Pony Tails for dudes are they ever not-NAGL

the_dLthe_dL 1,531 Posts
edited February 2009 in Strut Central
Opinions?I am a huge of the ponytail on a girl, but with the exception of a very few i find them cringe worthy on dudes for some reason.


  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts

    Joe Biden Shows Up To Inauguration With Ponytail. (via The Onion)

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,938 Posts
    Necessary for rebel gravitas on late-night z-list cop shows (Tropical Heat, Renegade etc.)

  • stop worrying about dudes so much

  • A good friend of mine is intentionally growing his hair out to reach pony tail length. I rarely see him anymore so I didn't have the heart to tell him it's gonna look like shit.

  • catalistcatalist 1,373 Posts
    A good friend of mine is intentionally growing his hair out to reach pony tail length. I rarely see him anymore so I didn't have the heart to tell him it's gonna look like shit.

    Damn! I didn't realize people aspire to have a ponytail.. I thought it was some shit that just eventually happened (due to the nature of human hair growing longer and longer) and they were like : "F*ck it, that's how I roll from now on".

    Once you have a ponytail, you've made a firm decision and changing it up might not be an easy thing to do.

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    did somebody ghost bumped this thread from 1989 or what?

    ponytails in 2009 = creepy

  • what about i i rock a bun?

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts
    what about i i rock a bun?

    That's cool, but only if you pull the pin out and shake your hair out and take off your glasses all sexy librarian style.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    I have a 3 foot+ ponytail.......I'm not trying to impress the ladies or hipsters.....it does serve a purpose though....if you are the type of person to judge me by the length of my hair you're not someone I want to associate with so it helps me weed out the JLR's of the world out of my life.

    One of the best compliments I ever received was from a guy at a trade show who said "Damn, you must do a good job for your company if they let you look like THAT!"

  • catalistcatalist 1,373 Posts
    I have a 3 foot+ ponytail.......

    Does it tickle your leg when you wear shorts? That is serious! Anyone who is able to maintain a mane of that length deserves props. (or should that be 'manetain')?

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts
    I have a 3 foot+ ponytail.......I'm not trying to impress the ladies or hipsters.....it does serve a purpose though....if you are the type of person to judge me by the length of my hair you're not someone I want to associate with so it helps me weed out the JLR's of the world out of my life.

    One of the best compliments I ever received was from a guy at a trade show who said "Damn, you must do a good job for your company if they let you look like THAT!"

    I think there's a difference between long hair that's currently pulled back and a "ponytail." I had hair past my shoulders in college and I would often pull it back (graduation ceremony-related)

    However, if long hair is greased often and perpetually pulled back and maintained in order to convey some sort of imagined Lorenzo Lamas/Steven Seagal-typed bad-assery, then that's a "ponytail" and is NAGL.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    However, if long hair is greased often and perpetually pulled back and maintained in order to convey some sort of imagined Lorenzo Lamas/Steven Seagal-typed bad-assery, then that's a "ponytail" and is NAGL.

    I'm pretty sure Rock maintains a steady level of bad-assery with or without the ponytail.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    However, if long hair is greased often and perpetually pulled back and maintained in order to convey some sort of imagined Lorenzo Lamas/Steven Seagal-typed bad-assery, then that's a "ponytail" and is NAGL.

    I'm pretty sure Rock maintains a steady level of bad-assery with or without the ponytail.

    Only in real life.....on the Internet little punk ass bitches like the one Young Phonics gets to call me Gramps and live to tell about it.

    And no....my hair is not gray.....pure blonde.

  • I have a 3 foot+ ponytail.......I'm not trying to impress the ladies or hipsters.....it does serve a purpose though....if you are the type of person to judge me by the length of my hair you're not someone I want to associate with so it helps me weed out the JLR's of the world out of my life.

    One of the best compliments I ever received was from a guy at a trade show who said "Damn, you must do a good job for your company if they let you look like THAT!"

    I think there's a difference between long hair that's currently pulled back and a "ponytail." I had hair past my shoulders in college and I would often pull it back (graduation ceremony-related)

    However, if long hair is greased often and perpetually pulled back and maintained in order to convey some sort of imagined Lorenzo Lamas/Steven Seagal-typed bad-assery, then that's a "ponytail" and is NAGL.

    There ought to be a separate name for the slicked-back, Miami Vice druglord look, like phauxny-tail[/b] or some such...

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts
    However, if long hair is greased often and perpetually pulled back and maintained in order to convey some sort of imagined Lorenzo Lamas/Steven Seagal-typed bad-assery, then that's a "ponytail" and is NAGL.

    I'm pretty sure Rock maintains a steady level of bad-assery with or without the ponytail.

    Of course he does. I have not met the man but by all indications his badassedness is far from imaginary.

    I'm talking about lame guys who think their slicked-back, not-all-that-long ponytail makes them look edgy and exciting.

    Rock is definitely in the "long-ass hair that happens to be pulled back right now because I'm working on shit" category. That shit is ok with me.

  • Opinions?
    I am a huge of the ponytail on a girl, but with the exception of a very few i find them cringe worthy on dudes for some reason.


  • jamesjames chicago 1,863 Posts
    the "long-ass hair that happens to be pulled back right now because I'm working on shit" category.

    Doesn't this presume knowledge of what exactly the wearer's working on, though? This is kinda like my parents' judging shitty drivers based on their license plates: "Oh, South Carolina plates...it figures." "But Mom, we have South Carolina plates." "Yeah, but we're not from here."

    In a side note: if you've got yard-long hair, and if the shit that you're working on happens to be an actual shit, I have to imagine that pulling your hair forward would be the better move.

