I Hatt DJs..Da Rant

batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
edited March 2009 in Strut Central
1. Flakey2. Egotastic3. Terrible taste in other DJs4. Lack of history in their own culture5. Don't own needles - the main tool of their "trade"6. Grosse misperceptions on what their trade really entails7. Some of the most terrible work ethic around.8. Don't know how to hold a crate9. Don't have stage presence10.Suck11.Can't DRESS12.Did I mention flakey?13.Never give credit to EBAY14.Unintelligent15.Stupid16.Substance > Style17.Lack of substance18.Creatively stunting19.Drastically overhyped20.Their own biggest cheerleaders21.The opposite of humble22.The definition of ignorant23.Unmotivated24.Unstable25.Broke as F*ck26.Lack responsibility27.Never help carry cocaine after a show28.Self-Concerned29.Misunderstand the proper use of slanguage30.Terrible grammar31.Terrable Speling32.DON'T UNDERSTAND THAT A SIMILE AND METAPHOR ARE TWO DIFFERENT THINGS33.Always love terrible MC's34.Think making a beat is an easy thing(see that souljah kid)35.Cockblockers - In every sense, not just chicks 36.Can't freestyle37.Can't battle38.Think they can freestyle39.Think they can battle40.Huge wack expectations41.Have one goal, get signed42.Don't understand how the music business works43.Have annoying songs on their SS


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