Anybody sell consignment style on Ebay?

If so what's your percentage breakdown?Who pays listing fees, etc.? I was thinking of keeping 20% of the sale price and charging consignee for all fees. Does that seem fair? chime in Soul Strut massive!
It just all depends though. Case by case basis.
I like to do it for a good friend. He has some quality records every now and then.
Absolutely! You are putting in a lot of time and effort to sell these babies while they are just sitting on there asses collecting money. Once you get into trouble with a buyer, you are the one getting the negs and all the hassle you have to deal with.
now i have 10 yrs on ebay but i'm not a record seller, more a buyer, and there's random buys on there too like chairs and books and art and shoes, so without that credibility it was a better choice to consign, plus he writes a magna carta for each record. i think it also depends on how much the consignee is selling- if it's an entire collection you should get more like 40% because that's more work. but if, as in my case, it's a few supergems there is perhaps less work.
Exactly. Of course I would love 40% but that's not very worthwhile for the dealer. They might as well get full value and sell it in their storefront instead of collect half the money. I listed the first 2 Sports Illustrated issues from 1954 recently, assuming they'll go for $400, I'll make a $100 for about 10 minutes of work. I can't complain..
He was gonna take some really good stuff to a local chain that pays zilch for records.
So he was stoked and made 1000% more than they would have paid.