    In closing, I feel the final word on the subject lies in a scene from a really shitty movie I saw a while back called Rush: Rock's fellow pure-blond-ponytail enthusiast Gregg Allman, playing a suburban Texas (oh shit!) drug dealer, says to the undercover dick played by Jason Patric, "So, I hear you're supposed to be some kind of badass." The no-ponytail-having Patric responds, "There ain't no badasses."

    The answer is in there somwhere.

  • Options
    This is kinda like my parents' judging shitty drivers based on their license plates: "Oh, South Carolina plates...it figures."

    I'm guilty of this behavior, with New Jersey being the prime target. Other times I spit venom at any out-of-state plate that dares cut me off in NY, as though you have to respect the locals right to our own roads while your here. Doesn't bother me one bit as I'm comfortable with who I am, but it contributes heavily to my poor girlfriend's already elevated stress levels. She banned me from driving her car last week when I blamed the navigation system for making me miss an exit, calling it "f*cking thing is so stupid, why can't we just use maps". I'm Columbus in a Google Earth world, but I don't have a ponytail.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Rock's fellow pure-blond-ponytail enthusiast Gregg Allman, playing a suburban Texas (oh shit!) drug dealer,

    About 15 years ago I was at Midway Airport in Chicago waiting for a flight in the restaurant. I was there with two co-workers and had on a suit and tie with my hair down. Across the room were two fine looking young ladies that were either dancers, porn stars or hookers....my co-worker said they were looking over and pointing at us. A little while late the waiter comes over to me and says "Those two young ladies would like your autograph"...my co-workers busted out laughing and asked..."Who do they think he is"?? "Aren't you Gregg Allman" he said.

    If I was alone I might have tried to take advantage but I just told the waiter "He's 10 years older than me, tell them I'm very insulted".

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts

    Doesn't this presume knowledge of what exactly the wearer's working on, though?

    It's whatever a badass happens to be working on that day that would go better if the hair was temporarily out of the way.

    if he's working on looking more like a badass, however, then perhaps wearing the hair down is the better choice.

  • jamesjames chicago 1,863 Posts
    Rock's fellow pure-blond-ponytail enthusiast Gregg Allman, playing a suburban Texas (oh shit!) drug dealer,

    About 15 years ago I was at Midway Airport in Chicago waiting for a flight in the restaurant. I was there with two co-workers and had on a suit and tie with my hair down. Across the room were two fine looking young ladies that were either dancers, porn stars or hookers....my co-worker said they were looking over and pointing at us. A little while late the waiter comes over to me and says "Those two young ladies would like your autograph"...my co-workers busted out laughing and asked..."Who do they think he is"?? "Aren't you Gregg Allman" he said.

    If I was alone I might have tried to take advantage but I just told the waiter "He's 10 years older than me, tell them I'm very insulted".

    Wow. You should have flipped them a silver dollar and rambled.

    I had a dude at the Falcon Inn hit on me by asking if anybody had ever told me that I resembled a young C. Everett Koop.

    Your story is better, though. By a lot.

  • Any time my dad sees C. Everett Koop on TV, he says, "A beard with no mustache--that's like lookin' at the world through a toilet seat."

    And I love Rock's Gregg Allman story. The first time I ever went to New York, I saw Lou Rawls in the airport. He was wearing a suit with a sweet little treble clef lapel pin and he had his whole band with him, all their instruments in tow. So I went up to the guitarist and said, "Hey...is that Lou Rawls?"

    He looked at me funny, then turned to the bassist and said something in Kiswahili. Verdict: not Lou Rawls.

    Sorry that my post contains nothing ponytail-related.

  • my boy used to have one back in the day.....way b4 i knew him! Not really into them per se but if he was rockin it today i'd still blap!haha!

    Also- Westly in The Princess Bride certainly pulls one off!!

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    I rock one, but I also have an afro, and I'm argentinan. I think I got a pass.

    - spidey

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts

    I had a dude at the Falcon Inn hit on me by asking if anybody had ever told me that I resembled a young C. Everett Koop.

    Your story is better, though. By a lot.

    It's hard to top Rock's story, but James' is fascinating in its own right.

    A young C. Everett Koop? That's one of the illest pickup lines I've heard, gay or straight.

    So dude knows what Koop looked like as a young gent and found him attractive it that age? Or does he just have a thing for powerful men?

    I'll have to bust that out at the club. "Has anyone told you you look like a young Clara Barton? It's uncanny."

  • m_dejeanm_dejean Quadratisch. Praktisch. Gut. 2,946 Posts
    I've got no gripes with ponytails as long as they are not part of a douchy look (i.e. the Miami Vice drug lord type). I say more power to guys with long hair in all styles, from samurai to biker dude. Just adds some variety and non-conformity in general. It would be boring if everybody rocked the eternal 3mm trim like myself.

    I do however have a problem with the baby-boomer-in-denial look. You know, bald/receding on top and ponytail in the back. Like Alan Rachins' hippie dad character on "Dharma & Greg".

  • jamesjames chicago 1,863 Posts
    A young C. Everett Koop? That's one of the illest pickup lines I've heard, gay or straight.

    So dude knows what Koop looked like as a young gent and found him attractive it that age? Or does he just have a thing for powerful men?

    Wait for it:

    I let him off with a warning.

  • thropethrope 750 Posts
    damn, am i the only one that thinks "Rush" is dope? an underrated early 90's "drug flick". im a big jason patric fan though....

    that early shot that starts in the safe and moves around the bar is

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    lol, rockadelic has a ponytail

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    a real man wears pigtails and when people laugh he kills them with his bare hands until people don't laugh at dudes with ppigtails anymore.

    see also: takes up the banjo as a hobby.
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