Quality Synthesizer Software?

Skip DrinkwaterSkip Drinkwater 1,694 Posts
edited May 2009 in Strut Central
Looking for some quality synth plug-ins that don't sound like the Triton. Native Instruments has a few decent options (Reaktor, Massive, Absynth), but I'm not totally sold after listening to the audio samples. Anyone have any experience with these or can recommend better synth software? I'm on a Mac, so the software has to be OSX compatible... Thanks!


  • I'm not really much a fan of any of the emulations, they kind of all suck but reamping them otb through pedals and mic placemt will get things like the arturia emulators a hell of a lot closer.

  • corsiccorsic oakland, ca 232 Posts
    The Arturia stuff is pretty decent as far as soft synths go. I've got the Mini Moog and Moog Modular, both approved by Bob Moog himself. So, yeah, those aren't bad. I've heard their Jupiter one is good too, but I don't have it.

  • PonyPony 2,283 Posts
    Here's what I find myself using the most...

    ImOSCar (Really simple layout, easy to tweak, great lead sounds)
    Minimonsta (I prefer this to the other Moog emulators, great bass/lead presets, nice feel)
    Spectrasonics (High quality sound, uses samples so they're heavy on system resources)
    +z3ta (Great for new-ish sounding leads/pads/arps)
    EVE 2 (I would have used this a ton back when I was making hip-hop, great stab sounds/organs etc...all layered and phat sounding)
    M-Tron (Mellotron emulator, uses samples from the original tape loops, fun to use)

  • Right on, thanks y'all. I'm unfamiliar with a lot of those, so I'll definitely check them out.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    i ride for:
    sculpture in logic sounds pretty good and has a lot of potential but i'm too lazy to learn it
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