Buena Park Rec Show



  • al b. sure - 1st lp
    tony toni tone - the revival lp
    pebbles - always lp

    As Josh would say, "SCORE!"

    you like how josh/justin did the synchronized neckroll to fingersnap combo [HAAAAAAY!] to that pebbles LP?

  • asprinasprin 1,765 Posts
    YESSS!!! There were twinkles in both thier eyes. Something special in that LP.

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    YESSS!!! There were twinkles in both thier eyes. Something special in that LP.

    oh no you DI'int

  • did that karaoke thing with shig while i was down there. this cat is outta control... theres brian, the mild mannered laid back tape recording scrub and shig the out of control, life of the party, karaoke king! both are fun to hang out with but make sure there is a nice amount of makers mark at the karaoke session... visiting LA... do karaoke... jeff and other farting dude were a good addition i believe.

    shig and justin have the fastest tounges (no ayo) on soulstrut. do not test. but if you want a sample ask for a little mmmm-bop.

    having never been to ding-a-ling-dong (karaoke booth owner: "ayo?" me: "no thanks.") before nor done the karaoke thing before. i was a little disapointed to find out you could smoke in the room but all that was being smoked were a couple of fags (shig you could learn from me here; i believe this is still a pc usage of the word fag but i'll wait for the decision from the field-judge (no beef)). next time its salad for everyone!

    another mental note. next time remember to bring a larger flask. karaoke requires large amounts of alcohol intake. flask was drank quickstyle.

    t**** i was bummed you and b****e weren't there. we could have got our practice on for the up-comming dukes show / karaoke battle. in-case you were wondering... farting dude = hot dog on a beer bottle (hold the ayo plaese) dude; and i'd have to agree a good addition to any party.

    anyway, i got some good records and had some good laughs... ill see you in september... possibly.

    good to meet you man. don't let shig get you down on that 2 note biz. maneater was supposed to be sung in Csharp, dude definitely was in Cflat for the whole song. cant wait for next time. i already started compiling my song list. too hard to come up with songs off the top of my head like that. as soon as i got home i started thinking of all these perfect karaoke songs.

    hopefully next time i get a chance to peep your records and give you some money too.

    shig how was that other thing i slept on saturday?

  • BelsonBelson 880 Posts
    more commentarry please

    I'm stoned, chillin on my balcony looking up at the night rocking that Michael Orr


    Top scoop. Fine LP, IMO and reached close to $200 on the big screen recently. 'This is a message' is proper, probably better than 'Spread love' re-take.

  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts
    tate! cuz i was asking to see if you were going to strike through for a meal or something cause i wanted you to run these crates cause i owe you mang... freal! ill probably be down in september for the next show... we'll link then...

    well at least i know who spaceghost is now... youre off the chain killer... and your boy... who should rock a punk karaoke machine with that voice... were doing damage. i was smoking herb outside in front of the oriental eating spots downstairs... id rather of smoked that shit inside... and yes more liquor was necessary... though that spot was dope! was that expensive?

    anyway... im off to get cds made, pay for my storage, pay off my toof, and get something to eat... later kids.

    play nice...

    ...and yes, i cant sing for shit but i tried.

  • asprinasprin 1,765 Posts
    Justin, if the printers have any issues with the CD cover design, have them give me a call...


  • justin, you only need 2 notes. still rocked it.

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