Job cuts: its hard out there



  • kuriokurio 13 Posts
    This morning I joined the culled masses. I've got my fingers crossed that freelance translating jobs will allow me to keep my head above water for the foreseeable future, but I don't see the tide turning any time soon. It's a cold...cold world.

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    waiting tables might not even be an option, the hospitality industry has been hit HARD. Expense accounts tightening = no guests in the dining room.

    When a 3 star michelin restaurant in NYC offers a $28 lunch special, you know the economy is hurting.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    No matter how bad it gets, don't any of you ever think of doing this.

    A man shot and killed his wife and five young children before taking his own life Tuesday, apparently out of despair after the couple lost their jobs at a hospital, the police and city officials said.

    Ervin Lupoe had telephoned and sent a fax to KABC-TV that indicated ???he was despondent over a job situation and he saw no reasonable way out,??? said Lt. John Romero, a police spokesman.

    The two-page, typewritten letter made clear he was going to kill his family and himself. The station quickly called 911 to report the letter and then posted it on the station Web site after the bodies were discovered.

    The letter said Mr. Lupoe and his wife had worked as medical technicians at a Kaiser Permanente hospital in West Los Angeles, but recently lost their jobs after a dispute with an administrator.

    The administrator, it said, had asked them on an unspecified day why they had come to work, and then added, ???You should have blown your brains out.???

    Two days after the confrontation, the letter said, the Lupoes lost their jobs and began planning their deaths and those of their children.

    ???Why leave the children to a stranger???? Mr. Lupoe said his wife had asked. ???So, here we are,??? he wrote.[/b]

    Redacted letter send to KABC

    Some seriously sad shit.

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,848 Posts
    waiting tables might not even be an option, the hospitality industry has been hit HARD. Expense accounts tightening = no guests in the dining room.

    When a 3 star michelin restaurant in NYC offers a $28 lunch special, you know the economy is hurting.

    Do tell? Which one?

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    No matter how bad it gets, don't any of you ever think of doing this.

    A man shot and killed his wife and five young children before taking his own life Tuesday, apparently out of despair after the couple lost their jobs at a hospital, the police and city officials said.

    Ervin Lupoe had telephoned and sent a fax to KABC-TV that indicated ???he was despondent over a job situation and he saw no reasonable way out,??? said Lt. John Romero, a police spokesman.

    The two-page, typewritten letter made clear he was going to kill his family and himself. The station quickly called 911 to report the letter and then posted it on the station Web site after the bodies were discovered.

    The letter said Mr. Lupoe and his wife had worked as medical technicians at a Kaiser Permanente hospital in West Los Angeles, but recently lost their jobs after a dispute with an administrator.

    The administrator, it said, had asked them on an unspecified day why they had come to work, and then added, ???You should have blown your brains out.???

    Two days after the confrontation, the letter said, the Lupoes lost their jobs and began planning their deaths and those of their children.

    ???Why leave the children to a stranger???? Mr. Lupoe said his wife had asked. ???So, here we are,??? he wrote.[/b]

    Redacted letter send to KABC

    Some seriously sad shit.

    What is sad is how people identify themselves COMPLETELY with a job or station in life, to the point where they will deny their kid's a life based on their myopic, ignorant viewpoint. So you both lost your jobs, and likely can't hole up in a nice house anymore, so you off yourselves AND THEM? This is seriously outrageously SHAMEFUL shit. You gotta live on public assistance, that's what you gotta do to keep those kids alive and healthy, you do that. You gotta leave them with relatives because you can't get your shit together? Then you do that to keep them healthy and alive.

    "So here we are". Goddamn, if everyone in this country sees it this way we might as well turn over the keys now to whoever wants this place because we aren't worth 2 shits. THEY JUST LOST THEIR JOBS, they didn't even TRY to see around the corner. Just unbelievable that someone would do something like this.

    You can't live with shit, your life is yours to take, not much people can do to stop you. But who the hell are you to take that from your children?? Ridiculous.
    And while that administrator may be a cold bastard for allegedly telling someone to 'blow their brains out', he or she can not be blamed for this outrage in any way, IMO. This all lies with the cruel bitch who pulled the trigger.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,110 Posts

    What is sad is how people identify themselves COMPLETELY with a job or station in life, to the point where they will deny their kid's a life based on their myopic, ignorant viewpoint. So you both lost your jobs, and likely can't hole up in a nice house anymore, so you off yourselves AND THEM? This is seriously outrageously SHAMEFUL shit. You gotta live on public assistance, that's what you gotta do to keep those kids alive and healthy, you do that. You gotta leave them with relatives because you can't get your shit together? Then you do that to keep them healthy and alive.

    "So here we are". Goddamn, if everyone in this country sees it this way we might as well turn over the keys now to whoever wants this place because we aren't worth 2 shits. THEY JUST LOST THEIR JOBS, they didn't even TRY to see around the corner. Just unbelievable that someone would do something like this.

    You can't live with shit, your life is yours to take, not much people can do to stop you. But who the hell are you to take that from your children?? Ridiculous.
    And while that administrator may be a cold bastard for allegedly telling someone to 'blow their brains out', he or she can not be blamed for this outrage in any way, IMO. This all lies with the cruel bitch who pulled the trigger.

    Nail on the head. It's like what what said above with people getting way too comfortable with their affluent, middle class lifestyle. God forbid if we have to live like them temporarily! Thankfully, I have never been in a poverty situation, but have been raised to be prepared to live on only the bare necessities and derive pleasure from things that don't cost any money. Not to sound snobby, but it's a shame that everyone hasn't been raised this way as well. I never understood that "take everyone out with you" mentality, either. A similar incident happened near where I live (aside from the other incident around Christmas where the guy shot a dozen people and aside from the elderly man in a similar situation who set all those homes ablaze a little before). You'd think someone fed up with their own life would just be content carrying out their weak decision peacefully. But, no...these idiots have a make a statement. Going out quietly in the bathtub just isn't loud and theatrical enough! Rest in piss to the shooter.
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