NY senator Ackerman sonns the SEC on Madoff!

DeegreezDeegreez 804 Posts
edited February 2009 in Strut Central


  • ha

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts

    I never like when the politicians wont let the person speak.
    I actually heard a congresscritter tell someone not to answer the question because the congresscritter didn't want his time on the mic cut short.

    But the SEC deserves the public humiliation and lots more.

  • I agree that it was more theatre than substance.

    I also agree that they deserve this, and really, as an agency, they should be BLOWNTHEFUCKUP and rebuilt. That is CUH-LEAR.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    I agree that it was more theatre than substance.

    I also agree that they deserve this, and really, as an agency, they should be BLOWNTHEFUCKUP and rebuilt. That is CUH-LEAR.

    In his Inauguration speech Obama said that programs that don't work will be eliminated. No politician has ever been able to do this.

    The SEC Should be scrapped.
    It should be replaced with a Securities oversight board that will enforce the law.

    What usually happens when a new department comes in to do the old departments work is that the old department continues to exist with less funding and the new more funding.
    Sometimes the old one will be revived and funding cut for the new one.
    The 2 will battle it out for supremacy.

    We used to have one overseas spy agencies. Every time the CIA fusksup we get a new one.
    Now there are more than 7.

    I would love to see Obama eliminate programs, departments and offices that are just not working any more. I doubt it will happen.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts

    I never like when the politicians wont let the person speak.
    I actually heard a congresscritter tell someone not to answer the question because the congresscritter didn't want his time on the mic cut short.

    But the SEC deserves the public humiliation and lots more.

    They need to get this every day for a week or more, all aired out on CSPAN, with NO opportunity to retort. They fucked up the money big time, and this is the least that should happen to them. I think sometimes that being completely rendered impotent in front of God and everybody is the only thing these types fear. They certainly fear no investigative or other government bodies, as they themselves clearly feel they ARE the law.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts

    "I saw a man in Municipal Court today in handcuffs arrested because he had not paid a ticket he recieved for riding the train without the $1.90 ticket. He explained he could not pay for the ticket because he cannot find work. Has Madoff ever been in handcuffs?"

  • hemolhemol 2,578 Posts
    HA! That lady is like f*ckin balloon getting the air let out of it a little bit at a time.

    "Why the F*ck couldn't you do your job?"

    "Toooot toot toooot toot."

    "Don't give yourself a pat on the back after the guy turned himself in!"

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