right wing radio



  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    I think it was mike savage that said the white man was under attack in america.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    What point is trying to be made here??

    The right has more loons than the left??

    The loons on the right are worse than the loons on the left??

    The loons on the right are dangerous and the ones on the left are not??

    My point is that they come with outrageous bullshit from both sides and deriding one without recognizing the other is some glass house shit.

    Obama is president, that oughta tell you the REAL story with no need to continue to point out the idiocracy of those, in the minority, who oppose him.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    No...my comparison is Limbaugh and the likes of Bill Maher and the people who follow either one with any degree of seriousness.

    Good point: no one should be listening to any of these fools. But I still think it's a flaw of the right wing that they've got such big, important media players acting with so little integrity.

    Rush Limbaugh is like Howard Stern.

    The folks who love him listen 3 hours a day to see what outrageous stuff he's gonna say.

    The folks who hate him listen 4 hours a day for the same reason.

    That's why he has such big numbers.

    If that wasn't true, Obama would have lost by the sheer numbers these audiences represent.

  • just for the record, it was the ben ferguson show...its a local show, but he does get some big time TV exposure from time to time...

    and the point rock? Well the first post states my original point...I love the fact that bat shit crazy people are grasping at straws and saying insane shit because they cannot believe their worldview is not stautus quo anymore...it was you and sabadoodoo that started throwing around what the left had to say in the past and how is that any different...you asked the questions and now are refuting the answers...

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    As time goes on, I'm remembering more and more lefty loonies. Jim Hightower, anyone? I'd believe it if someone told me he was talking about Bush and martial law. And he might not even mean it as hyperbole.

    But who listens to that dude anyways? I still think the big players on the left have more integrity.

    I do. I find his information to be generally accurate and informative.

    Balanced? Hell no!

    Filled with hyperbole, sure.

    But mostly accurate and informative.

    I don't think you will find any talk of marshal law or the legitimacy of Palin's children's children.

    Like you say, I may be a large percentage of his readership.

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    right wing radio dudes always sound self righteous and angry, left wing radio people always sound like whiney douchebags, like they all the same voice as the hippy teacher from beavis and butthead.

  • mrmatthewmrmatthew 1,575 Posts
    "Rush Limbaugh is like Howard Stern."

    People often forget that he is just provacateur.
    Same basic knuckleheads love everything he does/says just like the Howard Stern knuckleheads.

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    No I think a lot, and I mean A LOT of people beleive what Rush Limbaugh says.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    I only know dude's 1-minute "Hightower Radio" radio spots, not his writing. Those things are beyond the pale...and since the spots are so short, it doesn't manage to come off as hyperbole...but that may be because I don't know his writing.

    He has a 4 page newsletter I get every other week that is full of factual articles on who supports the bailout, who is getting the money, what they are doing with it, that kind of stuff. He is always doing stuff like posting the salaries of top ceos and the wealth of senators of both parties. He is most concerned with agricultural issues and banking/corporate corruption, and government corruption, but also covers US foreign policy, civil liberties and other headlines. He is no fan of Obama.

    I've never heard the radio spots, but sometimes the left week conspiracy host on the local community radio interviews him (and other even more mainstream liberals). I love her show because ever week she does the astrology forcast "Jupitar is in the house of mars which will mean gridlock in congress. As saturns moons complete their 500 year cycle this week can expect to see more violence in ..."

  • No I think a lot, and I mean A LOT of people beleive what Rush Limbaugh says.

    Including Rush Limbaugh...

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    What point is trying to be made here??

    The right has more loons than the left??

    The loons on the right are worse than the loons on the left??

    The loons on the right are dangerous and the ones on the left are not??

    My point is that they come with outrageous bullshit from both sides and deriding one without recognizing the other is some glass house shit.

    Obama is president, that oughta tell you the REAL story with no need to continue to point out the idiocracy of those, in the minority, who oppose him.

    I'm sure your right. And you listen to these guys all the time, so it doesn't surprise you.

    I think the reason Hook Up* started this thread, and the reason I started the offensive jokes thread, is that we tend not to listen to or associate with these people most of the time.

    Thus when we hear it, it's shocking for us.

    *Edit: Hook Up has stated his reason.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    right wing radio dudes always sound self righteous and angry, left wing radio people always sound like whiney douchebags, like they all the same voice as the hippy teacher from beavis and butthead.
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