.

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts
    Thread title of the year.

    yeah, the retro twist was nice. He could have gone for the more contemporary "Flashing...Lights..lights..lights."

  • billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,923 Posts

  • lelandleland 43 Posts
    First off, even 110 is dangerous stuff, be careful! A volt meter is a must, even if you think you have the right breaker off.

    This is obviously a case of the flow of electricity being interrupted as suggested above. Is it an old chandelier? The bulb sockets can get dirty easily, look for any discoloration or burn marks. Does it flicker when you swing it? Try another fixture if you have one around. If the problem persists, the problem is earlier in the wire. Get out the sledge=)

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    My contractor friend said the exact same thing as BillB and added that most assuredly it is on who you hired to do it.
    I was hoping for a Show & AG apprecation thread.

  • Options
    Seizures at dinner n shit


    Seriously though, bill bradley's got the right idea. Definitely call up the Yugo if you're worried about zapping yourself.

  • Also, is it only the one light on the circuit blinking? If so, then it is probably like I said before.

    It's the only one that I notice often - but just to be sure I turned on all the ceiling lights (kitchen, BR, study) to see what happens. Will report back...

  • lelandleland 43 Posts
    Also, it may sound stupid, but make sure the bulbs are actually screwed in properly, I made that mistake myself...

  • Yeah not really flickering as I swing it. Although the upstairs tenant is walking around, so it's hard to isolate.

  • selperfugeselperfuge 1,165 Posts
    how big is the upstairs tenant?

    that is some embarassing shit for her.

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    Sounds like a loose connection. Electrician should come back to make it right.

  • lelandleland 43 Posts
    Yeah, tell godzilla to take the clogs off! Sheesh

  • dukeofdelridgedukeofdelridge urgent.monkey.mice 2,453 Posts
    I'm saying it's the Yugo.

  • selperfugeselperfuge 1,165 Posts
    nah i think someone needs to go on south beach

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