HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
edited January 2009 in Strut Central
Question: Why weren't y'all already getting to work? Seriously, the whole shit is so patronizing. Yeah, we the people are going to have to get used to living with less. Why? Because our rogue government spent all of that money against our will on pointless wars and criminal bail-outs?


  • z_illaz_illa 867 Posts
    dudes get 3 trillion took from them and act like you're the funny one.

  • PATXPATX 2,820 Posts
    dudes get 3 trillion took from them and act like you're the funny one.

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
    Bailout: 700 Billion
    War cost: 600+ Billion and counting
    Is this accurate? Harv's post just got me googling Iraq war cost, and that's what I got.

    Does that $600 billion includes the bails of cash that have disappeared in Iraq?

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    Question: Why weren't y'all already getting to work?

    Seriously, the whole shit is so patronizing. Yeah, we the people are going to have to get used to living with less. Why? Because our rogue government spent all of that money against our will on pointless wars and criminal bail-outs?

    Seriously, the whole shit is so patronizing.[/b]

    You would know, everything that comes out of your mouth is patronizing.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    Dude, if you think our economy wasn't in trouble a long time ago before the wars were a dream in Cheney's ballsac you are deluding yourself.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Dude, if you think our economy wasn't in trouble a long time ago before the wars were a dream in Cheney's ballsac you are deluding yourself.

    Sure, shipping your manufacturing base overseas is a sure-fire ticket to disaster...BUT what does that have to do with Obama cosigning the looting of the national treasury by his banker buddies?

    I mean, you're going to have to roll up your sleeves and figure out how you are going to bomb inpenetrable Afghani mountain hide-outs on your slave salary alone. Plus, there's a cfo out there that needs new diamond-studded cufflinks. Your first-born will have to figure out how to pay for that...by paving roads for minmum wage of course.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    Dude, if you think our economy wasn't in trouble a long time ago before the wars were a dream in Cheney's ballsac you are deluding yourself.

    Sure, shipping your manufacturing base overseas is a sure-fire ticket to disaster...BUT what does that have to do with Obama cosigning the looting of the national treasury by his banker buddies?

    I mean, you're going to have to roll up your sleeves and figure out how you are going to bomb inpenetrable Afghani mountain hide-outs on your slave salary alone. Plus, there's a cfo out there that needs new diamond-studded cufflinks. Your first-born will have to figure out how to pay for that...by paving roads for minmum wage of course.

    Harvey is the guy who stands around the scene of an accident commenting how people shouldn't be damaging the environment with cars in the first place, while people with actual blood in their veins rush to see how they can attend to people's injuries. Class act, very helpful in a crisis.

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts

    Harvey is the guy who stands around the scene of an accident commenting how people shouldn't be damaging the environment with cars in the first place, while people with actual blood in their veins rush to see how they can attend to people's injuries. Class act, very helpful in a crisis.

    Harvey is the guy that quietly does a lot for his community, puts his money where his mouth is and helps to build.

    You know, like what your new President is asking all you Americans to do.

    Harvey catches a lot of flack round here (hell, i have dished out my fair share) but shit like this is uncalled for.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,091 Posts
    Leap in to action, Harvey! Enough talk...time to plan your coup again the shapeshifting, telekinetic, hollow core dwelling, mole people power elite. Spreading the word on an esoteric record collectors' message board isn't enough to stop them!

  • rascmonrascmon 441 Posts
    teachin them lil duns to live off the grid on some "dont give them your government name"

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts

    Harvey is the guy who stands around the scene of an accident commenting how people shouldn't be damaging the environment with cars in the first place, while people with actual blood in their veins rush to see how they can attend to people's injuries. Class act, very helpful in a crisis.

    Harvey is the guy that quietly does a lot for his community, puts his money where his mouth is and helps to build.

    You know, like what your new President is asking all you Americans to do.

    Harvey catches a lot of flack round here (hell, i have dished out my fair share) but shit like this is uncalled for.

    I agree, but he got the Henny Penny thing on lock too.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Bailout: 700 Billion
    War cost: 600+ Billion and counting
    Is this accurate? Harv's post just got me googling Iraq war cost, and that's what I got.

    I should have checked your source, but I am lazy.

    I think 600 billion represents direct funding for the Iraq war.
    This is on top of the defense department budget.
    So the 600 billion does not cover the cost of most of the equipment, base salaries and other support infrastructure.

    600 billion does not begin to account for the trillions that will be spent dealing with the direct effects on the Iraq war. Treating long term injuries, including PTS.

    On top of that we have lost about 4,000 Americans. Teachers, nurses, fire fighters, clerks, architects, clergy.

    700 billion dollars for the financial bailout is also way low. Treasury and Federal Reserve have spent between 3-8 trillion last year on top of the authorized 700 billion.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts

    Harvey is the guy who stands around the scene of an accident commenting how people shouldn't be damaging the environment with cars in the first place, while people with actual blood in their veins rush to see how they can attend to people's injuries. Class act, very helpful in a crisis.

    Harvey is the guy that quietly does a lot for his community, puts his money where his mouth is and helps to build.

    You know, like what your new President is asking all you Americans to do.

    Harvey catches a lot of flack round here (hell, i have dished out my fair share) but shit like this is uncalled for.

    I agree, but he got the Henny Penny thing on lock too.

    That's what makes him so dynamic! He's a flawed hero in the finest classical tradition. I support both his community endeavors and his right to periodically blow my mind in threads like these.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts

    Harvey is the guy who stands around the scene of an accident commenting how people shouldn't be damaging the environment with cars in the first place, while people with actual blood in their veins rush to see how they can attend to people's injuries. Class act, very helpful in a crisis.

    Harvey is the guy that quietly does a lot for his community, puts his money where his mouth is and helps to build.

    You know, like what your new President is asking all you Americans to do.

    Harvey catches a lot of flack round here (hell, i have dished out my fair share) but shit like this is uncalled for.

    Thank you.

  • I respect the work Harvey does, and he DOES work... but, his condescending and patronizing attack here smacks of assshurtedness. Like, 'I told you to get to work, and NO ONE LISTENED! Now, this guy- and what has HE ever done- tells you to work and you listen???'

    Sometimes the message and the messenger are the real issue...

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    ... but, his condescending and patronizing attack here smacks of assshurtedness. Like, 'I told you to get to work, and NO ONE LISTENED! Now, this guy- and what has HE ever done- tells you to work and you listen???'

    Sometimes the message and the messenger are the real issue...

    Thank you.
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