Valentine's Day - Yah Or Nay???

My ladyfriend doesnt wanna go out and see goofy folks w/ balloons and shit.But i did propose we go see a BAD romantic comedy.My choice was Confessions of a Shopaholic. She's chose He's Not That Into You.Whatever...Ill bring the flask filled w/ scotch.I work on Sat. So i wont be able to get my game on w/ an elaborate dinner.Do ya'll deal w/ restaurants and the whole nine on V-Day?
To add onto the initial question: What ya'll drinkin on V-day night?
i refuse to go to restaurants that triple menu prices as a valentines gift
Hell no, high prices rushed service and food. We agreed last year would wouldn't do that again. My wife and I are planning a nice meal at home, and looking forward to spending the day together.
Good move. Me and the wife were wracking (racking?) our brains trying to work something out for any day besides Saturday. The other wack thing with restaurants is that they do the whole four-course fixed price shit. So it's either $75 per person or walk away, son.
My birthday is 10 days after V-day, and since money is not exactly flowing like water right now, we said fusk it and we'll just do some grown and sexy restaurant shiznit the next weekend.
Have you ever had a giordano's heart shaped pizza?
F*ck Valentine's day.
that girl who plays the lead (Sasha Baron Cohen's lady I believe) is unbelievably cute...wonder if there are any underwear scenes with her in that movie....then again my biggest crush is Jennifer Goodwin and she is in "Not that into you"..choices choices..I know i am going to be dragged to one of those two sooner or win!
ahhhh...Valentines Day
Isla Fisher. I believe they got married last year. She is gorgeous, indeed. I haven't seen her in any movies but I imagine one has to be extremely funny and cool if one is married to SBC. If I was granted one of those "Women I'm allowed to cheat with if given the chance" lists by my wife, she might have to be on it.
Christina Hendricks would be high on that list as well. I've developed a thing for redheads recently, it seems.
Love a redhead anyday.
We are going to get massages and then go have Korean bbq and Shoju green, come home and do what we best be doin all week long every week of the year
I was just talking to my pops about this at lunch and we both agreed " this is really some schitt for chicks."
Hallmark needs to make a holiday for guys; I mean the closest thing we have is 4th of july since there's always bbq-ing going on and we get to blow shit up.
She was in Wedding Crashers as the psycho chick Vince Vaughn gets with.
Fu[/b]ck this fake-ass holiday.
NOT YET!! My boy has never been here for v day, and this year i think he'll miss it by a week or so!!
Def not phased with the whole v day thing tho, its not my bag, but that's not to so i don't appreciate the fed ex'ed gift and card!!
Best valentines was spent at one of my best friends wedding last year!!
having learned that way, i suggest be BRAVE and do YOUR BEST, make sure you get an A for EFFORT, and GO FOR IT!!!!!!!
Yeah, I knew she was in it, I just never saw the movie. I don't think I'm f*cking with Shopaholic either. Hopefully she'll be in a movie I want to see one of these days.
My girl and I did this too. We talked about it, we don't really need to anything big either. She might even drive my ass and buy me records at a record fair a couple hours away this Sunday. But, she said she still wants a nice present haha
This is going to be and aweome weekend for me, hope it's the same for you to.
Oh, and I don't normally do ANYTHING Valentine's Day related, since the only association I've had with it growing up was that it was american, capitalistic, imported and EVIL. I have since learned to appreciate the romantic nature of it, while not necessarily buying any of the useless garbage the shops start pushing a month in advance.