two shallow-house record i.d. requests

Hi. I was going through some boxes the other day and came across two unmarked house records I have and cannot identify. I hate shit like that, so I am appealing to you, the soulstrut knowledge base.The first one is on Nervous, and the label is just the generic Nervous yellow jernt with all their Bosko-knockoff mascot variations in a circle, with a blank white rectangle in the middle. The music sounds like decent (if typical) NYC/MAW stuff, and is based around ye olde chopped "gun!" sample from "It's Just Begun." There's, like, three mixes, maybe four--a long one, a shorter one, an ambient type one with no drums, and maybe one that sounds like it would have an embarassing subtitle including the word "jazz" (you know--"T's Jazz Phat Mix" or some shit).The second one is on red-and-yellow transparent vinyl very reminiscent of those dope two-tone Charms Sweet N' Sour Pops. The labels are gold with red spirals with "A" and "B." It came in a clear plastic sleeve marked only by a round gold sticker with a black chicken on it. Not DJ Harvey/Black Cock cartoon steez, though--it's a full-body silhouette of a chicken like you might see on some bootleg Le Coq Sportif or perhaps on the packaging of some slightly above-average bouillon cubes. The music on the b-side is a really bright-sounding house thing with rolling bass and some beguiling fake flute; there are some noncommittal sub-diva vocals in the last couple minutes talmbout "I will fly/cry/die with you," but the majority of the very long track rides on what I'm pretty sure is a sample of your girl Tweet saying "hypnotized" (from that "Oops [Oh My]" shit that you will pretend to have forgotten all about until just now). The a-side is a chillier, less interesting version of same.This probably isn???t the best place to be asking this, but I???m pretty D.G.A., word to Craig Castleman. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me out.
Can anyone recommend a housier site/forum where I might could ask someone about that chicken jernt?